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Now you know that he doesn't really care...yet. He'll lose business. He may learn to care the hard way. I have not experienced such cavalier attitudes, but people like that rarely change their minds regardless of how reasonable the email. In order for him to change, it has to hit close to home. When it's his family member, he will care and he will want everybody else to care too.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
You may very well be right, NY. Some people don’t get it until it hits home. Then, they feel the impact first hand.
Everybody is entitled to choose. You can choose where to shop, and business owners can choose how to run their business, just as parents choose how to raise their children. If you don't like something, then make a different choice. I don't believe that pushing MY wishes, opinions and feelings on others is right, just as I do not wish for them to push theirs on me. Are you hurt because they didn't seem to care if you were a customer? If it matters, I don't like supporting Amazon. So, I make choices about my feelings and opinions. I don't use plastic bags. I eat organic, I will tell you why, I want my great grand kids to be able to breathe. Does that upset you?
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I’m upset at their ignorance/stupidity and selfishness. Their behavior is putting others at risk. Everyone has a right to be offended by someone not wearing a mask.

This is why society placed ‘no smoking’ regulations in place. I could care less if someone smokes in their own space. It’s their lungs.

It’s not my business if someone smokes, nor do I want it to be but I sure as hell don’t want anyone blowing smoke in my face in a public space.

People only stopped smoking in public when regulations were put in place because people surrounding them did not want to breathe in their second hand smoke.

This situation concerning Covid is more of an immediate danger than second hand smoke.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone cared enough about humanity to wear a mask?

Why would you ask me if I would be offended by you eating organic? That question does not make sense to me. How does that put me at risk? It doesn’t. Someone not wearing a mask does put me at risk.

I could care less where people shop, online or stores. Online is actually smart! No contact with others.

I feel that business owners have a responsibility to the public and their employees to follow regulations that have been ordered by their governors.

For the record, I eat organic too. I do not use plastic bags. I do wear a mask so I don’t spread my germs.

I am quite sure people could care less if I eat organic or whether I use plastic bags or not but would care if I don’t respect them by possibly contaminating them if I am selfish enough not to wear a mask.
Yes, here in WI and elsewhere in areas where Trump supporters are common, there is an attitude that "freedom" to do whatever they please is paramount to any public health emergency. These people feel that the COVID-19 epidemic is made up, overblown, only affects city people, and myriad other illogical and erroneous ideas. Many small business owners are among this group, including some in my own family. During the "stay at home" orders, I've seen Facebook pictures of large groups gathering, people who think they are immune to the infection possibility. If you have not been out much, this is wider spread than you might realize. And I don't expect our local police to infect themselves giving out tickets or enforcing.

SO...if you are among the better educated who appreciate how easy this infection spreads, if you know someone who's been infected (I do, my young niece,) and know how serious the infection is, how it can reduce your lung function and damage your organs permanently (anyone for dialysis?), you know that you must protect yourself as you have been doing. And avoiding going out as much as you can. For several more months in all likelihood. And don't spend your discretionary consumer dollars with businesses that don't think they have an obligation to help lower the curve by taking reasonable precautions. Spending money with businesses like that is rewarding their irresponsibility.
Helpful Answer (11)

TN started free drive thru testing on demand across the state today. Anyone who wants to be tested can be but it takes 1-2 days to get the results because the test samples are being taken in various locations and sent to a regional lab to be developed/examined. People can also be tested at every county health department. I'm sure the results of these tests are going to drive how quickly stay at home restrictions are lifted.

Our 8 county Northeast TN had zero new cases today. We saw community spread start a couple of weeks back and really expected higher numbers of cases but it has not been as bad as we feared. About 10 days of community spread and then a flatten curve in our area of the state; the larger cities with a younger and more fearless populations are a completely different story.

My favorite big chain steak house has already closed all their locations and say they may not be able to re-open. So far, none of our local restaurants have closed permanently and several that closed temporarily have reopened with curbside pickup and delivery options.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

I wonder how many businesses will not survive this. Safety comes first. I don’t see how all businesses can survive this.

Surely, some will have to close their doors forever. Sad to see dreams and livelihoods die.
I think the advice we've been given has been changing very frequently. I was recently informed that gloves are not helping to limit the spread of the virus and that masks- formerly just to be worn by people who were ill or caring for the ill- are now suggested for everyone in an enclosed space. But people also want them worn when you go for a walk and will yell at you as you pass by if you aren't wearing one.

When I see people not wearing masks or gloves I sympathize with them. I'm confused by all the conflicting advice, too. (And I hold my breath as I pass them.)
Helpful Answer (5)

It’s not worth confronting a person not wearing a mask. In New York State it is mandatory to wear a mask in a public place but if you don’t, NO FINE will be issued.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
You’re right. People are stressed and sometimes act irrationally if they snap.

I wouldn’t personally address anyone. I would tell management of a business and let them handle it.

Our governor has had to be strict because unfortunately we have had some stupid, selfish people and some have died due to them not following regulations.

We had a ridiculous pastor in Baton Rouge hold services at his Pentecostal church with more than 1000 people attending and deaths have been reported.

That pastor will have his day in court. Fines will be issued here.
Gloves easily picks up germs. Then you touch this or that, and leave said germs on it. To me, a lay person, I think gloves spread germs faster and wider range... For myself, I keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my easy-to-reach side pouch in my purse. I use it immediately after touching doors or paying at the grocery store.

If you’re going to use gloves, I’m wondering if it’s best to use vinyl gloves instead of latex ones. The few times I mistakenly bought a box of vinyl gloves while caregiving my bedridden parents, I found out those vinyl gloves are Terrible when cleaning poopy mess. Ick!! Since it’s very slippery, maybe the germs will find it difficult to stick on it.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Good question. I wish we did have concise answers on gloves. I just find myself washing my hands constantly.
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Masks are somewhat useful, but not completely fool-proof. Gloves are a complete waste of time unless you sanitize or change them each and every time you touch a surface. You will never get a100% compliance unless it is mandated and not a recommendation. I agree everyone should wear some kind of face covering when in public and social distancing cannot always be achieved. I do not agree with using gloves. I hope everyone remembers that those working in the grocery stores are constantly at risk to be exposed to the coronavirus from both unmasked and masked customers with or without gloves. You may have the luxury of only having to be at risk every three weeks when you need to shop, but the workers face it everyday. I am a cashier and I am appalled by the behaviors and the verbal confrontations of some customers. Unless you walk in the shoes of all those people who are considered essential employees, thank us instead of finding fault with us.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I do thank all of you. I think we should all appreciate and respect each other. I would like to see management appreciate workers too. There are a few stores here where management doesn’t appreciate their workers. That is sad.

Are you working regular hours or pulling double shifts? Some workers at Walmart here have walked out and the remaining workers have long hours until new people are hired.

By the way, I worked in stores when I was young, restaurant jobs too while attending school, so I know how it is working with the public. There are nice people and there are idiots!
I live in GA. As of 7PM we have 17,841 COVID19 cases. I sewed masks for my family. I bought gloves right before the crud hit the fan because I'm a poll worker and a LOT of people are just nasty. If I go out I wear a mask and sometimes gloves. If my husband is with me he will wear a mask, and if he's alone most of the time he won't. But when he does wear it he breaks every rule about wearing one that anyone could possibly make. At Home Depot he even took it off to talk to an employee! I promise my husband is NOT dumb!!! He's just clueless and doesn't think it through. Really, just because someone is wearing a mask doesn't always mean a lot and it does no good to stress about it. I have an entire system for entering a store, getting groceries into my car, perishables in back seat to go in my house, non perishables in trunk where they will stay for a week, gloves off inside out, getting into my car, etc. and then deal with my husband's unintended carelessness. You just have to take all the precautions that YOU can take and that's all you can do. This is coming from a germaphobe before COVID19 even existed and have since found out that I'm immunocompromised.
Helpful Answer (4)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Yeah, I hear you. I am a germaphobe too. I think a lot of how people behave is their personality or character coming through. You and I are germ freaks so we will naturally be more cautious.

Everyone has their quirks. I would freak out if someone tasted something that I was cooking and tried to put their spoon back in the pot.

I know that some people taste and put their spoon right back into the pot. OMG! Never! I take a spoon and put a sample in a small bowl to taste it.

Also, dish out a portion and place the balance in the fridge. I don’t want anyone eating directly out of my refrigerator!

My oldest brother used to do that. I never ate anything at his house. He would make potato salad, take a few bites out of the bowl he made it in, then place it back in the fridge. No way! Yuck! A person can eat the whole thing if I know that they ate out of the container. I won’t eat it. I can’t handle any kind of cross contamination.
The best way to go shopping nowadays would be to wear mask and plastic face covering, hair covering, gloves, long sleeve pullover t-shirt, pants, socks, and shoes. Then when you get home, discard disposables in garbage, clothing in washers and immediately wash, and then immediately take a shower.

Aside from that, use only masks. And honestly, as a Registered Nurse, anything other than an N95 will not block COVID-19, tuberculosis and others. But they could block other ill people or people spreading colds, other viruses or bacterial infections.

But you need to keep in mind, if you pass by someone, in the same aisle, or even in the next aisle over who does NOT wear a mask and who sneezes or coughs, their residue will not just end up on your mask, it will also end up on your face, in your eyes, on your skin, on your clothes, on your basket or purse, and then you go and touch those items and then inadvertently scratch your face or your head, touch your cellphone, touch your steering wheel, your groceries, etc., etc. and thus spread the virus. So, as someone else said, we do the best WE can do for OURSELVES and can only hope others follow through.

This is a pet peeve for me..... when you wear a mask, it needs to form a seal on and around your nose, mouth, cheeks, and chin, with no gaps. Any kind of gap allows the virus in. The pet peeve??? Look around you and check out some of the photos of a crowd wearing masks, see how many people wear the mask below their nose ...... that is a waste of a mask and is of no protection.

And here is what is happening with hospital staff. A nurse receives a patient who has symptoms and is admitted with diagnosis of "R/O (rule out) COVID-19". So Day 1, they are there, quite possibly infected, but the nurse, the aide/tech, the janitorial staff are all told they cannot wear an N95 until there is a firm diagnosis, which may not be known for SEVERAL more days. So for all those days, all the staff are going back and forth into that patient's room as well as many others without PPE. So finally diagnosis comes back positive, and NOW they can wear an N95. So all those extra exposures because hospital administration REFUSES to allow nurses, etc. to use the proper PPE to begin with.

AND what's more, MANY nurses have obtained/purchased their own PPE/N95's and have been ordered NOT to wear their own N95's, and if they do, they are sent home, fired, etc. This is happening in many places!!!

Another thing that is happening is that the funeral homes are receiving bodies without being informed the diagnoses are COVID-19 and are not providing PPE / N95's to the staff. So when the family comes to the nursing home to pick up their loved ones ashes, the family (who has been in close proximity with the deceased and very likely carrying the virus.... they come in NOT wearing masks and put the staff at risk. My daughter works there, and lives with me and my 95-yr old Mom. So by the funeral home not providing PPE to staff, and families coming in and not being made to wear masks, the management/owners are putting my daughter at high risk.

We live in Florida and our county is full of nursing homes/assisted living facilities. The state of Florida numbers are going up average 1,000 a day for the last week; we are now at 25,000+ cases, 740+ deaths.
Helpful Answer (6)
Arwen31 Apr 2020
Thank you for your post. I'm listening to doctors and nurses much more than to politicians these days. I've read that the only temperature that can kill the virus would be 90°. What do you do practically for whashing clothes, since you can't wash everything at that temperature? Do you suggest to wash it anyway at a lower temperature or is it a waste of time?
Many thanks.

Sending you much courage and strength for this very difficult time in Florida.
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MyOwnLife, is not wearing an N95 mask before the diagnosis of CV a practice specific only to the hospital where you work?  I ask b/c that wasn't my niece's experience.    At her hospital, nurses wore N-95s on the testing lines, and in the rooms, regardless of whether the patients had been diagnosed positive.
Helpful Answer (1)
Myownlife Apr 2020
Unfortunately, not just the hospitals here. I have read on my nursing blogs, of that occurring in many areas, not 100% of hospitals throughout the country, but enough that it is a concern. In one letter from a nurse at a local hospital, the administration/managerial reason for not having the nurse wear the N95, was because it scared the patient!!! I've just heard all sorts of excuses.... and when they do have them, there are variations of 1 N95 for the entire day, some using 1 for the entire week. Truly, it should be a new N95 each time the nurse suits up and goes in the room for the patient. It is almost impossible to reapply the same mask without contaminating your hands when applying the second time. Believe me when I say that it is not only Florida hospitals being cheap and not providing to nurses, there are plenty of other states doing the same thing.
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It is bbs2019 and those like that who are most scary to me. Even more than this virus we don’t know much about yet. In the first sentence Trump is mentioned. And then if you are intelligent you will agree. Really? So if we don’t act like sheep and stay at home forever we are not intelligent? Freedom does not mean you do what you want. Freedom as our Founding Fathers put forth was life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Staying in my home without human contact is not living for me. Seeing my neighbor with kids to feed and take care of and not able to work is unacceptable. We have car crashes, drug addiction, domestic violence, child abuse and abortion that kill everyday. Do we put out lives on hold for those things?
Helpful Answer (3)

And no I don’t wear a mask and gloves yet. When the true statistics and facts are revealed maybe I will. We started with 2 million dead, then 1 million then 100,000 then 60,000 and now? No one wants any deaths but see my previous post.
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
There have been conflicting news stories. It’s confusing at times.
To put things in perspective, every year there are approximately

--50,000 people die from flu
--40,000 people die from car accidents
--70,000 people die from drug overdose

and many more deaths from other causes.

We don't shut down all businesses (except essentials), and quarantine ourselves every flu season.
We don't get rid of cars because of car accidents.
We don't get rid of cell phones because some people text and drive.
We don't stop selling drug because of overdoses.

We don't because the good outweights the bad.

Currently, the "essential" businesses and workers are still working, wearing masks and keeping distances, except in healthcare where they can't keep distances. So, if these people can work, why can't the rest of us work, provided we take the same precautions to keep from spreading germs.

My uncle and his wife were surviving on his wife's income only after my uncle fell ill and could no longer work. Now, she is not working. But they still have to pay rent, food, car payment, insurance, utilities, etc. Their small savings will dry up quick. Unemployment will only cover a portion of their expenses. The stimulus $$ will only help pay for a little more than a month of rent. If they don't go back to work, their chance of becoming homeless and starve is 100%. That is a lot more frightening than the very small chance of catching the virus and having 98% recovery rate.
Helpful Answer (5)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
It’s complicated and a bit confusing for all of us right now. We haven’t exactly been through this before.

I suppose everyone is trying to be extra careful. It is a struggle and is frustrating for all of us.

It’s especially frustrating for some though. I feel for so many people at this time. I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.
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It’s scary. I’ve been getting my groceries delivered and trying to stay home as much as possible. Today however I went to the store and only a few people were wearing masks. Neither were they social distancing. I don’t think people realize how dangerous this virus is. I believe I actually had it in February although I wasn’t able to get a test. I was sicker than I’ve ever been in my life for 3 weeks. I had all of the symptoms. My chest hurt so bad. My breathing was terrible. I’m actually surprised it went away. Some people are not so lucky.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Geeeez, sorry you were so sick. Did it occur to you that it may be Covid or not really? Scary for you because you know how hard this virus hits a person.

I feel exactly as you do. People are not taking this issue as seriously as they should.

Take care of yourself and stay safe.
Per the news, some countries are currently going through the second wave. People are being re-infected. I guess their original antibodies from their first infection is not permanent.

I just saw in the news that Sweden is not telling its citizens to wear masks or go in lockdown but to do social distancing. They are going against the grain of what the majority of countries are doing. In the meantime, they’re building field hospitals.

@ Martz, it sounds like you had it.
Helpful Answer (1)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

What exactly does that mean? So, is the second go round easier on them or harder on them?

Are they building immunity or becoming weaker? What will be the purpose of these field hospitals?

It’s interesting to see different approaches. I hope we learn what we need to after collecting all the data.
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My Mom and I wear homemade masks when out, no gloves available in stores!

I can relate to others, there was a controversy for a while whether masks where even helpful, then all of a sudden it is an order to wear masks. Very confusing.

My concern is opening the country back up, will people still take this seriously? The danger is not yet over.
Helpful Answer (6)

Too much confusion and false info about this topic ! Different parts of the US and the world have very different recommendations. I’m an RN (not working now) and follow the CDC for my information, and other trusted sources. Here in Mass, medical masks are recommended for heath care providers and people who have symptoms of covid-19. For the “healthy public” home made cloth masks are recommended when in public spaces. The purpose of that is to protect OTHERS from your own respiratory droplets.
Others who are at risk would be wise to self protect as well, as grocery workers, etc.
Wearing disposable gloves will spread more germs than not wearing them and washing hands often. They are meant to be removed as soon as contaminated. The only exception to this is grocery workers ( and similar) who are touching many surfaces and exchanging money with many people. Then gloves may be wise, since they can not wash between each customer.
The majority of covid19 cases are spread by droplet infection. If everyone did social distancing and wore a cloth mask when in public, the transmission would go way down. Then we would see the end of this sooner rather than later.
People need to have consideration of others during this time, instead of all looking out for just themselves and their close family. We are all in this together.
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I truly appreciate your last sentences. Indeed we are all in this together.
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Getkickson. I do know what it's like to contract coronavirus. A good friend of mine had it 10 days ago. She was very sick with high fever and extreme exhaustion that lasted 7 days. She stayed in her room with shut door so she would not spread the virus to her husband and daughter. Today, she is feeling much better and not contagious according to her doctor.

I also have a cousin who served as a marine in the gulf war. He is now a front line nurse at our local hospital. He does not go home to his wife and kids, but instead stay at a temporary shelter with other health workers since he is high risk of catching and spreading the virus . And last week, he did. He is resting and doing well.

I do know the risk. The majority of people who contracted will recover. Those who died were having other health issues.

As another poster said, wearing masks and keep a distance will help stop the virus from spreading. That's what those people who are currently working do. Why can't the test of us do the same?

Millions of people live paycheck to paycheck like my uncle and his wife. In a month's time, they will run out of savings. Then what? They won't have money for rent, car payment, grocery, etc. My aunt may not have a job to go back to.

Getkickson, have you faced homelessness, and not know how you can afford food? I have. When you do, you will sing a different tune.
Helpful Answer (3)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I feel horrible for the homeless in these trying times. It is certainly extremely difficult to be facing homelessness.

This is definitely a complicated situation. It is not cut and dry. Safety is number one. Still, people have bills that are piling up.

Stimulus checks will help but that money will eventually run out. Plus, not everyone will be eligible for those checks. It’s going to be quite a challenge for many people to survive.

There are no magic answers in this situation. We are dealing with uncertainty. We have to continue to search for solutions to benefit us all.

People will disagree on issues and somehow we will have to find a way to work together for the common good.
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I work in a grocery store in a fresh food department so I am constantly changing gloves. I tried wearing a mask and it just doesn't work for me. There was no seal. Having autism, I have sensory issues and the mask caused a panic attack. Felt like I couldn't breath and where the mask was touching my face hurt. The masks most people wear simply don't work. Most of my customers don't practice social distancing and I gotta tell them to back up. I can't afford to stay home.
Helpful Answer (7)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
I am so sorry that you face additional challenges in this tough situation. I pray that you will stay safe as you work hard to serve your community.

Take care.
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I am from the UK. Our prime minister was extremely ill and in hospital with the virus but he turned the corner after being in the icu. His attitude is very sober now as he is about to be a father. We are in lockdown now and it will last a while. I hope all of you in the States stay well with your loved ones
Helpful Answer (9)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Thank you so much for your warm wishes. I certainly wish all of the UK to recover as soon as possible. Everyone is facing challenges these days.

It’s difficult to be on lockdown. I am sorry. Safety must come first. Please keep us posted on your situation.
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I meant to add there is such a shortage of PPE here in the UK that there are not enough masks and gloves for the health care workers and currently we are advised to constantly wash hands and use sanitiser. Some workers in shops are wearing gloves in the U.K. but not masks
Helpful Answer (2)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
That is horrible to have a shortage of masks for healthcare workers. Do you see that being resolved anytime soon? I surely hope that you receive masks as quickly as possible.
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What I have noticed is before the mandatory face covering in public went into effect, almost everyone maintained distance. The more masks you see people wearing, the closer that distance between people seems to become. I think the masks and gloves give people a false sense of security, even though time and again we've been told that they won't prevent you from getting the illness, they might keep you from passing it on if you're infected.
But honestly, the CDC can't seem to say for sure if masks will prevent you from spreading it if you're contagious. And now I wonder how many confirmed people with it are breaking quarantine, figuring "well, since everyone is wearing masks, it's safe for me to go out." And if the wolf is at the door financially, I can see that thinking becoming even more prevalent, if the choice is illness or starvation/homelessness.
Not an easy situation any way you look at it.
Helpful Answer (8)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
This is true. Nothing about this situation is easy.
With masks and distance, the chance of contracting the virus is cut down substantially. So, then the choices become:

Stay home: no job, no money, then homelessness and starvation, 100% sure


Go to work with protections: less than 1% chance of getting sick, and if sick, 98% chance recovery. Those "essential" workers are making this very choice.

Why can't everyone else? Why?
Helpful Answer (8)
bookluvr Apr 2020
Because people are not taking it seriously? Wearing their masks incorrectly? Won’t do what’s necessary to prevent the spread? The health care teams (nurses, doctors, medical rooms and equipment) are of limited supplies?

I get a terrible headache every time I think of my future (bleak).
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This is a huge discussion in New Orleans because as most of you know, New Orleans relies on tourism.

I personally like our mayor and governor but people are getting very upset with the mayor and our governor. Some people want businesses reopened because we need tourism dollars spent here.

The mayor and governor argue saying that if people come here, catch Covid and there are more deaths, then no one will choose us for a destination city to vacation in.

We are a fabulous city to visit. But if we aren’t safe then no one will come. It’s catch 22 for us. We need tourists to survive.

Our city is losing so much money with our festivals cancelled. Who would want to attend any festivals in our city now though? No one! Too many sick. Too many deaths!

I love festivals but I would never go this year even if they were open. Look at what happened because Mardi Gras was in full bloom because we didn’t know that we were being infected and spreading the coronavirus.

We have top notch, world class music festivals. People come from all over the world to our jazz and heritage festival. We are loosing mega millions just on that one festival. The city is going to take a huge financial hit!

Also, individual vendors that work our festivals will hurt. I will give you an example. I have friends who own a great restaurant. They do alright during the year. They work very hard.

Still, when jazz fest rolls around. They make more money those two weekends of the fest than they make the entire year in their restaurant. Does that give you an idea how many people flock to the city for those two weekends?

Plus, the month before is french quarter fest. That draws in millions of dollars too.

All of our festivals make tons of money. It’s gone now. So everyone is hurting. It’s a trickle down domino effect.

The hotels, the restaurants, the bars, our music scene, our riverboat cruises, our zoo, our aquarium, our swamp tours, our cemetery tours, our museums, our art galleries and antique shops, our local coffee shops, our snowball stands, our wonderful candy shops with delicious pralines, and on and on and on, but you get the message.

We rely on our businesses open to serve tourists. This is a hot time for us. This is our biggest time of year for festivals, French Quarter Fest, Jazz Fest and Satchmo Fest (tribute to Louis Armstrong), all are so much fun!

So, I totally hear your point of view. People need their jobs. We need the people because our businesses depend on locals and tourists.

Having said that, if we don’t flatten this curve then New Orleans will have a repeat of the horrible number of deaths from yellow fever. Google it. It was awful.

Everyone wants business open as usual but we have to make sure that we are absolutely safe.

Our governor is throwing around some suggestions of seating being far apart in restaurants and servers wearing protective masks, etc.

I am not sure when this will be resolved for us because we are struggling still. We are a hot spot.

All I can say is to please pray for us. We came back from Hurricane Katrina and I sincerely hope that we can come back from this. I fear some businesses will go bankrupt. It’s upsetting.
Helpful Answer (7)
Arwen31 Apr 2020
I hear you. It's like watching all pieces of a domino going down one by one, as you say. It's heartwrenching.

We are living the same experience, all our Festivals, the Design Week which was at the heart of our economy in Milan, all cancelled.
But we are supporting this. It's the only way we have atm.

Your city sounds fantastic, when our world will be back I'd love so much to see it.

I'm praying for you. Hold on, my friend.
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Where I live I am almost the only person wearing a mask and gloves. People look at me like why are you doing that. We have only one case in our county. It is because no one is being tested. They are not being tested because we are a tourist destination. We need the tourist dollars. So we keep it down. I am one of the very few sheltering in place in my town. This is in the USA. If the tourist sees that we don't have very many cases then they come here. Our little hospital has only three ventilators. Some idiots think it is all a hoax. The little baptist church I go to is about to open up without social distancing and no masks. I will not be there.
Helpful Answer (11)
NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Hey, the way I see it. You are the smart one in your area. Good for you!
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We have an idiot in our capital, Baton Rouge, Louisiana that ignored our governor’s regulations not to have church services. He had over 1000 people in a service for Easter Sunday.

He was arrested and will have his day in court. He most likely will have to pay a fine.

He was a guest on CNN. What an embarrassment! Tony Spell interview. Watch it if you want to witness stupidity.

Now he is telling people to donate their entire stimulus check to a church. He’s ridiculous.
Helpful Answer (2)
MAYDAY Apr 2020
How many people got infected? I heard about that.. something like 50 so far..? Or, is this a rumor?... Heard it somewhere, but I did not personally hear it so I am a little skeptic of how many people, if any, got it.
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If you Google "Robert Isaac coronavirus strategy" you will see a very good explanation of how quarantine works using a bucket of water and a plastic bottle.

In particular, the point that the media is too excitable to bring to the fore is included: that the strategy is necessarily very limited in time and can be used to effect only once. You cannot quarantine economically sophisticated populations for long.

I think in the UK our breaking point might be garden centres. People are stuck at home looking at their gardens, with time to work in them - but of course they can't buy plants, seeds, tools, or anything because the garden centres are all shut, being "non-essential." And meanwhile the retailers, including many treasured independents, are having to compost their stock - namely, the beautiful plants they've invested all their work and money in. It's heartbreaking. I predict mutiny.
Helpful Answer (1)
squee2000 Apr 2020
Do you have any local gardening groups that trade seeds or cuttings? There are community garden clubs in many US suburbs that do this. Facebook and Craigslist are good sources of info.

Some businesses will mail out free seed packets in an effort to promote the benefits of gardening for the curious beginner. Starter kit stuff, but hey, it's free.

When I used to garden I would check online forums for advice. Many had seed exchange threads.
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The latest figure I've seen for unemployment is 22 MILLION in the US alone. 22 Million people out of work. No income to survive.

Studies have shown that:

Unemployment rate goes up, SUICIDE rate goes up, especially among men and people with mental health issues. In 2018, unemployment and poverty caused 48,344 suicides. Expect that number to jump this year.

Unemployment also causes more DRUG ABUSE and drug abuse related DEATHS. For US population size, there is potential for an additional 28,000 DEATHS from opioids.

Unemployment also causes more ALCOHOL ABUSE and related DEATHS. In 2017, there were 22,246 DEATHS resulting from alcoholic liver disease, and another 2,200 DEATHS from alcohol poisoning. Expect these numbers to jump.

Unemployment also causes more DEPRESSION and all the ill health effects related to depression, especially in older adults.

Unemployment also raises CRIMES and crime related DEATHS. Whatever the crime statistics are in your areas, expect those to jump significantly.

As if that's not enough, some states are releasing "non-violent" CRIMINALS to make room in prisons for social distancing.

If we keep shutting down the economy much longer, we will be staring at the repeat of the GREAT DEPRESSION.

I know. I know. We're in a pandemic. Safety comes the cost of deaths.
Helpful Answer (4)
gemswinner12 Apr 2020
Yes! Agreed! I just saw on court TV that lots of crimes caught on camera are masked thieves. They are using the whole "mask your face" to get away with petty crimes such as stealing amazon packages from front doors , and worse!
I had a meeting last week at the bank and joked with the bank manager that I didn't wear a mask because I didn't want to get arrested. We just had our short meeting because it was essential; I needed to move some funds around, and we kept our distance and so forth. Now I think back on our conversation and it doesn't seem so funny anymore. Criminals don't have to worry about cameras?
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I didn't feel a need to wear a mask either. My friend always wears a mask when we walk. She told me to keep 6 feet distance... If I traveled too close.. by accident she would instantly jump sideways...This woman is 71,, and she is spry, but very concerned of her underlying health issues, as covid can attack more aggressively.

I would say,, nahhh... you are to worried.. My hubby brought home masks, and said wear this... He never goes out, unless necessary.."Naahhh, my answer".

Then my neighbor asked: Did you Hear about Larry who lives behind us?"
No.. .why? " He Died Last Week of Covid, and his wife is in quarantine.."

naah.. I can't happen this close to home...: Really? I looked it up.. and yes, it did." :( So, what are a few steps into a store, or a walk in the park with a mask on? NOT MUCH.. IT'S A MASK FOR THE FEW MINUTES IN A STORE VS A WEEK OR WHATEVER IN THE HOSPITAL WITH A VENTILATOR.!!

Wearing a Mask for a few minutes in public and to the store is shorter than a personal ride to the MORGUE. Hopefully you come home from the store. Going to start wearing the gloves now too.
So now if everyone used "social distancing" and wearing personal armor - gloves and masks, it should help. The car Line to In n OUt burgers the other night was almost from one end of the parking lot to the burger shop... At least 20 cars in line.
Helpful Answer (1)

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