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Mother, contact the DHHS. They can guide you to the correct information for your specific area.

Each county, city and state has it's own requirements.

Where I live, you can have 5 residents, without sprinklers. You need certifications and licensing, even for 1 non-family member client. You need a three day emergency supply of food, water, fuel, supplies, etc. You get inspected by the government all the time. Your home needs to be open for visitors and inspections 24/7/365. The list goes on and on.

You don't want to do this without doing it legally, because you are dealing with people at the end of life. One dead body, which you will likely have, could cause you more problems then you can imagine.

Best of luck. I think it is a good career, if you can handle it.
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Add to what the others have said....
A call to your Insurance carrier to determine the type of coverage would be needed.
Also find out if you would have to have the house fitted with sprinklers and hard wired to Emergency Services.
All these are just the tip of the Iceberg.
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JoAnn29 Mar 2022
Yes, your house would need to be handicapped accessible.
Look up licensing for Board and Care requirements for your area. Do know that keeping up such a license can be very onerous. Not something to be taken on unless a calling, a vocation. I have known a few run by families that had about 6 patients.
Again, this requires a license and each state will have its own rules.
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Yes, you would have to be licensed. Probably be certified as a CNA and in other things. Regular Blood Bourne pathogens course and CPR course. Maybe have a doctor affliated with you or a Nurse Practioner. Maybe State and Township inspections.
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Motherof368, it would be best to contact your local County zoning office. If you live within city limits, contact the City zoning office.

If you are doing this for income and the elderly patients are not related to you, then you would also need to check regarding having a business license, are bonded, and insured.
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