
It is 6 weeks later from date of accident. He has had very little rehab due to having to go back to the hospital due to not being able to eat. He has had several n/gs that he pulled out at night. Now he has a core pack on with his hands restrained. We are ok with it but nurse on duty not happy with it? Has to have it for antibiodics needed for c-diff infection. Please help us understand.

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Thanks everyone for input. We are going to go for a second opinion.
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Just try to get a second opinion from a doctor in a different practice than the ones currently treating him. I see you're not far from where the Cleveland Clinic is...I'd see if I could get docs there to review his case. They actually have a service to give second opinions...I'd google it and consider something like that.

Good luck to you and your family whatever you decide to do.
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I am so sorry that your family is faced with this. It sounds like your doctor is saying that there are no more treatments to try that will contribute to recovery. That is the reason for suggesting hospice. Nothing else can be done for recovery, so now let's focus on keeping the patient as comfortable as possible.

It may make the entire family feel better about accepting this if you get a second opinion from a specialist. If a second doctor agrees that there is nothing more that can be done toward recovery, then keeping your brother pain-free may seem like an acceptable goal.

Another thing you can do is have a hospice representative explain the program to the assembled family. Often it is the unknown and assumptions that scare people about hospice. Learning more about it can help.
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I am so sorry for what you're going through. Hospice is not a long time arrangement, the requirement is a prognosis of 6 months or less. It is also not just a place, can be done at home with professionals and volunteers coming in. I became a certified volunteer over 30 years ago. Wishing you the best and the most humane treatment for your bro.
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Get a second opinion as to his prognosis. Hospice is comfort care, if he is not expected to rehabilitate. If you get a second opinion that his prognosis is terminal, then hospice may be the most humane care environment. If there is a hope for recovery, then hospice may not be right.

BTW, patients have been known to improve while in hospice and be released....there is always hope.

This is a heart wrenching situation, God Bless you and strengthen you and your family.
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