
Any type of holiday I have always been stressed out.... I came from a generation where the woman did all the work for Christmas, New Years, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthdays and anniversaries. Stressed days before the event, during the event, and finally can breathe after the event.

Anyone else run into this? Maybe I have been too critical of myself, trying to get everything perfect. Now that my parents are in their 90's, there are a new set of stresses for these holidays, etc. When my parents visit I have to make sure the house is elder proof.... one good thing, since their eyesight isn't all that sharp, I don't need to clean the house like I use to ;)

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I am the live in Caretaker for my Mom who has Parkinson's....... So EVERYDAY is Mothers Day for me along with the stress...... but we still made it special for her. LOL
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LOL Freqflyer!!! NO KIDDING. My brother's kids are the cure to any regrets I *may* have had about being childless. I tell him he should just tattoo "ATM" on his forehead. I did find a cure for the FaceBook thing at holidays - I joined a lot of animal rescue organizations! Everyone there believes, as do I, that our "furbabies" are an adequate (or preferable) alternative to polluting the planet with more and more ungrateful children. Not saying that children are a waste or that anyone should not have them if they want them...just that I do get a lot of maternal outlets with my pets and by participating in small ways with animal welfare/rescue organizations.
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Blannie, I also don't have children, either.... modern day medical technology wasn't around back then. I use to cringe whenever someone who doesn't know me would wish me a Happy Mother's Day, like everyone assume just because I am a woman that I have children. People don't do that with men for Father's Day.

After seeing what my significant other is dealing with with his own grown children, I am somewhat glad I don't have children ;)
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I hate Mother's Day too. I'm not a mom but would have loved to be one, so I hate it when store clerks (or anyone who doesn't know me) wishes me a Happy Mother's Day. My mom is 94 so what can I do for her Mother's Day that I haven't done 50 times already? And on Facebook all it is is everyone wishing everyone else a Happy Mother's Day. I suppose I should just wise up and stay off of FB on that day. I'm glad it's over. Just call me the grinch! LOL!
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Sorry, I love the holidays, each and every one. Any excuse to get family and friends together works for me. Sometimes I do all the cooking, others I do the big stuff and invitees bring sides and this time of year we cook outside a lot.

I have friends who can't understand why and how I do it. They complain about stress and headaches just having another couple over for dinner.

To me it is all about being with the people you care about.
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Yes. I hate holidays. I don't have children, so it's always about Mom. She didn't like holidays when I was growing up and now expects me to make each one special. I don't have the energy after putting in 24/7/365. Glad to know I am not alone.
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Mother's Day is just another Sunday to me that starts with giving some little gifts. This one was better than ones before. I bought my mother some candy, some nuts, a vintage rose pin, and a card. She loved and appreciated them all. She has been pleasant and chatty all day. My brother came over this afternoon with his family. She chatted with them. She is normally quiet and they don't say anything, so it can be stressful coming up with something to say. That wasn't a problem today.

When we were coming home from church-and-lunch today she talked about Dad and her, saying they had never been very good parents. I wanted to say "boy howdy" but just let her talk without comment. I think she is doing some soul searching.

My mother has been so pleasant lately I've started to wonder who this person is and what has she done with my mother.
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ziggie does not mince words. maybe we should call it " lame kids celebrating their lame mothers with a bunch of lame - a** flowers " day.
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I hate Mother's Day.
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Sounds like you care about what you do for people. Its people like you that make holidays special and memories that last a a lifetime. My wife and I run into this every holiday and the smiles we see are worth the effort. You have gift and sometimes its burdensome because others just don't get it. We are only here for a little while then we are gone.
Hang in there because when we are old we will have nothing but time to remember the good memories imprinted by people just like you.
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