
She goes a&e they just give her another blood pressure tablet pain killers and send her home 7hrs later she is too poorly to keep going up there three times in four weeks the drs are not very helpful we feel so helpless I hate seeing her so ill she is on three lots of blood pressure tablets as it is had anyone else seen this in their elderly parents

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Is she eating high sodium foods? Sorry if that is a dumb question. Would you try the ER? Maybe her doctor is bad. I don’t know what to say. Is she on other meds? Maybe something is interacting and causing a bad reaction. Is she swelling with fluid in her legs, chest, or feet? She might need a diuretic.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to PeterAnthony

I’m guessing UK based on your description and also guessing perhaps your mother has reached the sad place of having more issues that have fewer solutions. It comes for most everyone. Consider if it may be time to discuss the realities of her future with the doctors, if there are no more real fixes, and maybe hospice services can help. Hospice in this country has the most helpful medicine to keep people comfortable. I wish you both peace
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930

What country are you in? Most of us are in the US and we'd have different suggestions based on what we know are available solutions. Knowing what country you're in will be very helpful as we have participants from Canada, the UK, Australia and some other countries.
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Reply to Geaton777

Wow, I am so sorry.
What do you do about measuring blood pressure at home daily? There are very good devices, quite inexpensive. You mention A&E so I am thinking you are in the UK? I don't know if you can buy Omron there, but it is an excellent device, easily used, about 30.00 in the USA. You want never to use wrist or finger measurements, only arm measurements.

Do the docs suggest/might they suggest any medication she can take on a PRN or "as needed" basis for high readings?
How is diet and is she limiting the salts?
Is she overly anxious by nature?

I am trying to think of what might work but for some high blood pressure is a fact of life about which there is not much to do. It is a hugely complicated system that regulates our pressures.

I think that I would make an appointment with the general practioner that addresses ONLY this ongoing problem and about what (if anything) can be done about it.

I do have blood pressure issues and the one thing, at 82, I can guarantee you is that movement (walking for me) helps it a whole lot. I just read in the AARP magazine that this is typical.
Good luck. Wishing you both the best.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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