
My husband has lung cancer and it slow growing tumor. He is sleeping a lot lately. I try to let him watch his John Wayne movies but he is even falling asleep then. He does have home health care, and we applied for VA benefits. I pretty much let him eat whatever until we start his natural or holistic treatments. Anyone know anything about lung cancer and natural way of treating cancer. They say cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. He wants this. This is his choice.

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Fancicoffee, the only natural/holistic way I have heard is using the macrobiotics diet which is a diet of generally vegetarian and consists largely of whole grains, cereals, and cooked vegetables. Seaweed is a common vegetable in this diet [it's a required taste and smells like fish]. I knew a person who was on the diet because of cancer and she did quite well using the diet, but that was her case.... for someone else it might not work. The jury is still out as to how well this diet does work.

One has to be extremely strict using the macrobiotics diet.... no slipping in a Big Mac for lunch on the sly when no one is looking. Items for this diet can be found at the organic grocery stores, such as Whole Foods. There is no harm trying this diet, it might make you both feel better in the long run... but make sure you get protein from items such as kidney beans.

I can understand your husband wanting to try the natural/holistic treatment... that is his choice.... the traditional course of treatment with chemo, radiation, prescription meds can cause havoc on ones system, but it can also give one a better chance of a longer survival. You have to weigh the odds.
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Fancicoffee, my prayers are with you. Actually most chemotherapy has it's origins in poisonous plants. Tamoxifen came from Pacific Yew. Vincristine came from the Madagascar Periwinkle. You would need to consult with an expert in plant pharmaceuticals. The problem is there are a lot of people out there selling junk "cures". Go to and ask your MD about a clinical trial that may suit his needs.
Alkaline foods are foods that raise the the amount of oxygen that your blood takes in. The most alkalizing foods are RAW green leafy vegetables, non-sweet fruits and (wheat) grasses. Broccoli is a favorite choice. Remember, FRESH foods, not cooked or frozen are your most nutritional.
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I am reminded of Michael Landon. He tried every treatment he heard of. I'm sure he was on special diets. If you research him, maybe you will find what diet he was on. Oh, and Farrah Fawcett was too, I think. I wish I could help you with specifics, but I cannot.

I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.
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