
My dad passed away earlier this year. My dad took care of all of the medical information. We did not see any reason why she would need to re-enroll, but we don't want to miss anything.

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You must have a supplemental policy, either that or go broke paying all the bills. I imagine she would not have to re-enroll. It probably would be automatic.
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TriCare for Life is the best one can have....I had a masdectomy about two months ago. TriCare covered all of what Medicare didn't. My husband had heart stent surgery...I can't begin to tell you what medical issues we have encountered in the past three years.....Alzheimers, Colonoscopies, heart tests, xrays, cancerous moles, scans, rehab,etc.......thanks to TriCare very very little came out of our pocket......marymember
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NEVER give up a Medicare Supplement coverage. Keep it. Take a good look at what it paid for in the last year. You will be surprised.
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Once a person is enrolled, she just maintains her current coverage. I don't know about Tricare or any other secondary insurance. You might want to check on that.
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Sorry. (I am new to this and clearly not sure how to post correctly) Does she have to enroll every year? Or once she has Medicare if there are no changes, does she just maintain her current coverage?
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Re-enroll in what? Medicare? A supplemental policy?

How old is she? What is her health like? How enthusiastic is your family about gambling?
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