
...and for the condition she allowed his health to get?
My brother has dementia younger live in got a duplicate title for his truck had him sign over to her but he doesn't remember. Is this legal? He was so weak and sick. She had him sign over ATV's had her name on credit cards, debit cards, checking and savings account. She wasn't feeding him properly his teeth broke off. She also was not giving his medication correctly according to the bottles. Although he had been prescribed pain meds no bottles could be found and there should have been a bottle with six taken out of it. We got an emergency order to have her removed from the home. Two days prior there was a large sum of cash that he showed to us and the police but it disappeared after she locked the room that it was in to get dressed. The police would not search her. We took him straight to the hospital where they gave him a pacemaker the next day.

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Sounds like grand larceny to me. Talk to the District Attorney, what you describe is abuse.
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Civilians cannot bring criminal charges, but if police investigate and find there is something illegal going on, then they can bring the charges. Missing money may not show up, but other things may.
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I forgot to mention that Adult Protective Services can initiate an investigation. Things don't sound good, so maybe they can prevent her from doing this to the next victim.
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