
My mother who lives in Oklahoma had to have some surgeries around 3 years ago, at that time the only family member around that was able to do the Power of Attorney was my daughter, that is who my mother chose at that time to be Power of Attorney. Right after my mother's surgery her and my daughter had a fall out due to my daughter trying to control my mothers everyday living choices when my mother was and still is able to make decisions for herself, so my mother moved out of town to live closer to my brother. So there was 2 years straight that there was no contact between my daughter and mother, my daughter has even sent ugly messages to my mother about not wanting anymore contact. Now just this past weekend my mother had to go to the hospital due to the fact that some of her medication had caused her a bad side effect. When that happened my daughter decided to step back up now and claim she still has this Power of Attorney on my mother and now me and my 2 other sister's are not allowed to have any contact with our mother, the only person my daughter has allowed to have contact with her is our brother.
Is there anything I can do? My mother and I just got back into each others lives about 6 months ago and we have built a stronger bond then we have ever had. This has really caused me to have a lot of emotional issues now. Can someone please tell me what I can do to help me and my sister's to be able to have contact and to see our mother.

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If you believe your mother is mentally competent but you have no way to contact her, you can request a wellness check for her from APS. If at all possible I would try to be present (or in town) for that visit. If that goes "well" you could have new PoA paperwork with you so that your mom can reassign you (or whomever) as her durable PoA. This requires an original copy for each participant (so 1 for your mom and 1 for every PoA); it needs to be signed in front of a notary by all the participants; usually this also requires 2 non-family witnesses. This of course doesn't give you any authority until your mom can be proven cognitively impaired.
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Is your mother competent? If so NO ONE including a POA can forbid anyone she wishes to see from visiting her. EVER.
If she is competent she should now ask the Social Services at the hospital to ask for a visiting Lawyer (they will go to the hospital and will test competency and a notary will also go to hospital to notarize if the attorney cannot; most attorneys can do so) to remove the previous POA and form a new one for the person of her choice.
Remember, no POA can act for a competent adult without that adult's permission.
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