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Of course it is normal! But I do hope you do not completely walk away. Your family is first, but if you can, visit!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Missmaggiemay

I have no advise, as you have written my story…
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to babsjvd

Prozac will stop all this ugly behavior. My dad had a potty mouth towards the nurse assistance and family members who visited him. The doctor prescribed him Prozac within a few days he was really pleasant to be around.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Beeshepard

Jeweltone I feel your struggle. I’ve recently moved my mother into independent living and now all I get is negativity! Every time I call I get scorned for “how did you think I could possibly like...”, and “in a place like this you would think they would at least...”, and my ultimate favourite, “I’m very disappointed in ...”. I am overwhelmed!!
I’ve tried so very hard for YEARS to help with, or do anything that needed to be done for her; perhaps I’ve done this to myself?? It took me over 6 months to find a place that was clean enough, organized enough and had services enough that I thought she could possibly like it ... well let’s just say that all that effort seems to be wasted as she hates it and reminds me of that every minute of a phone call or visit.

There was no possible way that Mom could stay in our family home. Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, needing a hip replacement, and suffering from the onset of dementia she was falling and hurting herself, burning pots into oblivion and forgetting phone numbers. On my weekly Saturday visits I was constantly berated for things I hadn’t told her, even though I had at least 10 times over. It’s been 7 years since Dad died and everything just stopped working for her, or was a stupid thing to her as she’s lost the ability to work microwaves and answering machines. I had a million post it notes everywhere with reminders and notes.

I know deep down I’ve done the best thing to keep her safe. I also know that this isn’t easy for her - neither is it for me. What I don’t know how to do yet is protect myself from getting sucked into the negativity, how to get rid of the constant lump in my throat, or even sleep the night through again. I’m hoping with time, and with what I’m learning here with all of you, is that I will find the strength to weather this. I refuse to lose my marriage, my job and perhaps even my own sanity simply to care for a very negative Mom.
Helpful Answer (16)
Reply to Smondas

My 83 yr old mom's behavior is not new. She has always acted put upon and miserable. She thrives on sympathy and has created a wedge between me and a family I was once close to by lying to get sympathy from them. It worked every time. They no longer speak to me even though they know how she is. She is in independent living. Many resources of entertainment are available to her. She doesn't want to get out of her chair to go to any of them. Complains she is lonesome, bored, nobody to talk to. Pretty much same as I see here. I finally had to tell her that if she won't get up from the chair and go to some of the activities or find some way of entertaining herself, it's on her. I have no living siblings and dad passed a long time ago. Family got so sick of complaining they don't return her calls. Even the social worker got tired of her. SW told me she needs positive encouragement. I didn't say it but thought, you are in for quite the job, lady. She quit 2 weeks in. She will nag me to death to bring her things that I know she won't use. If I only had yarn and a crochet hook. Brought them. Never opened the package. Then it was knitting needles. Package still unopened. SPECIFIC colored pencils and coloring book from her house. Never moved from where I left them. The food sucks. Bought food. Threw it away when it spoiled. There is no happy for her and never will be. I told her this. Her response is the usual, crying, tantrum, threats to drop dead. It used to work. Not anymore.
Helpful Answer (20)
Reply to Cannottakethis
JulesNeedsHelp Jul 2021
I need advice. How are you dealing with your mom now? I don’t think I personally can take another day of mine. How are you dealing with the negativity and other problems you posted. I’ve tried everything and my mom after five months in assisted living is driving me crazy . I really can’t take it anymore. She has no one else but me or I would finally walk away.
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I am going through the same thing with my 87 year old Dad always being negative and it drives me CRAZY! Just think if you lived with him...I ignore him a lot and sometimes I feel guilty. But I have to do something because I can't let that depress me or get me stressed. It's SO HARD let me tell you! Everyday all day he has something negative to say and the ironic thing about this whole thing is that he will be ALWAYS be positive about winning the
I love him to death, and I also need help coping with this. This post and comments has helped me some but my situation is different because I live with my Dad. But yeah just hang in there because I DEFINITELY understand and I might just make my own post about this myself.
Helpful Answer (10)
Reply to Caregiver510
onlychild55 Jun 2021
I don’t live with my almost 90 year old mother. She wants that and had asked me for 2 1/2 years . It just can’t happen . I’m married. I only love about 10 minutes away and call her all the time and see her every other day . I fix her food , buy her clothes and do things around the house . She has always been critical but she complains incessantly about being miserable and hating her life . She hates her house trees her skin , being old . Everything. I cry a lot ans I do it in front of her . It just comes out . I know she is depressed and anxious . She will not take any meds since she says it will make her a zombie and sleep all the time like they give patients in the nursing to quiet them down . I’m an only child and my father has need dead for 15 years . It is so hard . I just wanted to say I feel your pain. I would love to understand what makes them do this . My mom is physically healthy. Up until 2 1/2 years ago , she mowed he own yard .
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People who were negative when they were young will usually continue to be negative when older. She is following life long patterns.

You don’t have the power to change her behavior but you can certainly change your reaction to it.

You can also break cycles. Don’t copy any of her personality traits.

If she isn’t willing to change her pessimistic behavior she will become lonely because most people will avoid her.

People like this are extremely difficult to be around. They will drain all of your energy.
Helpful Answer (23)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom

Life! it does have its ups and downs.. I believe a person should do there very best. Mom is your mom and the only mom you will ever have. your mom maybe thinking negativity because of the things she have seen and have been going through. In fact, she maybe going through it. you can't absolutely trust what the people are saying about your mom. stop by there on a different day or hour to see for yourself. I'm not saying this is what's happening. I have heard stories of things happening. Listen to your mom like your mom use to listen to you when you were little. She means will. I never wanted my mom in any kind of home other than mine. Because she had lived in Va. I was in NYC she did not want to come reside with me. She had a home. i always say its better to be in your own home and get assistance. i know she worked you could have someone come to her. Everyone when there sick or dying and no one can or willing to give up there lives for whatever reason. should let them stay in there own residences i feel that way. everyone feels at peace and secure. just like your mom would get annoyed with you at times same goes for us. always put yourself in those shoes. Its not a guarantee your husband and or children will be there for you and if there listening to you talk about your mom they will do you likewise. i would ask my mom what do you want mom? i would also, get a therapist for her. there are ways to help her. if you would try not to be selfish. mom was there for you so do your best to be there for her. figure out what options are good for the both of you. this way you will not feel guilty. we can only do the best we can. As always pray about everything. Hope I'm not being harsh. I'm just being honesty.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Candyapple
Breckin14 Apr 2021
Beautiful reminder to be gentle and loving even at their worst. Some day they won't be around anymore so what else can you give to them but your time. Bite your tongue and smile. I think as we go through our lives we think of the end as being so far away but it sneaks up on you like a thief in the night. You must keep in mind our elderly parents lived through many era's the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90s, to today 2021. Each of those era's were so different from each other, from RockaBilly to Hippy to Platform shoes and Polyester Bell Bottoms to wearing masks and mass vaccines. Can you even imagine going through all those years. I'm sure they are viewing 2021 as a frightful time. Not only have they witnessed the signs of where their great country is heading but the realization that they will be departing and leaving their loved ones here to face it alone and more than likely are afraid and it just comes out as negative. Our elderly are walking History books with stories and knowledge and advise to give that you will not get in schools today. The men have lived through a war, their first innocent love. Our elderly have alot to say to us, but we let our busy lives prevent us from listening to them. It's time to slow down and give your time to them now. Our youth are so busy chasing their tails to grab hold of something that can be taken away in an instant but knowledge can not be taken from you and memories to look back on with a loved one that has passed can never be replaced. Give them the respect and allow them their dignity. My mother changed my diapers as a helpless baby, and return, it is out of love and respect that I do the same for her. Be a gentle soul and try understand their fear. God bless everyone going through these trying times.
Reading a lot of the responses here and I'm also going through this with my grandmother. I have posted here before about her and my grandfather and how they both starting ailing around the same time a couple years back while I still lived with them. I moved (best thing I've ever done), she recovered and is still at home, and my grandfather is in a nursing home, actually in the hospital right now due to some broken bones from several falls (that's a WHOLE other story). My mom and I are caring for both of them, visiting, etc., but my grandmother hates when anyone pays my grandfather any attention or visits him. She's been holding THE longest grudge ever over something he had done in the past (and he apologized for). She's been using COVID to tell us not to go visit my grandfather, claiming she's scared of catching it. Even told my mom if she goes to visit him to not come over to see her. I knew I would get this same speech when I went to check on her yesterday and I was right. She was trying to make herself cry and saying she's sick (she has CHF but has been doing pretty well). I get it but she then says things like "He's 92. He's lived his life already." and then goes into how much she's done for him and how he hurt her. It's infuriating. I've spent a good chunk of my adult life trying to look out for her and I have been tired of her mess for years. I told my mom after I take her to the doctor this week, I'm not coming over as much because I have to protect my energy. Normally she'd say something like "Oh don't do that you know she's older" but this time she completely understood.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to LonelyStar1814

My Mom is very negative and has alienated almost everyone in her life. Boundaries and Grey Rock are helping me but still difficult. I usually try to paint or draw when we talk by phone as it serves as a nice distraction and I don’t listen very closely. I also changed her ringtone on my phone to silent as hearing the phone ring was a huge trigger.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to Kmjfree

I am so sorry you feel this way regarding your own Mother but I can definitely understand your pain. I feel the same way about my MIL. She has been a burden to us for over 15 years. She lived with us 9 years and it was HORRIBLE!! I had vowed to never deal with her after we moved her right next door but being the caring person I am, I decided to help with limitations. I don't even see or talk to her everyway and she still gets on my nerves. She is negative, a liar, nosey, unappreciative, feels entitled, drama filled and just a plain ol good for nothing old lady. I am tired of her. I pray that my husband puts her in a senior facility so she can atleast be around othet seniors or people similar to her personality AND so we won't have to deal with her.
I think you should do whats best for YOU, not your Mother. Pray and ask God to take the guilt away. You dont owe your Mother anything but as her daughter you can help when you can or if you want to but if its too much allow the professionals to do it. Step back and stay involve with her overall care as far as making sure she is being treated well. I wouldn't stress out over it. You have a life too. I PRAY it all works out for you.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to TonzTee

Hi all. I am somewhat of a lurker on these boards and specifically this page. I have written before about my mom, who will be 62 in June. She has had a series of strokes (talking maybe 7 or 8) since I was 12. I am now 24 and will be 25 in June. She has not driven since I was 12, and when my dad died at 14 years old, I was left to do much of her caretaking. Yes, we have family, but she unfortunately has alienated much of her siblings, mother, etc. I am an only child.

My mom lives off of disability and SS from my deceased dad. I recently married my High school sweetheart and boyfriend of 8 years, and her family decided that her 3 bedroom condo was too big for her now that I am married and no longer staying with her. There were also several times over the summer where she left burners on, left the oven on. Once the fire department had to come because of the excessive gas from stove being left on.

My husband and I bought our house on November 22, the day after, mom has another stroke. Instead of moving to an apartment, she decided she wanted to live in a 5 star retirement community (independent with options for apartment care or to move up to AL). My family pulled many strings to make this happen as she was adamant on wanting to live there specifically.

Well, she moved in March 2, and shortly after, COVID came through and made everything a mess. I worked several hours for several days a week for many weeks helping my mother downsize and move into her new place. Something about the move, while I agree can be stressful, has completely turned her into the most hateful person ever.

My uncle helps us a lot (probably out of pity and care for me), and when he didn't show up one day, my mom called and cursed him out and was so offensive. I asked my mom if he specifically said he was going to be there that day -- nope, he didn't say he was. I said mom, you cant get mad at someone for not helping if they didn't say they would be there. She says - why dont you leave your husband and go hook up with him. My uncle. Still cannot believe those words came out of her mouth. It has nothing to do with my husband and everything to do with her insecurity.

She also recently said to me, how on EARTH did I manage to raise a daughter with the compassion of a mosquito, how? how?!!! And freaked out on me. Mind you, this was after hours of moving and organizing her belongings.

She has called me a b*tch so many times I cant begin to count. The thing is - I never get nasty with her they way she does to me, I stay calm cool and collected. I say, mom, sometimes I think you say things you dont mean when you are overwhelmed. It's almost like she wants me to spit fire in her face right back. I refuse.

RECENTLY, she has been getting into trouble, and even threatened the staff at her new living facility all due to this Covid quarantine business. She feels she is being treated unfairly, forget that thousands of people are dying and especially in her communities age group/health status.

My relationship with my mom has been take take take ever since my childhood. I can distinctly remember even trying to talk to her about things and she says, Im not your friend, Im your mother!

I see all of you who are sometimes in your 50's, 60's, and beyond with the same issues I face. Will this be my life for the next 40 years? What can I do? It's becoming too much for me to emotionally bare.
Helpful Answer (15)
Reply to cm12345
Riley2166 May 2021
I am so sorry what you are enduring and there is no reason on this earth why you should allow it and put up with it - it is harming you and destroying you. For what? This woman is mean and selfish, among other things. I don't care why she behaves this way - is it normal or dementia? Who knows. You do not deserve this. I will tell you something through experiences of life. First of all, I personally took care of both of my parents until they passed; I took care of my husband until he passed; I took care of dear elderly friend for 28 years (I was working besides). I have learned one thing in life - far too late, after horrible harm had been inflicted. When there are people or circumstances in your life who by their very existence are harming you and causing you pain and suffering, one day you have to wake up and ask if this is o.k. with you or are you going to stop it once and for all. Sometimes we must take actions we never dreamed we would do - but then, once we do and have made the break and moved on, our lives suddenly become more peaceful. I had a very sad, difficult and tragic life and it took me well into my adult years before I finally had the guts to do what I had to do. Thank god I did and survived. I will never live like that again. Maybe this is what you need to do.
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Yes normal and you have gone above and beyond. Take care of yourself as well.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to anonymous775364

My 88 year old father was found to be depressed and have dementia after a neuropsychologist evaluation. The depression diagnosis was a surprise, not because he's always cheerful, rather, because he's always been very critical, mean, and vindictive to me and my family. Being put on antidepressants has made him much easier to be around. He still says mean things to and about me, but he is much more easily distracted. I try to focus on being upbeat and positive no matter how negative he becomes and I am also surprised to find that he often mirrors my attitude. I've even heard him repeating some of the positive spin I put on some of the mean stories he tells repeatedly. I'm not saying that this will always work with him or anyone else, but you might consider having your mother evaluated for both dementia and depression. Both can present with subtle mood and personality problems and/or changes.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to HonorAble

nanotorand, who are you referring to? Who shouldn’t have access on here? This goes back to 2014 and has 1,300 answers on it. I don’t want to sift threw them all. What are you taking about?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to elaine1962
RoughMatch Nov 2020
NanatoRandS was referring to Riley2166. (Back in Oct-Dec 2019). IMO Riley2166 has every right to be here. These calls for censorship really burn me up. Riley2166 was making a point that elicited conversation and thought. You can agree or disagree with their opinion. Stop calling for cancellation of people that don't agree with you.
This is so similar to my issues with my Mom. I too am an only child and Mom placed in Assisted Living 2 months ago. She was so angry that I only visited her twice in the first two months. She tells me how horrible it is there, how the food is terrible. Then when I talk to the Facility Director, she says Mom has made a couple of new friends, is eating well, taking her meds and is adjusting nicely. She just tells me it is horrible, but really she is being taken care of. Do not feel guilty. I need peace too. After a horrible journey the past 2 1/2 years with my Mom being scammed out of $80,000 by an overseas man that she thinks is in love with her, and all of the lies she told to cover it up, I'm ready for time with my wife and kids. We are going to visit the day after Christmas, so as not to have to deal with her negativity on Christmas.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to ctccbc

Why are you feeling guilty? For what? For your mother's horrible behavior? I don't care if she has dementia or not - her behavior and attitude are harming you and will potentially destroy you and you do NOT deserve that. There are people like this and there is only ONE solution - remove yourself from them and do NOT spend time with them no matter what. The woman is safe and is being cared for and the people there are paid to do their jobs. Let them take care of her. Call once or twice a week and the minute she gets "negative", either change the subject and if that does not work, just excuse yourself to "answer the door" or "I have a visitor....have to go" and HANG UP. Do NOT subject yourself to this - it will harm you if you let it continue, She is not normal - you are and have every right and reason to resent her behavior.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to Riley2166

Yes it is all normal. Shes probably feeling loss of independence. That would change anyone's personality and cause some to be negative. Having dementia makes it all even worse. I know with all that happened to my moms health and having dementia, she has changed. My mom also moved. Lost my Dad a year ago. Its so hard to see them change. once
positive people now negative is hard for us to fathom. I have to remind myself that it isnt easy for them. They probably dont realize whats happened as they cognitively declined. I can understand how you feel about not wanting to visit her. Me also sometimes. Myself, I feel and think of how much I love her and how unhappy she is and how alone she would feel if I didnt visit her. Its sad I know I feel for you. They need to complain to us as they want us to feel there pain and scared of what is happening to them especially when they cant remember and wonder why they cant. Hang in there. Take care of you
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Lily8467
cherokeegrrl54 May 2021
But we can only be responsible for our own happiness. We can do everything right, do everything they ask of us, and then they lay into us with nasty, negative words that feels like they cut to the bone. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness…….take care of you and your new husband. Those should be your priorities now.
Thank you Shell38314
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to elaine1962

Sounds like my mom, negativity, stubbornness, paranoia. She’s in a good facility and has even made friends with some of the fellow residents. The contempt and rudeness is mainly for myself and main caregiver.

I know dementia probably has a lot to due with this unpleasantness. It’s
hard when she constantly calls me names and cruel for putting her in board/care. In my mom’s case memory is a big issue. I placed mom in a facility close to me very easy visits and outings, but for now I’ve decided to limit my visits to give her time to settle into new environment. As crazy as it sounds it’s comforting to know others are walking in my same shoes. Let’s stay strong for each other.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Kitty19

Negativity for mom gives her something to talk about. I honestly think they are horribly bored. The anxiety is what gets to me. So worried about everything!
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to NeedHelpWithMom
onlychild55 Jun 2021
I read you post and that is how I think about my mom’s negativity. She used to be so independent and about 2 1/2 years ago, something started changing in her . Highly anxious about everything. She says all the time she hates everything. She says all the time she is miserable . She is . I tell her she is bored , lonely. Part of this big problem
Will someone please, please explain to me this - when people get dementia and physical problems, I say you should help them as much as you can especially if you love them and vice versa and the relationship between you during the years was a good one. But here is what I simply cannot understand. When their bad behavior and verbal abuse, not to mention all kinds of other problems, becomes so bad that it affects both the caretaker and the caretaker's life and family, WHY ARE PEOPLE ALLOWING IT TO HAPPEN? If it cannot be stopped, and I doubt it can unless one gets very tough, something most people aren't capable of, you caretakers are feeling guilty, unhappy, depressed, exhausted, developing your own set of problems physically and mentally and everything is NOT going good, why are you doing this? There comes a time where you must be strong and recognize what is now and do something about it. That might mean removing them and putting them somewhere - but aren't you worth it? Don't you want a chance to live YOUR life while you still can? Are you willing to lose everything in life because of these people. God, I hope you don't feel that way. YOU deserve peace and a chance to live a normal life and if you can't have that with them in your presence, well, you know what you have to do. Be strong. In time you will learn you did the ONLY right thing to do given the circumstances.
Helpful Answer (20)
Reply to Riley2166
Lymie61 Aug 2019
..."because of these people"? "These people" are our parent's, grandparent's, siblings and spouses, our family and one day you and I may be one of "these people" so while I hear what you are saying about not loosing our lives to their disease's and don't disagree I have areal problem with the way you have dehumanized other's LO's here, at least that's the way it feels to me.
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It can be the dementia, it can be her anger at forgetting and being in a new place which confuses her. She thinks that you can move her if she complains to you.
My parent is that way just as her personality. everything is measured against her own likes and dislikes. Opinionated- not attractive and she has lost all her friends and other family from it. I protect myself and limit how often i see her.
So you know she is cared for there, she eats, then give yourself a break. Maybe less of an audience ( you) would cut down her verbal complaining?
Best wishes.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to DJ9876543

I think that she's just unhappy being there. I don't think anyone would be happy moving into a nursing home. My father is going through that for the time being. I would visit her more often and if you can, take her out on outings (Lunch, shopping, visits with family members), Maybe that will be something that she can look forward to on a weekly basis, maybe the complaining won't be too bad afterwards. Make the visits complaint free: You don't need to be given a guilt trip for placing her in there or listen to her complain about everything under the sun. About the bathing and hygiene, I would inform her nurse or social worker about this. Maybe they can help.
Helpful Answer (0)
Reply to Anonymous1256

This person you are describing could be my Mum. Although She has not got dementia, like yours she has always been a very negative person, and moaned but like yours found some lighter moments, but now all it is is negativity and constant moaning and rudeness towards me mainly, we cannot have a conversation because she doesn’t listen to what is being said, and will constantly cut people off and start talking over them, usually changing the conversation entirely. I would like to walk away and not see her, but then find myself feeling guilty for thinking this way. Don’t know if to sit her down and try and talk to her and find out why she is so angry with me or just ignore it. I have tried talking to my sister but she just takes my mums side and doesn’t want to know. Any advice from any one would be appreciated.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Suszy666
DJ9876543 Jul 2019
I got one of those- my mother. She has always been that way- has yours? It is a self-centered personality. It is not possible to talk her out of it. They are illogical. It is their way or anger. She hurts herself to be thankful she is still alive. Dont let her hurt you too.
Dont be guilty. She chose her attitude. She is an adult.
If she has changed from being nice to angry then have her evaluated for dementia. That is a sign. In that case you cant talk them out of it either. You have to release the parent you knew to a brain disease.
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My soon to be 96 yr old mother who’s in a nursing home going on 5 years gets really mean. I’ve learned( although it took awhile) to just say today’s not a good day to visit. I love you and will see you in a couple of days. At this point I’ve found a balance between my mental health and being there for her . It’s a constant struggle
Helpful Answer (16)
Reply to anonymous922165
elaine1962 Sep 2019
Yes I agree with you anonymous 922165!!
This is so sad but YOU must be CANNOT AND MUST NOT ALLOW HER NEGATIVITY IN YOUR PRESENCE. I don't care why she is doing this to you, it has to stop at once. If you have done everything in your power to prevent this, medically, and otherwise, then you have to face the fact it is not going to stop, it will get worse and IT WILL DESTROY YOU if you don't get away from her. There is no reason on earth to feel guilty about not letting someone cause harm to you physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, etc. You MUST put her somewhere safe where she is cared for but it cannot be in your space. It will kill you and you will be miserable. Don't allow it.
Helpful Answer (18)
Reply to Riley2166
PandabearAUS Feb 2019
So true. This is good advice. Get on with your life and visit her less.
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Glad I saw this topic. My mother always been a negative person but she had gotten worse over the years. She is now the type of person who sees life as every silver lining has a cloud. Nothing gets her laughing like those videos of people hurting themselves doing stunts or tricks. She has dementia, so she is very forgetful, but bad things lock in her mind and any good thing she is told she forgets in 5mins. I give her saint john's wort, a mild antidepressant, and it helps a bit. I want to talk to her doctor about a prescription antidepressant but so many actually can make symptoms worse in the elderly.

I myself take Celexa and Abilify. The Celexa helps with my depression from taking care of her 24/7 and the Abilify helps me get less irritated with her. Both have really helped. Sometimes you can't do much to help them but you can do things to help yourself.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Silveron

Helpful to know it's not just my mom that is becoming more negative and complaining a lot! If I hear one more complaint about: CVS, computers, the TV, business names, telemarketers, etc etc. ......

It's the same crap over and over and over. Oh, perhaps a slightly new twist on the same old tired out theme.

Negativity from others does really burst my bubble and bring me down very quickly.

I realize this is not an option for a person with dementia, but I read something about a grateful journal. I'm going to pull together more info and prompts and try to get her to do this and I'll do it too so we can, voluntarily, share our POSITIVE thoughts instead of the nearly constant complaining. So tiring.....

There really is comfort in knowing that my issues are the same issues others are having. Thanks to all for sharing!
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to againx100
snowy1 Aug 2019

I really like your idea of the thankful journal. I have done that with my own special needs daughter and we are doing 99% better than last year.

My problem mom is very negative and doesn't want to do really anything except maybe be taken to the casino. It is a big chore as it takes both my sister and me to get her into the car, but the biggest issue is the toilet once we are there. The handicapped restroom only has grab bar on one side and the back. Mom needs sister to lift her rear off toilet and I hold walker steady in front for mom to hang onto since so decent close arms near toilet there. We have done this a couple times successfully. Mom called last night wanting to go again but chose the one day all month my husband is off and he said he wasn't going. I explained to mom that he could stay home but mom didn't like that answer.

The saga continues and today is another day of it. I will definitely try your idea though and even if Mom doesn't want to write something grateful, maybe I can can model doing it.
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That is my feeling 100% but guilt is a trip
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Nette2018

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