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Our personality traits manifest more intensely as we age. Anything we have been hiding behind a mask become more difficult to hide and it comes out.

This is why making any adjustments need to be made early to ourselves if we are aware soon enough that we need to change. Otherwise, we are who we are.
Helpful Answer (14)

Cmagnum, interesting perspective. I've also read of pundits who claim that it's not unusual to be liberal when young but more conservative with age...not a personality trait but an opinion on changing perspectives.

If perspectives can change, I would think personality traits could as well, especially if someone makes a sincere and dedicated effort.

I respect your opinion but don't necessarily think that we're products of what we were when younger. And I do think that caregiving, as well as financial constraints, change people - but not everyone changes for better or for worse. It depends on the individual.

I would also argue that traumatic events can cause psychological changes well beyond anything anticipated - military service in combat zones, for example.
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I saw a similar situation with my mother when she was in rehab after surgery. She was so depressed, wouldn't socialize, wouldn't join in any activities, wouldn't do her PT. I asked for a psych work-up and the doctor put her on Mirtazapine. The change was like someone flipped a switch; from darkness to light. I'm suggesting your Mom may needs appropriate meds and companionship. There are home health care agencies that offer aides that not only administer meds and such, but provide much needed social interaction.
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Simple. Read the Bible to her. Some stories she might remember. This will also comfort her if she is a Christian.
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Yes, traumatic event often do change a person's personality. I'm sure mine changed with various traumatic events in my life. I'm sure that one big traumatic event in my MIL's life did change her outlook on men greatly, but from her childhood stories that she told her daughters, she's always been stubborn. What made her such a self absorbed narcissist with some borderline issues like abandonment, the mental health world has yet to fully understand. In the 33 years that I've known her, she's no different now at 87 than she was at 54 as far as personality goes.

I did mention that we can make adjustments if we see the need which some people don't and even among those who do like my SIL, the change involves more pain than they want to work through.

I didn't mean to sound deterministic.

Much does depend on how the person chooses to respond to things which for some their family of origin makes it more difficult to chose a healthy way to respond verses an unhealthy.

I guess I should have said that with various exceptions, we tend to be basically who we were unless we make a valiant effort to change and the older we get, the less open to change we tend to be.

Many caregivers here seem to often be stuck in family of origin issues that is making it very difficult to deal with aging parents who were difficult when the person was a child. To rule out recent changes, I almost always ask if this is how their parent always has been or if this is a recent change and go from there.

Basically much of the outcome depends on how we respond and our responses don't take place in a vacuum. There are also various social, psychological and other factors in play.

I'm glad that I'm not totally the product of my childhood, but although I have made choices along the way , my childhood did impact me and even impacted how I responded to things in the wrong way before I got into therapy.
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My mother, who has Alzheimer's has gone through a similar thing, where all her memories about people are negative ones. For instance, the only thing she remembers about her own mother, was that she had Alzheimer's.
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My simple answer is probably not. Most of the time, spending time trying to fix people and change their behavior, is an exercise in futility. When behavior of this sort is ingrained in a person it's not venting it's an addiction for them. Look up addiction to negativity there is some interesting information out there. It would take professional help and a willingness on your Moms part for her to change. You can't do it.

What you can do is focus on how you might better cope and protect yourself from her negativity. That could mean a number of things because what works for one does not work for us all. Counseling and or support groups are good for this. Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (8)

I suspect this is probably dementia and depression and YES it is VERY tiresome. With my mother (who is ALSO very negative). I have three different maneuvers that I use all the time and just continuously rotate. 1) I change the subject onto anything else. 2) I just say; 'yeah' a couple of times and I distract her. 3) I just tell her lets change the subject and I talk about something positive that I know will keep her interested. The most challenging part can be is that negativity is highly contagious. Stay strong and treat yourself to something special after a visit, you deserve it.
Helpful Answer (4)

I had the same issue with my mom exactly. I started a thread last year and I have really learned from what many have said. It finally got so bad that I did pull away. This time for good. The negativity was "killing" me slowly. I feel so much better since I haven't had to listen to the constant complaining. i.e. the food is terrible, what if you had to live here (AL), you put me here and dropped me off (no, I didn't), the staff is rude (no they are not)...get the point? Yes, I feel your pain to the deepest degree. I know people mean well when they say things like: change the subject or maybe they need sympathy--NO! That is not what they need. That is not going to change their behavior. Since I haven't been going back to AL to listen to how bad of a daughter I am or how bad my kids are---they are not, I have great kids and I practically gave up my life to care for her over the past 5 years.--My mom is now doing this to the staff. The director finally had to go and say something to her about her behavior. It calmed down for a bit, but she is back in full force. Yes, maybe it is their illness or maybe they are in pain, we really don't know, but no caregiver especially a daughter shouldn't be taking that abuse. Enjoy your "old" age if you please and do what is best for you. Our mothers had that opportunity once and blew it. Good luck!!
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The thread I started is "Is it normal she is so negative"
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I know this gets exhausting for me as I'm the only adult 'child' that gets dumped on... (The others never come around). It is draining... I've tried every 'trick' in the book to 'help' brighten my Mother's Day and after trying for a decade now, I know it will never happen. They are ingrained and mainly concerned about what they are thinking and by God... No one and nothing is going to change them. Amen
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I don't know if it is any better, or not, but my folks don't say much of anything!!! Mother scowls a lot, but I think it is because she is concentrating on remembering something. However, it is disconcerting, so I tell her something funny or I touch her face and pull up the sides of her mouth, gently!! she always responds with her beautiful smile!! This may not help anyone out there, but MY attitude is a big influence on her. We have them in AL so our visits now are centered on them instead of what has to be done around the house etc. etc. I can tell by these posts that we are truly blessed!!
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I go through that with my mom, too. I hadn't talked to her in a while because she always makes up or imagines things and then just will not let things go. But I try to help her. But everything is a complaint. She's miserable about everything and does nothing. I can't even get her to agree to be driven to the grocery store so she can pick what she wants. It's all negative. Even when she got some free food from the county and had meals on wheels, she complained endlessly, like it was an insult to be given a plate of lasagna instead of potatoes. It's charity! What does she want!
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irishboy...not everyone is on uncle was very happy living in a retirement home after his wife died. he only paid $2200 a month and that took care of all his food, which was served to all in a nice diningroom, house cleaning once a week, free transportation busses...and a few other extras! there are options...but most of the time it's because seniors DO NOT want to leave their home...and I get that. but it sure couldn't hurt to try. ok..that's my 2 cents..
Helpful Answer (2)

Perhaps she needs to engage in a hobby that she could perform and thus, take her mind off her life.
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Often, when someone has been rather negative most of their lives [yes, they will deny that; in their minds, they have been Jolly Sunshine!], they will get worse as they age and lose autonomy. The more their miseries, the more negative.
It might look a bit different in different people.
Some need a target they can accuse and vent at.
Some complain of how rotten their lives are.
Others just can't say anything nice.

"Depression" is not the only trigger:
---old behavior patterns
---nutritional deficiencies
---brain injuries [includes strokes and dementias]
All these can cause a person to develop negative conversation patterns.
It can be VERY off-putting.
It sucks the life out of other people, particularly if those lack the ability to recognize what it is, and set realistic boundaries/limits on the elder's use of them. LOTS of people learned as children, that we're supposed to "be there" for our elders, and allow them to behave like that was OK--only it's not!
We got to the point it was safe to only allow contact via mail or email, when otherwise trying to set realistic limits on Mom's use of us, failed.
Only you can take into consideration what your elder's life has been like, what might contribute to the present behaviors, and if there might be an illness or deficiency contributing to the behaviors....
If you suspect something like that, it needs brought to the Doc's attention; be sure to explain Why you think there might be infection, nutritional deficiency, or possible brain injury.
Docs generally do not look for nutritional issues--they simply lack training, and what tiny bit they got in school, was largely erroneous. But they should easily be able to determine if there might be infections or brain injuries, and sort that from dementia.
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Any traumatic events, illnesses, etc. over a lifetime, can cause changes in behaviors over the lifetime, and magnify with age and infirmity.
The building blocks we learn as children--those foundational lessons every child must learn, to whatever proficiency they learn them, become foundations for everything we build upon those later over our lifetimes.
That's why early childhood development is so very important to get it right.
The wonkier the foundations, the crooked-er the building, so-to-speak.
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On of my cousins shared a pic online with the caption "Honesty has a power that very few people can handle."

To which I added in response.

"Although the truth can set one free, few people are comfortable with the honest truth and that's why there are so many living with so many secrets plus truths that they know but will not deal with either because it is too painful or because of fear."
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Photo albums work .....places she went and liked enough to take pics of will mean she has positive things to say about them
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Lets be real about this okay. Put yourself in her shoe just for a day. don't clean your home or go out to the gardening and do on your time how you like it to be not how some one else does it(because you cant), don't go to the store or to the doctors until some one can take you(because you can't drive). Don't drive a car because someone sold it. Wake up alone because your husband died on you and your children wanted a life without you. Lets see what you can find good to talk about. I am putting it this way so you can see that when your always alone it is down right hard to find happiness in a day you cant control do to self and others willing to help you and all you have to look forward to is dying.
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Why do people shrink from negative people? I prefer them over overly positive folk. Over positive people seem fake to me.
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Try giving her Tincture of Cannabis, takes the edge off and the negativity.
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While super positive people are often hiding how they really are behind a mask, negative people are depressing.

Negative people are draining because as someone said somewhere on this site that they often outsource their problems instead of owning them, dealing with them and I would add instead of getting professional help when needed.

People will sympathize to a point, but if you aren't dealing with things and reaching out for the help that they can't give but they hope you will get, they get worn out and leave for their own emotional self-protection. I think that others sacrifice themselves thinking people are going to change who are not going to change which is unrealistic and presumptuous, plus they were emotionally groomed to be so sacrificial.
Helpful Answer (9)

Do you go to her Doctor appts with her? Two sets of ears are better that one. If she goes alone you may not be getting the whole story. She needs to go outside everyday. A porch, a walk in the drive way.. Especially in the afternoons. Are the times with her worse in the afternoons? She could have a UTI? Get copies of her test results and see what is done. What are some of the things that you enjoyed with your Mother when you were young. Talk about those. She probably would like a ride in the car. Point out nice things. Is she eating healthy? Drinking water? Talk to her doctors.
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Just wondering... has the original poster come back? I didn't see anything else from them.
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Total support of you, helpmemom; try this one day: "Gosh mom, that does sound really bad. So, what are you going to do about it?" And keep returning to the "hmm, awful; now what are you going to do about it?" If it's making an appointment, then help her make the appointment. But if it just devolves into more negativity, you can say, "sounds like this is not anything you can act on or solve; are you better off complaining about it, or moving on?" This totally infuriated my very negative (and crazy) mother, but it finally shut her up." Good luck---it is really hard dealing with a negative parent when you want to live a positive life!
Helpful Answer (4)

Good question for Helpmemom has not posted since they started this thread. I did not look in detail, but I did see a post that spook up in defense of helpmemom which led me to believe that earlier posts may have included some judgmental ones.
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You don't sound uncaring or unsupportive to me. You just sound like you're at the end of your rope like a lot of us are. I too have a very negative mother- same situation. All I can do is shoot back with a positive comment for every one of her negative comments. I turn every one of them around and it does seem to help. I point out the fact that many have it way worse than her and she cheers up. Of course, it only lasts a day or so, so I just keep it up. Try to keep in mind that although this feels like forever, it's not. Hang in there and know that you did all you could for her.
Helpful Answer (2)

As Salisbury suggested, maybe there's a way to change the topic to something more positive? Maybe bringing pictures or something that plays music, talking about a movie you saw, asking her the words to a song, singing, etc. Did she have a favorite actor or actress? Maybe you could "gossip" about their lives....
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Hi Helpmemom, my heart goes out to you because I too am dealing with a similar situation. My Mom is 83 and a three time cancer survivor. Even with being a strong survivor, she has always had a rather negative mentality that seems to get worse the older she gets. It is very frustrating, and I truly understand. Since Dad passed a year ago, I realized that she just cannot live alone. There are two of us children, but my brother is married and has his own family. I'm divorced with two young children, so I brought her to live with me. I just can't bear the thought of her being in a facility unless she gets to a state that I cannot handle at home. And, I take her home almost every weekend to her house so that she doesn't have to feel so displaced and home sick. All of the before mentioned advice is good, but none of it may work for your situation, as it doesn't work for mine. She has no cartilage in her spine, so there's pressure on the nerves in her back which makes her hurt most of the time & for the first time in her life, she cannot walk without her Rollator. Mom is depressed, but guess what, when we tried to medicate her with the antidepressants, the meds interfere with her sodium level. When her sodium drops, she can't walk or move her legs at all because apparently she's allergic to ingredients in the antidepressants. So imagine, depressed, hurting, displaced from your normal surrounding (home), can't take depression meds, husband that you've been with for over 50 years is gone, and you are constantly wondering how much longer you have to live feeling this way. I imagine, just like with myself, the older you get the less tolerant you get of the negativity that you've actually been dealing with your whole life. You just have to understand that you're doing all you can do and let her do what she needs to do until she can't do it anymore. Hear and don't hear. If she has any favorite songs, when she starts the negativity, don't get angry, just maybe start singing a beautiful song that she loves and it will take her to a happy place. She's doing the best she knows how and although it's taxing on you, believe me, she's in a much worse place than you. My Mom keeps talking about calling my Dad to come back and get her. I just remind her that he would have stayed with her if he had a choice, and it's not up to him when it's her time to go. I've had to hire a full-time caregiver to be with her while I'm at work, which is expensive. So with that and maintaining her home, it's strenuous. My brother helps a little when he can. My Mom goes to the Senior Center here everyday for chair exercises, bean bag games and bingo. It was hard to get her to go at first, but after a year and a little pampering, she gave in, so at least I get to see her smile a little more often. And, it helps that I work for the City, and I'm in the office building right next door, so I can take my break and go over to see her. She loves that. She says that she hates being a burden on me, but I just keep reassuring her that if I didn't want her with me, she wouldn't be here. She's trying, but she just feels useless at this stage in her life. But, I just keep loving on her anyway. I work full-time too. As a matter of fact, I have a full & a part-time, plus I'm doing on-line grad school. Believe it or not, all of this keeps me focused on the positive instead of the negative. It keeps me from having time to allow her to depress me. I hope that knowing that you are not alone helps you some. Sometimes what you need is just an understanding ear. I'm here for you if you need to talk. God loves you and so do I. You are a wonderful daughter. Just hang in there, you'll be blessed for it.
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