
I wake up daily wishing I were dead. There is no end in sight. Any advice?

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Can you give more information about your situation? Who are you taking care of? In whose house? Or in a facility? Are you having help? Are you getting paid? What is giving you stress?

One thing is obvious. You need a break from whatever it is that is burning you out.
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Please post with more information, so that our friendly members can provide you with the sympathy you clearly need. You aren't alone!
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Find a local support group. I feel your pain. Literally. I'm going to my first meeting this week. Even if going to the support group doesn't directly help out. They may be able to point you in the right direction.
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The OP looks after her MIL - because the lady's own children, it sounds like, "aren't cut out for it" - and would rather not put her in a home.

Angel lady, Kkilleen, what end would you *like* to come into sight? Let your imagination go free. What would be the perfect option?
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