
since my dad has been home from the hospital, 2 weeks ago, his feet have become very swollen, it is getting very difficult for him to walk. Now he is not drinking like he use to, and the eating is getting worse. The doctor said there is fluid in his lungs, and he has a cough. He totally forgot where the bathroom is, and the depends is not very wet. Worried about dehydration and the swelling. Is this a sign of congestive heart failure? The doctor doesnt really want us to do anything about it. She took him off his aricept and namenda and one of his blood pressure meds.

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Standing Alone the medication you mention is probably Lasix.
Laura, not being a Dr I can't diagnose but to me it sounds like Congestive Heart Failure. It would seem that the Dr feels he is terminal but that is no excuse for letting him suffer, his symptoms can be eased. Would he be prepared to go back to the ER? if he agrees take him as soon as possible and they will be able to help him. call an ambulance if it is too distressing to go by car. if he wants to stay home which is his choice call in Hospice and they will make sure he gets the meds he needs. In the meantime you can help him by keeping his legs up, in bed, recliner, or on couch and remove any constricting socks. Wrap his feet in a warm blanket as they will feel cold. I can't offer more advice at this time but he needs urgent help. keep in touch and let up know how it goes.
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Update us Laura. Everyone here felt dad needed urgent care. At the very least the ER can give him IV diuretics and get that fluid off ASAP even if they send him home again at least he will be comfortable and you can yell at the Dr and hospice tomorrow.
I don't believe Hospice said he was inappropriate. They may not have wanted to admit him with the dementia but CHF is an appropriate diagnosis. Medicare is pretty picky. Was it a for profit hospice? I am appalled but I suppose I shouldn't be these days.
Hospital is probably not the best place for dad if he is at the end of life. He does not need aggressive treatment but he does deserve comfort care. Stopping some meds at the end of life is not unusual so don't worry about that, it's one less burden. I am assuming dad wants to die at home and you are prepared and able to care for him. Lots of people are thinking of you and wishing you and dad and mom the best. Don't forget mom she is probably beside herself with worry and focusses on herself to avoid thing about how bad dad really is.
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A trip to the DR or hospital seems to be reasonable. But maybe it is time to have a serious discussion about hospice care. Sometimes the symptoms you described indicate active dying. I know this is not happy to hear, but it is good to know if that is what is going on. Most of all you want to eliminate discomfort or suffering.
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if the doc is thinking your dad is terminal with CHF then the clown should recommend hospice for him / you. otherwise id expect him to be on curative or at least maintenance meds.
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Aye aye Captain...that's what I was thinking, too... What a strange attitude from a doctor..
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dad is 81 and was diagnosed with alzheimers 7 yrs ago.....had hospice out here on friday and they say he doesnt qualify due to the fact that he can walk......Is that not the craziest thing anyone has ever heard? The man can't walk, with his feet as swollen as they are,,,,,the doc took him off the meds due to her saying they wont help him anymore..............I am a medical assistant,, I know and I feel in my gut something is really wrong with dad.........he isn't complaining about pain,, but things are just not right........
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Take your Daddy back to the hospital. Now.
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StandingAlone, the ER wanted to send mom home and I did convince them to keep her overnight. She will hit a crisis, panic, go to the hospital and 24hrs later insist she is fine and they have to let her go. Now she says "No more 911 calls." She has a DNR but she keeps it hidden.
Twin Laura, it's already Monday, but also bear in mind that after a long weekend, the MD's office will be inundated with calls of all kinds. In the meantime keep his feet elevated if you can, I know that is not easy. A warm epsom salt foot soak may help, everyone likes a good foot soak. Soak ten minutes, scrub off the dead skin and clip nails if you can, elevate and dry.
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I would go to the phone and call 911. Mom can't stop you. If he doesn't belong in the hospital, they won't admit him. Chances are he will get good care and your mom will thank you. I think she is just scared of losing him.
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dad is still in hospital, they wanted to do surgery asap on his intestines,,, he had an obstruction and the intestines were all twisted.. They did a non-invasive procedure almost like a colonoscopy They were able to un-twist what they could, but doctor said it will probably happen again. He does now hospice that will be comin out to the house still not out of the woods yet,,,,so many family and friends praying for him and us,,,,, deeply appreciatedllllllllllll
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