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UTI infections are common in the elderly. It could be that they don't empty their bladders well. The vaginal infections could come from poor wiping practices.

These and the coughing should be looked at by a doctor. Asthma and other lung diseases can cause coughing and can be treated. She may need a chest x-ray.

It sound like it's time for another trip to the doctor.
Take care,
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My grandmother also had UTI's very frequently. They finally diagonosed her with blood cancer. Apprently UTI's can be a sign of certain types of blood cancer. You might want to ask your doctor if this could be a possibility.
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My mom has been treated for a UTI for about 3 weeks. Admitted into the hospital last week for two days of IV antibiotics. She still has the UTI. I think this is the 3rd round of different antibiotics. Why would these antibiotics not be working and what can I do? Thanks!
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My mother-in-law had constant UTI's for years and years. When I began as her caregiver over 6 years ago, she was on a maintenance antibiotic for it. I took her to several urologists as I was determined to get her off the maintenance antibiotic and find out the root of the problem. After bladder lift surgery, different treatments and methods, it was never discovered. She eventually became incontinent - which would make you think since the urine can't be held in - the infections would go away. But they didn't. I was told by these specialists that this just happens with some people sometimes that they can't figure out what is causing the constant infection and there is nothing further that could be done but keep her on the maintenance antibiotic to keep the infection down and then treat it aggressively when it flares up. They would send her urine out to the lab to see what antibiotics would work on it. She eventually built up a resistance to the antiobiotics and unfortunately none worked anymore. But unfortunately UTI's are common in the elderly. Usually all you can do is treat it when it happens.
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My wife appears to have A UTI her urine is very odoriferous and cloudy
I am afraid to tell her ( she has a very short tempter and is very irritable and sometimes seems to act like she is having her period ( she is 71 so that is not the reason for that ) If I do it will start an argument. I am between a rock and a hard place

She accuses me of doing things I don't do and is always looking to start a fight
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I'm assuming, if I read your note right, that your wife’s always had a temper. A UTI could be causing the other symptoms or she could be developing dementia.

She definitely needs a physical exam. It's generally easier to convince someone to see a doctor for a physical problem than a mental or cognitive one. Could you convince her to see a doctor about an antibiotic for a common urinary infection if you avoid mentioning her temper or accusations? If she will go, then you could contact the doctor's office ahead of time and let them know that you suspect dementia (if that's the case).

You definitely need to do something here, for your sake if not hers. Do you two have children? Close friends? Someone who can talk your wife into a simple urinalysis?

If she does have a UTI and nothing is done, she is likely to develop worse symptoms and may need to go to the ER as these can travel to the kidneys. Do your best to get her help. If she won't budge, watch for signs that she's spiking a fever or having kidney pain. I hope you don't have to wait for that. Do try to get someone else in to help you convince her to see a doctor.
Good luck. Please check back and let us know how you're doing.
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There are many reasons for frequent UTI's in elderly people, but here are a few: The immune system in the elderly does not work as well as in younger folks. In addition, the constant use of antibiotics tends to make them develop UTI's more frequently, as it also kills off the "good" bacteria. Also, older people, because of a diminished sense of taste, seem to like "sweets" a lot, and sugar consumption is a contributor to UTI's. Older people also tend to wear "Depends" a lot, and that also encourages UTI's.
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My sister is 78 and has been in a nursing rehab center for several months. About 3 weeks ago she started showing signs of confusion at times. I asked her doctor to check for a uti, but he refused saying she was not showing other signs. Her confusion is getting worse so today he ordered a test for uti although no other symptoms were present as they weren't 3 weeks ago. I was upset with him for waiting and he very angrily remarked that if she had had that 3 weeks ago she
would be very sick today. Is that correct or could she go 3 weeks with no other obvious sign other than the confusion?
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Any doctor who talks to you in an angry tone of voice is a jerk, imho.

In my mom's nh, any time she shows behavioral changes, they check for a uti.
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Oh dear.

There was a flurry of medical articles a while back about overdiagnosis of uti's in older people, and ineffectual treatment of same. The concerns are a) not treating patients effectively and b) antibiotic resistance. So there will be a current crop of doctors actively trying to avoid reaching for the px pad at the drop of a hat, which is actually good practice - many many antibiotic prescriptions for uti's prove to be a complete waste of time, money and unpleasant side effects (often leading to reinfection, ironically) for the patient. But that is *no* excuse for failing to investigate, and no excuse for not dealing courteously with your concern for your sister.

Try not to get upset with your sister's doctor. Try not to be upset with him even if he is being rude and apparently idle. He was probably angry in part because he is anxious that he ought to have checked her out three weeks ago and worried he could have got it wrong. Or he might just be annoyed at your persistence, but without having the good sense or patience to explain his thinking to you.

The thing is, if it's a low grade chronic infection it could quite easily grumble on in the background, not doing much - but your problem there is that these are very hard to get rid of completely. The sort of infection the doctor is talking about is much more aggressive and would have snaked up to her kidneys by now, making her yes very ill, perhaps that's what he was getting at. I suspect you're talking at cross purposes, about different types of illness, to some extent.
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After a course of antibiotics for any reason, the good bacteria are killed off as Whitney mentioned. This leaves an opportunity for yeast overgrowth. A yeast infection is so common that doctors sometimes prescribe Diflucan to be taken after finishing your antibiotics. If left untreated, the irritation and infection can lead to a repeat urinary tract infection.
Sadhusband, your wife most likely has a yeast infection. The odor may be a bit of a sweet smell, there may be a white or yellow discharge, there may be an appearance similar to cottage cheese appearing just inside the labia/vagina, there may be itching, and a tinge of blood. And, there are behavior changes with a yeast infection. Have her see a doctor before attempting to treat this at home. Over the counter yeast treatments can be used. Ask her pharmacist.
No ideas for you if you cannot talk to her about it. However, a gynecologist often "wants to see their patient" for routine exams, even after a hysterrectomy or becoming elderly.

Was wondering last week why no one ever mentions this secondary yeast infection. Hope my response was not TMI or too clinical.

Offering my disclaimer now, and if I am wrong, my apologies. I defer to the doctors, but if I had answered the phone for the doctor's office, I would have given the patient an appointment right away or the next day.
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8/26/2016. 3:25 p.m. PDT
Oh darn! 2009? 2014?
How did I get here by mistake in 2016???
Surely hope the patients mentioned don't still have a UTI or yeast infection after all these years.
Expletive expressions of frustration for wasting my time.
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No, you didn't, Send - there's a lady whose sister has a ? uti causing confusion, whose doctor was deeply unhelpful about it - five posts back or so.
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My mom's doc ALWAYS put her on diflucan along with the antibiotic.

Also, gynecologist recommended a probiotic call Rephresh ( something abot pH in the vagina).
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Additionally if your loved one thinks they have a sudden cold or flu with abundance of congestion in their throat...
This was a result of blood poisoning and a red line up the leg
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Great educational reading these comments. a very good website as the uti are very serious, personally if you have a too hogh acid diet contributes to many health concerns having alkali type Foods helps to balance, use probiotics, particular green teas for the bladder simple parsley tea, cranberry pills, avoid sugar
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