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Developing dementia "overnight" doesn't sound typical, therefore I recommend you take her to get tested for a UTI, which in the elderly often has no other symptoms except confusion and behavior change. Elderly women get them often, even in spite of best lifestyle practices. It can be cleared up with antibiotics and she may return to her "old" self. I'm not certain if wearing adult protective undies makes them more susceptible, or if it's just changes in anatomy/body chemistry, diet, or a combo of all of it -- my MIL was geting one every other month. If your mom does have a UTI and gets treated, I would take her back after recovery and have a cognitive exam given to her so you know where she's at so you'll know how best to help her.
Helpful Answer (4)
Joelore1 Sep 2020
UTI is supposed be 4 to 5 days. The loss of memory I can work with but the chanting is very bad. The Dr, said she does have mini strokes due the heart having afib and the Aortic valve having calcification. they put her on antibiotics and blood thinner medicine. still no sign in helping her stop repeating the same word. It's been going on for 8 weeks. She is off the antibiotic and only on bayer aspirin.
"Overnight" is key here!
Dementia does not develop overnight.
Testing for UTI would be first thing as well as possibly a stroke.
Helpful Answer (4)
Joelore1 Sep 2020
UTI is supposed be 4 to 5 days. The loss of memory I can work with but the chanting is very bad.
Why are you assuming your mother developed dementia overnight and that's why she's asking for help? Perhaps she's had a stroke which affected her ability to express herself fully and that is why she's asking for help. The answer is .......... get her to the doctor or the ER immediately to get tested to see what is REALLY going on inside of her body! Dementia does NOT come on overnight, nor does a person normally repeat 'help me' all day long for no good reason! If I were you, I'd assume she's in need of help and I'd be getting her some!

Helpful Answer (4)
Joelore1 Sep 2020
Thank you for your reply. My mom has been to 3 different hospitals and 2 neurologist since march, My mom collapsed to the floor. The Dr, said she does have mini strokes due the heart having afib and the Aortic valve having calcification. they put her on antibiotics and blood thinner medicine. still no sign in helping her stop repeating the same word. It's been going on for 8 weeks. She is off the antibiotic and only on bayer aspirin. UTI was treated. I still have no answer from any source.
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My Mom suffered TGA ( transglobal amnesia) a week after hitting her head badly. One sign, is repeating the same thing over and over. Your Mom could be suffering from mini-strokes. I would call her Dr ASAP to have tests run. Dementia does not happen overnight. It starts out slowly were you really think its just age decline and progresses.
Helpful Answer (3)
Joelore1 Sep 2020
Hi Joann she collapsed to the floor. The Dr, said she does have mini strokes due the heart having afib and the Aortic valve having calcification. they put her on antibiotics and blood thinner medicine. still no sign in helping her stop repeating the same word. It's been going on for 8 weeks. She is off the antibiotic and only on bayer aspirin.
This would be a very unusual presentation of the onset of dementia.
What does your Mom's diagnosis say?
Has she been sent to a neuropsychiatric consult?
What tests have been done?
Was there any precursor here such as the administration of anesthesia for a procedure or anything else?
Does your mother live alone or with someone else?
I have to assume that a complete physical was done? There is no UTI? There is no evidence of a stroke of any kind? Has MRI or brain scanning been done?
Is there any history of psychiatric illness?
Your doctors are your best guide toward both diagnosis and prognosis. Further information would help here. Wishing you much good luck as you try to figure out the mystery of all this, and wish you a welcome to the Forum.
How old is your Mom?
Helpful Answer (2)
Joelore1 Sep 2020
Hi Avadeer. My mom collapsed to the floor. The Dr, said she does have mini strokes due the heart having afib and the Aortic valve having calcification. they put her on antibiotics and blood thinner medicine. still no sign in helping her stop repeating the same word. It's been going on for 8 weeks. She is off the antibiotic and only on bayer aspirin. UTI was treated
Joe, I just want to say that I am so sorry that your mom is going through this.

My grandmother was fine on Friday and full blown dementia on Monday from a series of strokes that left her a shell of her self. It was a long, confusing road. Just when you think you have it figured out it changes.

Prayers for all of you that this stage can be dealt with or is a short one.
Helpful Answer (2)

Is she on anti anxiety meds? They may help.

My mom attended a daycare and there was a woman in a wheelchair that also said "help me" constantly. My mom tried to comfort the woman often. One day mom wheeled that woman in her chair out of the building to the parking lot looking for the car, mom's car. Her intent was to drive the woman home. Upsetting that it happened. The person at the front desk was fired immediately. Yes, it was a safety concern for mom and the woman. But, one of the things you have to find amusing about dementia.
Helpful Answer (1)
Joelore1 Sep 2020
Good morning gladimherem, My mom is on  Quetiapine. I am just trying to stop the chanting it's been going on for over 8 weeks. Was there any help to the women you referring to?
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What does the doctor say about her repetitive speech?

I agree that anti anxiety meds may be the answer.
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So, the doctor put her on Seroquel (quetiapine is the generic) which is an antipsychotic.

Does the doctor know that it's not helping?

Check out this link:
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The same thing happened to my husband's friend. Basically, the same way you described. (overnight dementia)

He was acting fine this day and strange the next. I asked him "What's wrong."? His response was "I feel like I am going crazy." Then he started repeating over and over. "I'm in trouble now."

From there, he went full bloom. Had to move in with his sister and never was the same again.

It is the change in brain chemistry.
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