
If so, please explain behaviors related to this disease.

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I suggest you Google the phrase "white matter disease". I assure you that will find information about this disease. If you or someone else has been diagnosed with this, find out all you can on your own, then go back to the doctor with a load of written questions. You may want to take someone with you to make sure you absorb as much info as possible.
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I have googled it but I just wanted to hear from someone who has experienced this disease...........doctors appt is July 2 and I have a list.....thanks
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"White Matter Disease" is a general term. Ask the MD if it is lesions or infarcts?Is the white matter thickening or thinning? Of course he will want to know what she is having trouble with; is it walking or decision making or memory? Reading or writing? Talking or listening? You will be very helpful if you can remember what the deficits are and when they began. Also write down all her medical history, any unusual fevers, infections, surgeries, all of it.
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