
My dad is 95, legally blind in a wheel chair and lives in assisted living. My mother had dementia and I helped take care of her at their home for years until her falling became a big problem, they moved into a facility. He was in assisted living and she full care, when she passed he moved in a house beside us, at that time he said he would get a Lifeline necklace and a housekeeper but he would not do it, so I hired a house keeper, checked on him several times a day and he did get Friendship Meals. Several years ago he said he could not see well enough to live alone so he moved into the same facility. I really tried to talk him out of it, thought we were doing fine but he insisted, he was walking with a walker at that time. He also always has a dog. Two months later it closed and by this time he was in a wheelchair so we found another facility that would take dogs. He has long term care insurance and it was very hard to get them to pay when he moved back, moved again and again! He did not like this place so we moved him again, we have moved him 8 times, trying to make him happy, several times just to a different room in the same facility. He has been mad ever since the first place closed, of course does not like this place either.

He has fallen 3 times since January and they have had to pick him up, he cannot see to run the microwave or adjust the thermostat! He will not ask them for help, I will go in and he will have the heat on and it will be 90 degrees outside! He gripes about everything from the food, the other people, the housekeeping, the administrator, etc. I just don’t comment. My sister is almost 80 and lives 2 hours away and is dealing with her husband’s health problems. My husband works 7 days a week but helps when he can, my son takes care of his two rental houses. He called him today (he just pushes a button on his phone and says who he wants to call cannot see to dial even with his magnifier). He wants him to move him to one of the rentals which is 10 miles away from us. I visit at least 5 times a week, drive in early every Sunday and bring him back here for church, take him to his appointments, take the dog 20 miles to the a veterinarian! He is pretty sharp but has been somewhat forgetful lately, has forgotten appointments when I get there and other little things. First the house would need a major remodel, ramps, shower, try to make it safe. I’ve been battling this for years, I am tired, not sure what to do? I know he would not be there long before he would realize he could not do it, afraid he would not hire help after he got there. I am afraid it would be really hard to get the insurance to start paying again and it would be dangerous for him! He does use his walker when I take him somewhere but I am always worried he will fall! He cannot have PT because he has two hip replacements that have worn out. Surgery is not an option and his bones will crack when he is just sitting so he is to walk as little as possible. He also has an aortic abdominal aneurysm they are watching. I hate that he is not happy and I do not know what to do, any advice would be appreciated! Sorry this is so long!

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You don't say if your Dad has any dementia. I think the one thing you must NOT do is a single thing to enable him to move back home. That means no stair rails, no NOTHING!
Given that stepping away I doubt that at 95 your Dad will be able to go home being for the most part incapable of self care.
Sometimes there is nothing you CAN do. You likely will not get guardianship even if you apply for it if your Dad is mentally capable. Step away would be my advice. Tell him that you will not assist in any way in enabling this, nor will you assist in getting him readjusted when he must return to care.
Good luck. If you did mention he has a dx of dementia, I missed it. If that is the case he needs guardianship at this point, whether by you or court appointed is up to you. It's a lot of work and trauma.
Helpful Answer (6)
worriedinCali Aug 2019
I agree with this wholwheartedly. Step away. It’s the best thing you can do for him. Don’t be an accomplish and help him, it will be disasterous and you will regret it!
Thank you for your reply. No he does not have dementia, getting a little forgetful, though but not bad. At this point he could not even get in the house there are stairs or the shower, it would have to have a new walk in shower instead of a tub combination. My son did tell him it would take long time to get it ready. Not only that but the last renters had bed bugs, just left, even the furniture, it has to be treated before anyone can even go in there. It is also in a really bad part of town and not even the town we live in! He wants to move often but he has never called my son. A year or so ago we visited with his doctor, he was no help, all he said was that it would be short lived and he would need assistance. I do have a call in for the nurse to call me, thought I could meet with him and explain about the insurance and his inability to even use a microwave, he will do anything the doctor tells him. Also, he handles his eye sight very well and acts like he can walk fine when he is there. When the doc tries to show him a lab report, he does say that he cannot see it, otherwise they seem to forget he is legally blind. I do not think the doctor realizes what he cannot do! This really puts my son in a bad position, he is a people pleaser, always tries to make everyone happy, he takes after his mother! My daughter just called, I think his memory is worse than I realized, I did not think she had been visiting but she said she had and was just there and she does not think he knows who she is, never calls her by name and says things that don’t make sense. He never tells me if someone has visited so maybe he does not remember. One time, I guess he thought she was her daughter, of course he cannot see but she could not convince him that she was his granddaughter. This is even harder than dealing with my mother’s dementia, she was always so sweet and appreciated everyone so much. Thank you for listening!
Helpful Answer (1)
AlvaDeer Aug 2019
As I said,I would have ZERO to do with this; would not even discuss it,and would get family members not to as well. I would encourage all to walk away as soon as this is mentioned. He wants to do this, and is OK to do it, fine, then. DO it. But do not, as Cali says, act as his accomplice in his own downfall, and tell him gently, flat out, that you will not.
sbgsteiff1, even if your Dad does move to a house, he won't like it there, either. The proof is you have moved your Dad eight times already. Seven times too many. How is he going to get use to a facility?

The fact that Dad is in Assisted Living already says loud and clear that it takes a village to help him. And it is far less expensive being in Assisted Living then hiring around the clock professional caregivers. My Dad had 3 shifts of caregivers and it was a whopping $20k per month in my area. And don't you become Dad's full-time around the clock caregiver. Otherwise, your Dad would outlive you as you become overwhelmed with all the work and stress.

Time to bring out the "theraputic fibs". Too bad your son already told his Grandfather that one of the rental properties is available, otherwise a fib would be "sorry, both houses are rented". Your son could use stalling fibs by saying it will take months to get the permits to fix up the house.... supplies are on back order... it's taking longer then I had planned.

So starting today, take a deep breathe, and NO MORE going over ideas on how to make a house ready for Dad. It's not going to happen. Yes, Dad will grumble, and he is just being a normal elder as pretty much everyone in Assisted Living wants to go home because they are in denial of their lack of ability to do things.

And it is time to cut back on visiting Dad. Dad needs to learn his way around the Assisted Living area and make new friends. He can't do that if he is visiting with you. I had to cut back when my Dad was in senior living.
Helpful Answer (15)
sbgsteiff1 Aug 2019
Thank you so much! My son really had to tell him it was not rented or pay him rent each month! He did say it would take a long time to get it ready. He would not socialize even if I were not there, they have tried and so have I to get him to go to activities, I have even gone by myself thinking that would get him to go, did not work! I will try not to go as often. I just wish he would realize how lucky he is to live in such a nice place with his dog but that is not going to happen. He cannot move by himself but it really is sad that I have done so much for him and now I am the bad guy for making him stay there! He even told my nephew that my son would move him but I would not let him, just breaks my heart. Nothing more I can do, he is in a good place, getting the care he needs, I just need to try to not let it get me down.
See 1 more reply
"My dad is 95, legally blind in a wheel chair and lives in assisted living..." on top of "he has two hip replacements that have worn out...He also has an aortic abdominal aneurysm" He's delusional!

Stop engaging him. When he brings up the subject, end the conversation with something like "Dad, I love you, you are safe here, and I have peace of mind. Let's talk about something else". If he won't drop the subject, find an excuse - "I have to bake cupcakes for my tea cozy knitting circle" - and leave.
Helpful Answer (18)

Thank you all! I have been ignoring this for quit some time and I do leave when he mentions moving. This is the first time he has called my son, this takes it to a new level! We are not moving him and I will talk to the people in charge and tell them to ignore it if they get a notice from him saying he is moving, this has happened before but new people are in charge now so I better do it again. He is so stubborn and has always been in charge and gotten what he wants, really makes it hard! Will just take one day at a time!
Helpful Answer (5)
anonymous912123 Aug 2019
You nailed it...he has always been in charge, and thus it will always be a tug of war with him, it is his way or the hi way. Moving your father 8 times is just plain crazy....stop letting him manipulate you.

No, is No, cut back on visiting him, let him settle in, if he doesn't that is his choice.

Your family needs to be on the same page, have the same boundaries, so that Pops learns he cannot divide and conquer.
Accept that he is not going to be happy regardless of what you do. Do what keeps him safe. Learn to be okay that he is upset. If he does not have dementia, then it is his choice to be upset regardless of what you do. You can not please him. He does have so many difficulties that I can understand his complaining all the time, but you have to know that you are never going to stop him from complaining.
Helpful Answer (8)

He wants his health and independence back - who can blame him! - but no move is going to make him 20 years younger and reverse the ravages of time. They say getting old isn't for sissies, truer word were never spoken.
Helpful Answer (15)

Good Morning,
Reading through the answers I was struck with something that happened to me and my Mom.  We were having a discussion about her and dad going into AL.  She did not feel she needed that much help.  I told her the preparations were all set,  All they had to do was sign up!!  After a couple hours of back and forth, just discussing still,  I told Mom she had a which she quickly replied 
"Good.  I choose to stay here!!!"
NO, I said you have the choice to be happy that you and Dad will be in a safe place with some one else doing the cooking and cleaning and watching after Dad  (he wandered).  OR you can choose to be miserable
over there in AL and make everyone else miserable, too!!  She did not have to give it much thought at that point.  My Mom was a sweetheart,
and Yes, she chose to be happy!!  She knew that Dad was getting too much for her and she sure wanted to be where he was!   I will always be thankful for her sweet sweet spirit, even when she did not like what was happening to her and Dad!
Helpful Answer (10)
Mikuhatsune01 Aug 2019
No matter how many times you move him, he will not be satisfied. He's safety should be your FIRST priority . Put him in a facility and let him adjust . Weather he gets comfortable in his new environment is up to him. I can understand if he has dementia... But honestly, like I recently accepted with my own mom, you can't make your father happy. He is where he NEEDS to be. It may not be what he wants, but it's what he needs. Know that he is safe and move on. If it's too much, try just visiting once a week. Because honestly, your health and sanity matter too. Once a week is good in my book, expectantly if the family member and the patient can't be together long. I worked in nursing homes, as a CNA . Most family members NEVER came back, or if they did, it was once a year, during the holidays. The staff will understand why you can't visit your father everyday. Let him adjust, and not have you there all the time. That's what I'm doing with mom... she may not be happy, but at least I know she's safe.
No matter how many times you move him, he will not be satisfied. He's safety should be your FIRST priority . Put him in a facility and let him adjust . Weather he gets comfortable in his new environment is up to him. I can understand if he has dementia... But honestly, like I recently accepted with my own mom, you can't make your father happy. He is where he NEEDS to be. It may not be what he wants, but it's what he needs. Know that he is safe and move on. If it's too much, try just visiting once a week. Because honestly, your health and sanity matter too. Once a week is good in my book, expectantly if the family member and the patient can't be together long. I worked in nursing homes, as a CNA . Most family members NEVER came back, or if they did, it was once a year, during the holidays. The staff will understand why you can't visit your father everyday. Let him adjust, and not have you there all the time. That's what I'm doing with mom... she may not be happy, but at least I know she's safe.
Helpful Answer (5)

I agree with everyone else. But what everyone is failing to point out is that good grief, he is 95!! That is way longer than most people live. His complaining is probably what keeps him going ;) At this point I'd be more concerned when he stops. That will mean he's given up.
The other thing that nobody is really saying is, for goodness sake, it's time for you to stop everything and take care of you. In fact, your kids should stop the madness and take care of you too! I am shocked you are still going strong. You really should talk to a counselor or join a caregiver support group. I know you love your father, but it is time to love yourself more. And show your kids by example what boundaries and happiness looks like! I pray you find your inner peace and get some rest soon. You've gone above and beyond!!
Helpful Answer (9)
sbgsteiff1 Aug 2019
Thank you, I really appreciate your words of kindness and prayers. My kids do a lot for us and everyone else, cousins, aunts, their kids, the Community, etc. I worry about them too! I am going to look into a support group, I do think that would help.
Well, I saw him yesterday, we had a death in our family, I went to tell him, did not even get that done. The first thing he said was that he and Maxine (the dog) were moving. I immediately told him if that was what he wanted to talk about I was leaving. He became very belligerent, said his grandson was moving him, if I would not let him he would hire a moving company! Then went into what all he would need.....a bigger scooter so he could go to the grocery store (11 blocks away through stop lights and traffic), the shower is no problem he can step over the tub to get in (cannot even go up stairs), I pointed out that he cannot see to use the microwave even though I put raised dots on it to help him, he does not need a microwave he is going to buy a stove and cook! He claims the people at this place do nothing for him! He also said he had just lived too long, I told him ‘I loved him that he had not lived too long but he needs to accept the stage of life he is in right now and be glad he is living in such a nice place and be happy. Things are never going to be the way the used to be’. He actually cussed at me, he has never used cuss words in front of me and my sister. He is delusional, he has lost all concept of what he is capable of doing. I talked to his doctor and was told that the only way he could demand that he stay there is if he does not pass the memory test which he feels like he will, he can recommend that he needs assistance for his safety but that is all. His behavior is not normal, there has to be a diagnosis for this, has anyone experienced this. My sister and I do have an appointment next week with the doctor.
Helpful Answer (4)
AlvaDeer Aug 2019
You need to extricate yourself from any and ALL of this at once. Anything short of that, ANYTHING you do to enable this move is just that--enabling someone to do something that they should not be doing. It is participating in endangering him.
If he wishes to do this,that is on HIM. If a grandson wishes to help him in doing this, then that is on the GRANDSON, and the GRANDSON is the person who should be called for any problems; that should be made clear to the grandson at this point, immediately, by his own parent.
You, to be frank, should be withdrawing from any discussion of this whatsoever, including with the doctor. The doctor is correct. If your Dad is able to pass tests there is absolutely nothing he can do about your father's decision, but there are things YOU can do. That thing is to withdraw from this at once. Anything else is endangering your father, any contribution to this move, as YOU yourself describe your father, is participating, co-ing him in his own injury. Your sister should understand this as well.
"I immediately told him if that was what he wanted to talk about I was leaving" .... and then you didn't leave, did you? It sounds like you didn't leave but rather got sucked into nonsense about scooters, moving companies and microwaves.

Setting aside the hurtful words he used toward you, he's not going anywhere unless you and/or your sister help him, right???

He's going to hire a moving company. Really? How's he going to get the name and phone number of movers? Real moving companies have contracts and they schedule appointments to draw up estimates on the size of the job. What I'm asking is he really capable of executing a move himself? Doubtful.

He needs a bigger scooter. How's he going to make that happen? The amount of paperwork associated with a scooter is enormous, especially if he wants Medicare to pay for it. Again, is he really capable of getting another scooter himself?? Again, doubtful.

You are feeding his delusions by giving him rational responses to irrational statements/demands. Next time stick to your guns and L-E-A-V-E. Then, go downstairs to the AL director's office, tell him/her about his delusions, and ask to be notified if he tries to enlist the staff for help.

"His behavior is not normal, there has to be a diagnosis for this" Yes, and it's called delusional disorder. Delusions are firmly held beliefs in things that are not real - including him and Maxine moving - and also occur in the mid-to-late stages of Alzheimer's. Who is this doctor who feels he will pass the memory test? Maybe get a second opinion??
Helpful Answer (10)
AlvaDeer Aug 2019
I so agree. Participating in any such move at this point sounds negligent to me.
See 2 more replies
On a lighter note, I love the name of your Dad's dog, Maxine :)
Helpful Answer (5)

Next time you visit Dad’s facility, do it during business hours. Tell the front desk AND the manager AND the admissions director AND the ombudsman AND the medical director (if there is one) that if Dad dismisses himself, you will not allow him to live in your home or any of your rental properties.

Be clear to all that no matter what malarkey Dad might tell them, your words are the truth.

The next day, mail them all a notarized letter that repeats your words. Send it via registered mail + signature required + return receipt.

Then - of course - do not sign Dad out of the care home. Do not.

If Dad wants to leave, he alone must jump through the admin hoops.

The end.

Stick to your guns.

Let Dad complain to high heavens when you visit him. After a certain age, griping is the only bandwidth a lot of oldsters have. Or choose to have. [ahem]

Or don’t let Dad complain to high heavens when you visit him. When the convo starts taking a predictable turn, grab your keys and say, “I’m sorry you feel that way. And I cannot subject myself to any more of your negativity. I’ll come back when you are in a better frame of mind.” And walk out the door.

Walk. Out. The. Door.

You set the rules. You set the tone. Dad can take it or leave it.

Also - visiting 5x/week plus church shuttle plus vet taxi is excessive. You are giving Dad the explicit message that his life is more important than yours. And voila - the old goat is running with it.

Did you spend your entire adulthood seeing your parents 5x/week? Or is this the “poor papa” guilt train going off the rails?

I am in no way saying that you should turn your back on Dad. But it’s time for you to spearhead a reset. Pronto.
Helpful Answer (24)
Teddiegough Sep 2019
What are the admin hoops?

Do you know what I need to do to take my mother out of assisted living and move her into my home? (I have medical power of attorney.)

See 1 more reply
You can see by what you’ve written that he has moved 8 times because he's never happy! That alone is the message you are being hit with between the eyes that you are refusing to acknowledge. He can never be happy and guess what, it’s not your job to make him happy. He’s 95, his body is failing him and who would be happy? Please stop thinking each move will make him happy because it won’t. He can not safely live alone and why do you need to cater to him non stop because of his stubbornness? Tell him the insurance won’t pay for another move, or some other fib. Whatever you do, do not move him to live "alone". He needs supervision, more than what you can do. He’s a danger to himself.
You are in a state of denial by wishing that he would just realize his good fortune, make the best of things and be happy. Not gonna happen. Once we get over that and come to the full realization that nothing we wish will change their attitude the sooner we will have peace of mind. Realize: he won’t be happy, not your job to make it so, he will always want to move, he will always complain. That said, stop visiting so often. If you keeled over tomorrow he’d have to make the best of it so just pretend that’s happened and live your life.p and go less often. My dad railed at me, cussed etc. when I moved him to the NH, but too bad...I finally took a two month break from him just to get my mental health back, I can’t change my dad's health and neither can you change your dad's.
Helpful Answer (7)
anonymous912123 Sep 2019
Says it all!
He doesn't want his next stop to be the nursing home. Who would? Everytime he says that take him for a drive to look at all the outside yard work involved in a house. Remind him there's less to take care of & if he ever needs it he will get care where he is. Also he might be bored. Improve his house with things he'll enjoy to increase his feeling that he's home there.
Helpful Answer (0)

It seems dad has some beginning dementia of his own. If he can not see well enough or remember well enough for "little things," it will only get worse. You may 2 options to consider:

1 - Round the clock home health aides that are for your dad in his own place - a smallish condo is my thinking on that.

2 - Assisted living that progresses to full care as his abilities diminish.

In either case, please talk with his doctor about your concerns. Dad may need adjustment on his medications to prevent falls, strengthen bones, deal with depression/grieving (the anger issues in men are usually depression), and maybe meds for Alzheimer's disease which work for a time.

Talk with your family with dad present to discuss a long term plan of care. Please get powers of attorney (medical, financial, living will) as well as will taken care of while dad is still mentally competent to deal with these. There are specialists in geriatric care - think senior home health agencies or senior residential facilities - that have social workers, counsellors and advanced practice nurses that you can hire to help with questions that come up at your family meeting.
Helpful Answer (0)
sbgsteiff1 Sep 2019
Thank you for the advice, I and my sister have power of attorney both financial and medical, he has a living will. He has a trust and I am listed as co trustee and I am on all his bank accounts and investments. He took care of this year’s ago, he also has long term care insurance for life but it will not pay for home care. I know he would not pay for home health care, we looked into it for mother, he said it was too expensive at that time, so that is not an option. His being in assisted living is the best place for him right now. I really think he is having delusions, thinking he can do things that he really cannot, thinking things will be like they used to be. We are meeting with his doctor this week and discussing our concerns, I have talked to the head nurse at his facility, the administrator is on maternity leave so I cannot talk to her at this time. What is so hard is the fact that he has always been so smart about taking care of long term planning and accepting when he cannot do things anymore, like driving, he decided on his own to stop. He realized when he could not take care of mother at home anymore and they moved to a facility. This has to be a delusional disorder, he is not thinking straight! I have realized that I cannot reason with him, in his mind he can do this! He is living in the best and safest place right now. My biggest fear is that he will sneak around and find a place and someone to move him. I have warned the facility and family members about his behavior so hopefully have it covered. I will update everyone after we meet with the doctor. And, yes he really is cute, does not look 95!
Wow. I have many pictures in my head picturing your lovely Dad. It's late here so I am tired (& a bit silly - no offence indended). Ideas;

#1 Just love him. Love & empathy that getting old is tough.
#2 Laugh. You want to... what?? Pull the other one Dad!
#3 Moan with him. I'd really like a big palace with a moat & a yacht.
#4 Be even sillier. I'm planning a round the world trip in my yacht - come with me!
#5 Let the guilt get to you & feel responsible for all his unhappiness.

Actually please don't choose #5.

Seriously, he sounds like a lovely old guy that just doesn’t want to be old. I'd be asking in depth questions about what moving home would *feel* like to him. What would be there he hasn't got now, what stops his current abode feeling like home etc. Home is a feeling to me, not bricks & mortar. It's feeling comfortable at the end of the day, my old slippers, the worn out throw rug, my own coffee cup.

How could he change his current place to feel more like his home?
Helpful Answer (6)

Even if your father does not have Dementia, it does not sound like he is physically able to live alone, or at least to BE alone. It seems he would need full time in home care, hired help for maintenance etc. It sounds like he and your family have prepared financially as well as possible for Long Term Care. Maybe he can afford to hire whatever help he needs.

WOULould his own doctor support his living alone?
Helpful Answer (0)
sbgsteiff1 Sep 2019
He could not afford to hire home help plus living expenses for very long and even if he could he would not pay it! We have been through that before. It was very hard the last time he moved back to get his insurance to pay again, they would probably find some excuse not too. There is a form the secretary has to fill out each month and fax to them. Several months ago she was trying to save time and filled in the info that is the same every month and then just had to fill in the dates. They refused to pay because it was not all original every month! It took a while to get them to pay again, I do not want to mess with the insurance! His doctor said he would tell him he thinks he needs assistance and put in his record that he recommends assisted living for safety reasons but he cannot order him unless he does not pass the dementia test and he thinks he can and so do I. My sister and I are meeting with him to find out if there isn’t a test for delusional behavior, tell him the things he has been saying and find out all of the options. When he sees the doctor he uses his walker, he stands up straighter and walks better while he is there, he cannot even stand without hanging on to something and cannot go very far before he has to sit down, always in a wheel chair or scooter when he is at home. He smiles and jokes with him acts very sharp! The doctor forgets he cannot see, when he tries to show him a lab report he will tell him he cannot see it. When he is at church he talks to people acts like he knows who they are instead of telling them he cannot see their faces, he is too proud to ask. He always asks me who that was, he is a really good faker!!
It sounds like the days of your dad being happy have long since passed. So, him being happy probably should not be one of your top concerns at this point. It appears that he will not be happy no matter where he lives.

I would say there are very few 95 year olds, who CAN see, that are able to safely live on their own.

I strongly suggest NO action. Do not move him anymore. Not to another room, certainly not to a house. If he insists, just tell him nicely that he can do as he wished, but you are not going to help because you do not think it is in his best interest. If he can coordinate it all, which is highly doubtful, but fine, go ahead.

You are already doing a lot for him in AL. If he were to live in a house, he would not be independent at all. That sounds like a big mistake to me.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (7)

It sounds like you need a break! It doesn't sound like a good idea to move him, but it is true that many "assisted living" facilities do not assist as much as is needed. Can he afford to have aides coming in to help with some of the things you have been doing? He might need 24/7 aides if he lived in an apartment or house "alone". Someone would have to oversee the aides. This is expensive. It seems that his long term care insurance should be paying for his Assisted Living, or at the very least tell you why they are denying the claims. You may want to get help dealing with them.
Helpful Answer (1)
sbgsteiff1 Sep 2019
We only had trouble getting them to pay when he moved back (3 years ago), it took a long time to get it approved again and when she was copying the form. I just do not want to have to do it again. He is 95, legally blind in a wheel chair and they send a nurse to evaluate him every year to make sure he needs to be there. I am sure when these insurance policies were issued years ago, the companies did not realize how long people were going to live. That is why they limit them to 5 years now instead of lifetime like his. They are paying now but only pay so much a day so he does have to pay about $1,500 each month which is not bad for a place to live, food and help on a daily basis. He certainly would not want aides coming in, he gets mad because they give him his medicine and he thinks he should do it himself! He thinks he can do everything himself, that’s the problem! He claims they do nothing for him, that is why he needs to live alone. I just visit, check on him, take him places, do not do any care. They have transportation but he would rather I take him so I have, may need to be busy more and let them do it. I did have surgery and they took him while I was recuperating, I reminded him of that but he said he had people he could call, always has an answer! I am just leaving from now on, or turning the radio on if we are in the car, there is no reasoning with him.
Thank you, I do take breaks, love to travel went to the beach in August and leaving on another trip at the end of this month. It is just frustrating that he will not stop and I could not do this if he were not living there. I have just got to learn to live with it and realize it is not going away! He has forgotten that when he got this insurance he told me he got this because he did not want to be a burden to me when he was old. Ha! Ha!
Another thing that really bothers me is when he and mother were my age they went to Arizona every winter, did it for 15 years and had a great time! He often says he would still be going if he could see. He actually has had a wonderful retirement but is always saying that this sure wasn’t the way he planned on spending his retirement! I would not want to be gone that long but it is sad that he is only thinking of himself. I would think this selfishness was just a part of aging but I have met so many other people living in these places who are still considerate of others and just appreciate everyone and have a great time. My mother would be so mad at him, even with dementia she was always so sweet and appreciative! He is not changing so I am the one who needs to handle it differently.
I hate that your father is not happy, too. I feel for him. I wish it were possible to find an environment where he would not feel frustrated, discontented, and aggravated by people's inability to do what he asks them to do, the way he asks them to, when he wants them to. I know that last part sounds a bit sarcastic, but I promise it isn't sarcastic. Just imagine how *annoying* it is when you can't get a simple thing done and you can't do it yourself.

What can you do about it? Even if you moved heaven and earth, and moved him from one facility to another for the rest of his life, it still wouldn't work. It will not make him less dependent on others for his freedom of action, which is the heart of the matter.

But you don't have to fight, argue, contradict or in anyway gainsay him. Go for "masterly inactivity" - keep the discussion going, do nothing, but meanwhile just highlight any positives and pros about his staying put.

And, if you like, do keep looking. You never know what perfect facility *might* show up.
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If your father does manage to move out and live alone, we are all going to need an update on how THAT goes! It sounds impossible!
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sbgsteiff1 Sep 2019
I certainly hope it is impossible but it seems that the only way to legally prevent it is to have guardianship, which I do not! The nurse thought it would be very hard to obtain, will see what the doctor says on Wednesday.
Time to just say "no". Sorry he is not happy with the situation but there comes a time in a persons life where they have to accept that they can no long take care of themselves. And when they don't or refuse to, it is up to the guardian to make that decision for them. No one wants to accept that they are no longer free to do what they want, when they want. It seems to be harder for us men to accept.
Helpful Answer (2)
Teri4077 Sep 2019
you are absolutely right, Rome!
See 1 more reply
If your father did this, he would be going backwards. This is not how it works. He is at the AL for a reason. So as your sister is almost 80 years old, your dad was a father at age 15? Do not move him back to the house. But dad MUST speak up! For help at the AL!
Helpful Answer (3)
sbgsteiff1 Sep 2019
No my sister is 77, her husband is 80, I said almost 80, (I meant getting close)he will be 96 in November and was 19 when she was born. We are not moving him back to a house, looking for advice on how to best handle him and keep my peace of mind.
You have to take charge. Get his Doc. on your side. He will be up set for a while but you have to do what is best for him to have a stable life. Being unhappy is something they do. They hate the fact they can't do the things they use to do. They will fight to try to prove they still can take care of themselves.You have to over ride their decisions for the best.
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sbg: Okay then.
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It sounds like you are and have been an amazing daughter and done all that's possible to help your father be happy. I've heard people in that age group and similar ailments say, "I've lived long enough." They are weary, often in pain, frustrated by their limitations. I don't think anything you do will make him happy because the sources of his discontent are beyond where he lives, etc. Just continue to let him know you love him, just keep looking for ways to bring a little joy to his days. Good luck.
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Dad needs to Stay Put or You could be in Hot Water with Adult Elderly Servces if He does Fall and All...Just Ignore him.
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Sounds like my uncle who voluntarily placed himself in a facility (AL) after selling his house and getting rid of his possessions.  He thought it was great for about the first year, then he began to be unhappy about it, and eventually he decided he was going to go to independent living with a different "facility" who offered little houses for that.  It involved moving him and his stuff that he accumulated into the house, and he began to clutter it up, then tragedy struck, and he wound up in the hospital and SNF due to a BKA, so I don't know how he will manage now.  I thought it was a mistake in the first place, but I'm just a niece, and the "Family" won't contact me or take anything I say seriously.  This is now on them to deal with because they ignore my suggestions, so I have quit giving them my opinions on things.
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sbgsteiff1 Sep 2019
That is exactly what would happen, it would not take long and my dad would end up in full care and he would really hate that!
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