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Some people can't and have to make the decision to place LOs in Assisted living if they can afford it or a nursing home.

Lets address the hearing problem. When is the last time they have had their hearing aides checked and their ears. Ear wax will interfer with their hearing. The both may need their ears cleared of wax. Digital hearing aides are adjusted to how the person hears at that time. The volume only goes so high and so low. If they have experienced more hearing loss the aides need to be adjusted for it. And just because they wear hearing aides doesn't mean they hear. You need to be close by and look at them when talking to them. My husband can hear me talking he just doesn't understand what I am saying.

If you think they are declining cognitively, then they need to be tested. Hearing loss will contribute to cognitively loss.
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If you are to continue caring for both your parents, then you MUST make sure that you're taking time away from them to do little things for yourself, as you are discovering that being a caregiver is very stressful. Your profile doesn't say if you are living with them or not, but if you are, then getting away is all the more important. And if that means you hire some outside help(with their money) to come in to be with them so you can get away, then do it. If you don't first take care of yourself, you won't be much good to them. Most caregivers learn that the hard way. And if being their caregiver gets to be just to much for you, then it's probably time to consider finding the appropriate facility to place them in. Best wishes.
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You either hire in-home caregivers to do the hands on caregiving for your folks or you get them placed in Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing. Those are the two most obvious choices if you're at wits end with the task yourself. I could personally never do the hands on caregiving myself, so I placed my folks in AL back in 2014. Dad passed in 2015 but my mother is still alive at 94 with serious hearing issues which are very tough to deal with even IN Assisted Living. It's a daily battle just trying to talk to her on the phone. Fortunately, I only have to deal with it for under 30 minutes a day and once on Sunday's for window visits. The rest of the time she's very well cared for by teams of 24/7 caregivers.

Best of luck!
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