
What do you do when you loved one has formed a bond with their care giver however you never quite care for them yourself. My moms care giver talks too much and is always butting in our business. I've tried to bring someone else in but my mom doesn't like anyone else. Please help with this one. I've talked to the agency and got someone from another agency who is familiar with this same care giver and they say they had to stop assigning her because of people complaining about the same things I am.

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Would it be possible to have a serious discussion with your mother about your feelings and observations about her caregiver? Maybe if she heard your concerns about how her caregiver is fitting into both your lives she could handle considering someone new. Does your mother live with you? I have found when communicating with elderly folks that taking the approach of being concerned for their safety, care and emotional well being is effective. She may have no idea you are uncomfortable with this person and if you can relay that to her she may be more willing to consider a change. I don't know your situation, but I do understand wanting the best for your parent and having a bad feeling or just feeling uncomfortable with a caregiver is difficult and can cause tension. Listening to your "gut" and being cautious is so important in caring for someone other than ourselves. I wish you luck in getting this resolved.
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Thank you Shawna. I live on my own however my sister, her husband, and their two teenage kids live in my moms house. I am the one who took a family leave to care for my mom though. When I found it to be too much for me I enlisted help. But the girl is a busy body, (really) who talks NON STOP, and butts in with everything concerning our family. Unfortunately she has been present when I didn't have sense enough to ask her to leave and now she just knows too much of our business and is even trying to get the people next door to get her to come in and take care of the elderly lady too. Just too much, way too much and she has made my mom co-dependent on her. I've told my mom but my mom says I don't like anybody. That's not it but I don' t want just anyone there taking care of her.

Does that help any? I'm still looking for advise cause it may be that if my mom likes her, that's all that matters. I just hve a funny feeling about her.
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I need help on this topic also. Mom and I hired "Daisy" from an agency to help Mom with doctor trips,groceries,etc. Mom lives alone,has many illnesses but no dementia per hr Dr. They hit it off, I thought fine, Mom needs to feel independent. Little did I know that one yr later, Daisy has replaced me as the daughter. Mom is furious at me for not letting her die in the ER several months ago although it was Daisy who followed the ambulance, was there before me as I was at work. Daisy now takes care of Mom as a favor, not thru the agency. Mom has cut off ties with us for the most part. I tried talking to her but says my adult kids and I are hateful to her and Daisy loves her. We don't know how to handle this. For the first time in my life, my Mom refused to have Christmas with us. She spent it with Daisy and the owner of the agency. Like you Pamela, I just have a funny feeling. If I push it, I think Mom would make up something and call the police on me as she has hinted she would. We've never had a good relationship, now we have none.
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now i understand why my brother refuse to get outside help to look after dad while he was in fla . i beg him cried to him plz dad wants to stay home , he doesnt want to go to assist living . he says linda ! i dont trust anybody i dont know . i know not to trust anybody but i didnt think about what im hearing here .
im glad he trust his baby sister here . other wise dad would be in nursing home . its me or the nursing home . dad would cry and hollar for me and we were thousand miles away , my brother called and ask me if i would take dad in and zoom i went down there and got him . it will be one year next month since hes been with me.
alwaysmyduty i am so sorry your mother turned agaisnt you . daisy prob has fed your mom some no good ideas . am so sorry you had t o miss christmas without ur mother ,
hope she doesnt go broke and turn around to see daisy walk away from all that .
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Unfortunately, our elderly parents often form an emotional bond with their caregivers. This is one reason it is so important to get someone with a legit company who is bonded and with whom you have a contract. Even a long time friend of the family cannot always be trusted to care for an aging parent because as I read in a book that fact becomes a bridge for them to walk accross and take advantage of the person's dependency upon the caregiver. The name of the book with this particular story is Is Your Parent in Good Hands?: Protecting Your Aging Parent from Financial Abuse and Neglect

One of the biggest problems is the lack of laws on the books to protect elderly parents from abuse when the adult children can clearly see it. The emotional dependency of the aging parent on the caregiver who may or may not be taking advantage of them will often keep them from speaking out because they are afraid of loosing them. This is probably a poor analogy, but to expect an emotionaly dependent victim of an abusive care giver to file charges is like expecting an abused child to file charge against their parents or other relatives. We need new laws.
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I think I'm going to start by reducing her hours from 12 hours to 8. Perhaps she will not like it and will ask the agency to find her someone else who wants 12 hours. I'll just have to go over and fill in for those extra 4 hours or until my sister comes home.
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Pamela - that sounds like a good start. Finding a win-win for you AND your mom is the most important thing. Good luck with this and please keep us informed, I'd like to know what ends up happening. Cheers, Shawna
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Good news: my mom and I interview another care taker, (whom I'd liked 2 weeks ago but my mom said was too FAT!). I liked her and brought her back for a second interview. When she sat down and talked to my mom for an hour, about cooking and Louisiana down home cooking, my mom is willing to give her a try. She starts next Wednesday.

I called the agency and told them to reduce GODZILLA's hours from 7 a to 7 p to 7 a to 3 pm. They said OK and will call her tomorrow.

I'm sure she will complain to my mom and my sister, but I will go over there at 3 and stay till my sister comes home. Only thing about that is my sister will take advantage and stay out as long as possible but that's OK, it's worth it to get her out, and this new lady IN.

Gosh I hope she works out.

I'll keep you posted though.

By the way I'm certainly glad I found this website!
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Pam good for you finding a solution- it sounds great and you telling us about this may very well help out others with simuliar problems. This site is so great even though my husband passed away I feel drawn to be here, you are a blessing to others-keep us posted how things work out.
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UPDATE-UPDATE. I'm going to try to make a long story short.

This morning, (Monday) my mom called me @ 7:15 AM and asked if I'd changed the care-giver, if I'd changed her hours from 7 to 3. I said yes, and my mom said that the care-giver told her "I DON'T WORK THOSE HOURS", and told my mother thank you for being such a great client and LEFT!. Do you hear me, she LEFT!!!! Luckily my sister was there and went to work late. I'm sure Jerroldanne talked to my sister prior to leaving though.

I told my mom that I'd be over straight away. On my way I called the new agency and asked if the new lady could come over today for training and so she did.

Now I am very angry that Jerroldanne Harroldson left and you best believe I phoned the agency and told them in which they said she can no longer work for them because she'd abandoned her post, so to say, but there must be something else that I can do to alert people about this unprofessional. If she was upset with the hours, shy did she agree when the agency called to inform her? I didn't mind her cancelling at that time, but to do so this way really let's me know the reason she did it was to start mess.

Luckily my mom was really OK with it. I'd already expressed my dissatisfaction with this lady to my mom. And my intentions were to lose her all together. So I should feel happy, but I kind of feel for my mom. It seemed better to just outright cut the ties as soon as possible and with no hesitation and I certainly have no remorse for doing so. Does that make me mean, coneiving, no that just makes me an attentive daughter who is cautious. And that is what we should all be.

Ms. Crystal kept calling my mom "mamma" and my mom said that she had some good ideas. But I have to tell you that I am so happy to get rid of that troublemaker that I don't know what to do. Of course I'm sure my sister will talk to my mom tonight and my mom will further confront me with questions 2morrow and my answers will be that I did what I felt in my heart that I needed to do and that will be that.
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I have hired help from agencies and also independents. Both are viable options if you do your homework. My problem came when I didn't set the proper boundaries. One woman was with me for over 3 years and she became too difficult to deal with. She became depanding when it came to money and time. I am in charge of my house, so this attitude did not work for me. My solution was to cut her hours. Mom loved her, but did not see the problems that arose because of the caregivers problems at home.
She was messing up mom's meds and she was a nurse!!! The last nerve was snapped when she started kicking my puppy. I fired her . It was easier since she never worked summers and it was a natural ending. After the summer was over, I called her and told her we didn't need her anymore. It was painless since I didn't give mom a say in the matter. She was not seeing it as a safety issue. I was so relieved to have her out of my house.

If you are not comfortable with the situation, follow your instincts!!! I did and replaced her with a wonderful woman from the agency. She is the best I have ever had, and respect her work ethics. Good luck.
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Update: my mom really likes the new care taker, Crystal. She is very good and doesn't have a problem when my mom and I need to talk business, she asks if she should exit the room. There is a new problem though with my sister. She will meet Crystal 2morrow as she will work from 10 - 6 on Friday but she seems to be leaving the house after I leave. Let me go back. Crystal's hours are 7 am till 3 pm. I go at 3 till my sister comes home, (trying to keep it on a budget). The real problem is that my sister is not communicating with me, very angry that I've taken control, (which needed to be done). She won't tell me when she will be gone and won't ask me to be there when she needs me to be, she will only tell my mom and by the time my mom tells me, it's all confusing. I don't mind staying there but I'd like a life too. Now she tells my mom that she will be gone ALL NEXT WEEK! What the heck is that suppose to mean? Does that mean that I need to be there ALL NEXT WEEK. I can't talk to her, she's mad because I have POA and I'd actually like to put them out and move in myself but I'm trying to just take care of my mom. All that other stuff isn't working on me cause I just want to make sure my mom is taken care of.

Any suggestions?
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Your sibling is doing the classic "throw a tantrum and excuse yourself from responsibility." It has happened to me.

I now look at it this way: My mom is my prime concern. I trust my instincts and move forward. If you have her PoA, you mother has put you in charge because she trusts you.

You are correct to fire the "busy body." My mom tends to make friends with anyone who comes into her home. I keep telling her that these people are paid to WORK...they are not your friends or family and not there to socialize. I instruct them on what they need to do and keep a close eye on everyone. If I had a gut instinct that some one was crossing the line, I would fire them in a heartbeat. There are too many good agencies out there that will be competing for your business.

Even if your mom protests, always do what is best for her.
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Lilliput, You are so right. We had one steal from us and I could not get rid of her sooner!! And she was from an agency. I do make friends of some of my helpers since they are such wonderful people, but sometimes you do have to keep your distance. Pamela,Take charge and do what you think is right.
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Well here is the latest, and I won't even sugar coat it.

Since my sister is in the hospital again, (see HELP I AM DESPERATE), I'm jipped all over again. My mother's care giver worked today from 7am to 7pm, Sunday 1/10/10 to help me out after I had to suddenly go to my moms after my sister was hospitalized.

So now since my sister's husband and her daughter are not reliable and won't convey to me when they'll be there, or not, and my nephew comes and goes, (remember they all live in my moms house with her), so now I have to go over my moms house by 7pm to stay with my mom until 7 am when Crystal arrives.

Daily I go over there at 11 to bring my mom a dinner, then I'd go over at 3 till my sister comes home. OK so I'm increasing Crystals hours to 7 am to 7pm but how fair is that for me to have to go over and spend the night there. Even when my sister comes home she won't feel very good. Oh by the way this is a result of Gastric Bypass Surgery, the colon is blocked, hmmm.

I am so grateful that I found out last Friday that my mom was approved for Medical, this will truly help me out, now I'll pay the Agency and myself since I have been the one who's done practically all of the work for my mom.

But it really makes me angry that my sister and her family consistently get a FREE RIDE. If I put my mom in a nursing home, you best bet I'd do everything I could to get my sister's family out of my moms house. Why should they be allowed to remain there and my mom have to be in a home.

Honestly I am sick of being the one who has to do it all, just sick to death. No time for me, or my sons. I love my mom am I being unreasonable??????????

No spellchecking folks, sorry.
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NO, you are not being unreasonable. Give them a time limit, sell the house and use the proceeds to support your mom in her new placement. Do you have real estate POA? There is a difference. Make sure it is only her name on the deed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Family can really mess things up for the responsible one. Sometimes a parent can, too. Please keep us updated about how things turn out. Hoping the best for you and your mom!
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Well I'm so tired, but one good thing is that my mom is happy as a lark. She loves the new lady, Crystal, and she loves the fact that I am spending the nights with her, in that recliner no doubt, while my sister is still in the hospital. I'm so beat I don't know what to tell you but I am so so so happy that Crystal has helped me to brighten my mom's days. She's a big girl and can even lift my mom however she's got my mom walking and walking and walking and the best thing about her walking is that she gets TIRED!!!! and instead of tossing and turning all night, she SLEEPS, which means I can sleep too.

I don't think I will stay the entire night tonight, my sister's kids are there 16 and 19 years old so I think I'll go for a while and come home. I'll go back Tuesday as she has a Dr's appt and I've got to take her. We ride the Access which is equipped for wheelchairs and it only cost $2.25 each way. Leave the driving to them.

It's rough, it really is but I just thank God that my mom likes the new lady who has really been a blessing. Very professional, and very positive and knows what she's doing.

I don't have real estate POA my moms house is in her trust and goes to both my sister and I should anything happen to her but I do have Financial POA. My mom didn't want to give either one of us Medical POA but I have written a long letter to Kaiser and advised them that I will be handling things for her. When she first got sick I made myself known when I was requesting everything that she needed. Even had to threaten to call Michael Moore if she couldn't get the things she needed: Medical bed, Trapeze bar, hoya lift (I returned that), and things like that.

So that's the latest and I look forward to your comments and thank you everyone so very much. I hope everything is going OK in your loved ones world.

You all deserve medals.
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You get a medal, too, for all you do! Bless your heart for caring for your mom. Keep us posted. Hope you get some rest, which will help you handle things as they come.
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Well my friends here is the latest. I don't think I deserve that medal just yet.

It's Saturday now. My sister came home from the hospital on Tuesday evening and I was there. She got home about 7pm, came in and said hello to my mom and before you know it she was gone again. Keep in mind she's just gotten out of the hospital. OK, I said. About 2 hours later I saw her lights on her car from my moms window. I had my stuff together ready to go. I kissed my mom and told her I was leaving. This time I met my sister coming through the door, as I was leaving. Ha that will fix her.

Crystal was scheduled for Wednesday from 7am to 7pm. I didn't go over. At 11:30 pm my mom called and asked why I'd given Crystal the day off, so I called the agency and Crystal went over Thursday 7-7. Crystal worked Friday 7-7, again I didn't go over, and here it is Saturday and Crystal worked 7am-3. She called me and said that my sister had something to do and was I coming over. I said OK.

I go over there at 2pm and my sister and her family are in their room watching a DVD. I'd had literally 3 days off, and spent that time on me meaning I did NOTHING because my sons went out of town. I had time to be with ME. So here I am sitting in my moms room after Crystal leaves and it's 2 hours later and I'm still sitting there doing this and that and this and that for her.

Now I'm sure that because I had 3 days off, it got good to me, I'll admit that. I was depressed over there, my mom dozing off and on, asking me questions about the boyz, asking me what day is this, I just had to get out of there. But mainly I felt like WHY SHOULD I BE THERE WHEN MY SISTER AND HER ENTIRE FAMILY IS THERE AND THEY ARE IN THEIR ROOM HAVING A BLAST. Why shouldn't I be at home too. Is this selfish? Has anyone else experienced this? Why can't I come home and watch the Saints and the Colts play............hahaha!!!!!!!!!!

I got up told my mom that I was going HOME. I told my sister that I was leaving.

I left came home, made myself some hot tea, (I won't tell you what I put in the tea) and I'm right back here on this computer.

It just depresses me to no degree to see my mom in this condition. She's always been the life of the party, heck that's where I got it from. But now the tables have turned so drastically. I just couldn't stay there. Am I wrong?
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How are they all holding you hostage? Enjoy your life! Go have fun, and be with encouraging friends. Tell your sister it's her responsibility to care for your mom since she's living in her house.
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If your sister is there, turn around and go home. Better, yet if you know that she is there, don't go at all. You are being taken advantage of.
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Well thank you both, you are so right. Today I went and paid the bills. They were all home today too but my mom had bills that needed to be paid. 2morrow is a Holiday so I'll be home, that's why I went today.

Taken advantage of, yeah but you know my mother doesn't think of it that way and I can't get her to understand that the two of us don't need to be there at the same time.

Call me a sucker, but I tell you one thing, I do know how to disappear when I want too.
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Good for you. Take the day off and reflect. You need to be in charge!!!!!!!!!!! Bless you and your kind heart.
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Pam Your sister should be doing most of the care for your Mom since she lives there and I assume she is not paying rent as is her family so why not let them do the work needed and you only go over to visit your Mom as you want why let your sister use you badly.
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My sister pays rent Austin. When my mom got sick, I made up a rental agreement for them to pay ME now. The rent will continue to be paid to ME even after my mom passes, that is if they want to continue to live in the house which is in a trust for my mom and becomes ours upon my moms passing.

I took leave from work to care for my mom. I am my moms child and she's always been my best friend. It did not matter what my sister chose to do. She is adopted and my moms blood is not running through her body as mine is. My mom and I have always been best friends, and I mean best friends. My sister has always been a little envoius of that but it never mattered to me, my mom has her relationship with her which is totally different from mine. My mom had 4 miscarriages and I was her miracle child, and I've always felt like my mom was a gift from God. Everyone that knows me knows my mom too. Even old boyfriends as I lost my dad in 1972.

My mom made me POA because I'm pretty organized and because my sister never skipped a beat and didn't stop working it mattered to me not. I was able to take care of all her business. I got all her paperwork out of the house and organized. I ordered all the things she needed, and I wrote to everyone about her stroke. I am her contact.

Yeah I go and visit, but sometimes I go and stay, and sometimes she calls me and ask me to come over and I go, and sometimes she calls and I don't answer the phone.

Yeah I'm getting the raw end of the stick, but as I've said now hear me here: when I want to get lost, I know how to do that and I do. It's unfair, but again I say that my mom's mind in not in the condition to understand all that stuff. Things that were annoying to her before don't matter now. The house is a mess, but she doesn't care anymore because there are more important things to worry about, hell I don't even care anymore. I've taken enough pictures of that house to last a lifetime and I'll hang onto them for when I need them but that's a different forum.

You are right I should only be going to visit but my mom doesn't look at it like that and when I use to try and tell her that she'd say I was stirring up trouble, then her blood pressure would go sky high. I don't wanna upset her I just want her to be comfortable and for her mind to be at ease.

When she goes I want it to be as smooth a transformation into Gods hands as possible because truly she is one of God's angels who's been awfully good to an awful lot of people over the course of her life.

Know what I mean?
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You are an angel! Your mom is blessed to have you.
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Should I be worried............I just called my mom to see how she was doing. The caregiver answered spoke for a while and then said that "my" mom told her to answer because she didn't feel like talking.

Now I ask you should I be worried........nahhhhhhhhhhh cause I am really OK with knowing that she's taking such good care of my mom that she doesn't need to talk to me. I'm actually relieved, especially on ESPN NBAFriday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Wow! That's trust and faith!

Enjoy your game.
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My fear, with these caregivers, is that they are actually suspect. These caregivers that are "overly caring", a lot of times, are actually fraudulent. At any rate, I'd definately do my own criminal background check. They could be nothing more than gold diggers looking to horn-in on the will. You hear stranger things.
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