
My mom is on hospice and slowly declining. I have very little help. With her needing more and more assistance I need to hire someone. Does anyone have any advice how people afford almost round the clock care. Getting desperate

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Perhaps members of your church community, if you have one. We do a LOT if ministering to people in ours. And, of course, it's free.

Maybe through that, you can find someone who can do it more regularly at a 'reduced' cost.

A person going through Nursing School and needs some extra $$ but can't commit to one job for a long time.

Check with your mom's local Sr Center. They often have leads on people who want to work with elderly people. Mom's did.

Good Luck.
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Hospice has volunteers that will come and sit with your mom but they really aren't allowed to do any hands on work.
Also since your mom is under hospice care she does qualify for a 5 day respite at their hospice home/facility, so definitely talk to her hospice nurse about getting the ball rolling on that.
The hospice homes are beautiful and she will be well cared for while there.
And sadly it's usually more cost effective to place a loved one in a facility than it is to pay for round the clock care.
I wish you well in getting things figured out soon.
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Have you tslked to the Hospice agency about maybe increasing the aides hours? Call Office of Aging to see if there is any help there. Yes, Hospice allows for 5 days of respite care.

Be aware, Hospice services are only covered by Medicare. Room and board (other than respite care) are not covered. That expense is paid by the recipient.
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You might be able to get some respite help. Contact your local social services to see if they have vouchers. Also, check with her hospice to see if she qualifies for facility care or additional respite care
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Have you applied for Medicaid?
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Look into a stand-alone hospice facility where she'd have care 24/7. Home care at that level is very expensive, as you've discovered. The stress on you needs to be assessed as well. The home care model may not be advisable for YOU because stress can make YOU sick.

You didn't mention if she has any assets that could be sold. If she has a home, a car, jewelry or anything else of value, this is the time to sell it and apply the money to her care.
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