
My Dad age 82 has had 2 strokes and seizures. He was hospitalized for over a month, was on a vent then had a trach and a peg. Then moved to a LTAC and now at a new to him skilled nursing facility. I got a call this AM that the night nurse said he was pulling on his trach tube last night. We sent him with a stuffed animal bunny to hold but clearly he needs more for his busy hands to stay occupied. Because of Covid they won't let me send in anything unless it is new and wrapped in original plastic from manufacturer. Any ideas of gadgets or items that I could order online for him that would keep his hands occupied?? I was thinking a squeeze stress ball or a nubby ball but Amazon doesn't indicate the packaging. Any help greatly appreciated!!!!
Stressed out daughter who is also caring for aging mother.

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I'm wondering what is his prognosis? Trachs are not comfortable; that's why sedation is often required. However skilled nursing facilities have to be careful of using sedation as it could be considered a chemical restraint. Is he alert? That needs to be considered too as busy blankets etc. may not be beneficial if he is not. Sounds like a stressful situation all around. Have you spoken with his doctor's? At risk of being the bad guy here, would your dad consider this a good quality of life? I'm so sorry but I feel that it is a question that warrants consideration.
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Is he getting meds to help with this. And why are they calling you. Nothing u can do about it. This is the problem, he probably cannot understand not to touch it. There are LTCs that won't take trach patients because of the care involved.

My daughter crocheted twiddle muffs with things like zippers, bells, squiggles, ribbons. Buttons with button holes. A person puts in their lap and it gives their hands something to do. You can get blankets too. Search "Twiddle blankets for Dementia".
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There are things called Fidgit Spinners that are used by people who are hyperactive. They are fantastic for keeping busy hands, and someone's attention, busy. You can buy them on Amazon. In fact, look up various devices that have been developed for hyperactive people. You'll find a lot of them.
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I think they are called "busy blankets", look them up on Amazon. They work for some patients
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Isthisrealyreal Apr 2020
Fidget blankets might be a term as well.
Ask the nurses if they can use silk tape or hypafix to secure the trach. Back in the day, we used to use restraints, but the Medical Community realized that they were more harmful than helpful overall. Over the long-term, this situation may not be sustainable.
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When my husband was on a ventilator earlier this year, he was kept sedated and his hands were restrained. The nurse explained to me that the tracheotomy was uncomfortable and that’s why he was trying to pull it out.
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While restraints are not permitted maybe one of the "weighted blankets" might keep his hands confined to under the covers. I got one of the blankets for Christmas and returned it. I could hardly move with the blanket on me.
Sedation, mild, might help as well.
It is also possible that he will try pulling the trach and the peg in his sleep so no "busy ball, fidget blanket" or other item will prevent that.
Logic would say if you ordered an item from Amazon and had it delivered to the facility that would be in "original packaging" I doubt they would have a problem with that.
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When my father was in that situation, he was on meds that affected his cognition.   I bought him some children's puzzles with large 2-3-4" sized pieces, and he could match some of them, but the meds prevented really clear thinking.

What did he do for a living?  Past time?   Anything that involved working with his hands?   Could he play dominos solely?   If he has something to occupy his hands, it might distract his discomfort, but I do understand that a trach can be uncomfortable.

Is there a speech pathologist, speech therapist, or PT help?   They might be in a good position to determine what he could or couldn't do to occupy his hands.

Also, what's his prognosis?   Is it anticipated that he'll be able to have the trach removed?    Or is this a long term prospect?

You do have my sympathy, and hope for a good resolution.  This was a very rough time for my father.  And it can't be easy for anyone.
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It's so hard when you can't be at the beside to reassure him, and hard to send anything into the facility. Try asking for extra trach tubing (not attached), that he could handle and fiddle with. Or a stack of washcloths that he could fold. And the activities department should have some activities such as the squishy balls or other activities that they can sanitize before letting him use.
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Rafaela Apr 2020
The extra trach tubing sounds like a really good idea!
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Best to ask his physician.
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