

Just curious how you would handle a 92-year old man, whose also blind, that has become obsessed with his mail. He's 92, only 2 things come that matter, 1099's and property taxes, all the rest aren't even bills.

He just worries and frets that something is gonna be there and we'll miss it. "I'm just a worry wart". Damn I'm sick of that excuse.

Anyways, any tricks to deflect it? I can't seem to assuage it and my patience isn't great to begin with.

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someguyinca, at the age of 92 there isn't a whole lot for someone to look forward to.... if he is obsessed with his mail let him be obsessed. Some elders are obsessed with their bowel movements, so consider yourself lucky :)

There are times when we need to step into our parent's shoes to view life from their side. Then and only then will be understand why they do the things they do [except when memory issues are in play].
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Do you live together? If so, maybe pick a time to go get the mail every day so he'll KNOW that at 5 pm, for instance, the mail WILL be on the kitchen table and you'll go through it carefully for him (since he's blind, right?) and let him know precisely what's there and what isn't. Perhaps if he knows what time the mail will be there, he'll relax a little. Anxiety can be tough to deal with for a blind man, and he's relying on you to give him the 411 on what's in the mail, so if you calm his nerves, maybe he'll back off a bit.

Good luck
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I would say to reassure him so he can relax. If he relaxes, then you get to relax.

I bet that since he is blind, his other senses are heightened.

So, be careful with your tone of voice as you speak to him. He will know if you are brushing him off.
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Rolled back in here a little late.

Anyways, appreciate the responses.
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NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
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