
I want to relax on my Married Man's Care Giver Time Outs - in my own way, with people who are relaxed, or trying to relax from Care Giver Stress just as I am trying to do - at social events, meetings, support groups, dances, etc. I am friendly mostly with men, couples, and a few solo women, but I have lost track of all the solo women and a few men who think that I want to listen to them TALK to me for hours - I prefer to sit, talk and dance with people who talk 50-50 with me - vs the NON STOP talkers who other people avoid for the same reason that I do -
There are some solo women who respond to my "I am married" with a "I don't care," "Where is she?" "Which one is she" The men want to tell me 10-15 Cornball jokes or ramble on about what's going on in their life - with words spiliing out Non Stop -
VERY Important - the above Non Stop talkers are not - in my mind my friends - but when my friends do this to me, I don't mind and I let them talk to me for a long time - friends vs strangers is different -
My Primary doctor told me this kind of talking - be strangers - is called "seniors lowering their filters" ...... Any comments, ideas, similar experiences and solutions? pete

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When you want to get away from people you know, go some place you've never been and strike up a conversation with strangers. This is especially effective if it is a place where people are somewhat expected to talk to each other. When you find ones whose conversation you enjoy, hang around for a while
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If you want to be alone, go to your room. I wish I had your problem.
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I read through your question again and realized that I didn't understand what you were asking. Of course, you want to get out of your room. I apologize for my hurried response. I do know what you mean when you talk about the ladies and the men who tell their old stories. My ex and I lived in a senior community that had many widowed/divorced women. They had an eye for my ex. Some would even flirt with him right in front of me. When we split up, one of them put the moves on him before I was even out the door good. I like to joke and say that he tripped over her at the front door when I was going out the back. I do hate to say that many older women get desperate for a man. It is almost embarrassing. He dumped her pretty fast -- something that didn't surprise me.

The old men's talk around the tables can be rather boring, but people just want company. I was lucky being a woman. It always gave me reason to get up after a few minutes.

Do you have any special that you relate to where you live. Sometimes going somewhere with a friend can be fun. It will get you away from caregiving and away from the talkative people who bother you.
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