
I had one grandparent die of it, and I know its prevalent .Doctors wont take it seriously. Its extremely painful to have, and it affects everything from digestive issue to incontinence.
I know my grandmother suffers with it, all of her symptoms are textbook but her doctor blows it off,saying only specific people get it and she doesnt fit the criteria. This is not accurate.
My other grandmother died with so much fungus in her teeth, and cause of death is listed as UTI infection (in a nursing home that admittedly didnt treat her). Candida overgrowth common in diabetes and old age or antibiotic use often causes UTI. It causes severe brain-fog and memory issues, and can affect eyesight so strongly that glasses will work one day and not the other.
Anyone have success treating this?
So far it is a battle that is refusing to be acknowledged :(

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Statements such as "Doctors wont take it seriously" always make me uncomfortable. They're so generalized and infer that the conclusions aren't selective and apply across a broad spectrum of doctors but usually apply only to a small group of doctors the patient has seen. But they infer a foregone conclusion and a sense of frustration as well as anger. I often wonder exactly how much research and treatment has actually been done to support such a broad generalization.

I don't agree with your conclusion. Sometimes you just have to keep trying different doctors, or a different type of practitioner.

Back in 2003 or 2004, my father had a throat infection that had been diagnosed by 2 doctors - I think it was D'X'ed as a "fungal infection." Antibiotics were prescribed. The infection reoccurred.

So I took him to an infectious disease specialist who took a sample for analysis. He was the first physician to do so. The others just looked at my father's mouth. The sample was determined to be a candida infection.

It's been so long ago that I don't recall what the cure was, but he hasn't had a repeat infection in 10 years.

If I had the time I could check my father's medical records, but from 2004 they're probably filed away someplace.

Do try to find an infectious disease doctor though. Sometimes you have to "kiss a lot of frogs before you find the prince."
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GardenArtist, the drug of choice then for Candida was Diflucan. I don't know if it still is. If I am remembering right, the main concern about Diflucan is that it can be hard on the liver. I've not known anyone who had trouble with it, but I'm sure it is used with caution.

Candida can be a problem for people with compromised immunity. Eating plain yogurt can help some if it is thrush (mouth Candida). Vaginal Candida (yeast infection) is treated with Monostat. Harder to treat Candida is treated with medication. People with compromised immunity are often put on a daily dose of the medicine to prevent infection. I don't know if they do this with older people, but it was a common practice for people with AIDS.
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Jessie, thanks for the information. I do know that one of the doctors prescribed Diflucan, and I think it was the one that sent his PT/INR values skyrocketing to the point that in a week he was hospitalized with internal bleeding.

But again, it's been so long ago and so much has happened that I don't remember the specifics of the DX or the meds. It's becoming difficult for me to even remember what I ate the day before!

Dad does eat yogurt daily and has for years, but after the long period of intubation (and 7 months in long term care hospitals and a SNF), I'm sure his resistance was much lower.
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Hi Garden Artist
We have actually seen several doctors, traveled 2 hours to see one in particular that helped us with natural healing like yogurt and probiotics that didnt touch it, and much online help that came from trained professionals as they call themselves.

Your post however is why I am never on this website forum.

You assume people havent dedicated hundreds of hours of research...I have actually tried everything under the sun and learned about protein and enzyme defiencies some people are born with that make this difficult for them.

People that get prescribed anitbiotics WHICH CAUSE THIS PROBLEM are being treated by quacks. Antibiotics kill all the beneficial bacteria that fight the candida for space in the intestine,once they are gone the candida over-grows. Diflucan is a great antifungal but has been around long enough that most people have resistant strains to it.

Thank you for your reply, I wont be coming back.
Mean people that think no one can possibly be as smart as they are suck.
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Try bicarbonate of soda
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