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My experience is that its hard to get from the state unless its legally required for state to submit. Like if its to validate a claim against the estate filed in probate court and executor or atty compels documentation.

What might be simpler If they are in a facility & you are their DPOA & have HIPPA paperwork allowing access, you should be able to get a payment document from the NH/AL as to the room & board charges paid by medicaid for each month they have been there. Most facilities keep real time records so simple to download & print out. They can charge you a service fee. If you do this, you better make sure elder is all current on their bill and paying their SOC (share of cost).

Now for payments to vendors that is going to be way way stickier.
What could be easier is to look at the statements from CMS that your elder should be getting on a regular basis from MediCARE. My mom got these about every 5 weeks. A forest of paper...... Within them it will state what MediCARE will be paying to the penny for a coded service and to whom paid and when. And the outside balance due for the service. Often the billing will be months or even years after service done too. If they are on Medicare & Medicaid, you can kinda assume the outside balance amount was paid by Medicaid. There will be a pattern of vendors paid if they are in a facility. You can do an Excell on it and update every CMS statement.
Between facility list & CMS info then Added together it will give you an idea of looming Medicaid tally.
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No, I am asking because I would like to see what is owed.
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Are you asking this cause your parent has died and the Medicaid amount is related to estate recovery aka MERP?
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