
They brought in podiatrist $185!

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If your mom has insurance coverage, make sure the AL facility has her insurance information, so that they can provide it to any visiting doctors to the AL facility where she resides. My mom pays for her nails to be done at the AL, but her insurance covers the doctors. My mom has Medicare and Medigap.
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Check your rental agreement. It will outline what is covered, and what is not. Generally, asst living only covers room, food, and non-medical help with ADL's. They are not going to pay her doctor bills, dentist, hair salon, massage, or getting her toenails clipped (that is done by a podiatrist). My mom has a podiatrist and yes the charge is about $100 for getting toenails cut, and if the podiatrist has to make a "House Call" that is going to cost more. $185 sounds like a very low cost for a professional to leave their office, drive to an asst living, perform the toenail cut, and drive back to their office. In that amount of time, the podiatrist could have seen about 15 patients in their office, and made a LOT more money!
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Hi there. I'm in central Florida. My mother is in a assisted living facility and the Dr. comes to her. It is 65.00 to have her toenails clipped, but I've never received a bill. Her medicare has been paying for it. Regarding the above comment, about the "House Call"...he is technically their "House Podiatrist"...he sees many people that reside there. He comes every 6 weeks and brings a nurse with him.
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Being in the industry for a while, I would say that the AL should be much more accomodating for that price bracket. Insurance covers mobile podiatry!
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