
So mom has been in the NH with her Medicaid application pending and we received a call from the business office telling us that mom had about $2,200 over the limit and we needed to do a spend down in order for her to qualify. We signed over her life insurance policies to the funeral home so all that was taken care of, but I guess she has a small savings/checking account which has too much $$ in it. This is all new and foreign to us and unfortunately the business admin. was not very helpful in telling us specifically we needed to do. We have a call in to the NH administrator but are still waiting to hear back and want to make sure we do not spend the $$ on something we can't if that makes sense. Thanks all.

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You can spend that 2200 on anything for Mom. If they allow it, a recliner for her room. A new wardrobe. A xtra dresser for her room, if allowed. Comforter for her bed (put her name on it). A wheelchair. As Moms Medicaid caseworker told me...get creative. See if the 2200 can be added to Moms funeral expenses.

You should really not rely on the NH completely when doing an application. We had a OP a few months back that the NH did his/her Moms application and over estimated the value of a car that was not even running. Actually, the cost to fix it was more than it was worth. Mom's house was put in the OPs name before the 5 yr look back but the NH listed as an asset because the mother still lived there. Caused the OP some problems during Medicaid recovery. I would go over the application to make sure the information is correct.

In my State you have 90days from date of application to get Medicaid paperwork needed (I was given a list), spend down assets, and find a place. For my Mom I applied in April, placed her May 1st, she paid May and June. June I contacted her caseworker to make sure he had all info needed and proved Mom was spent down under the asset limit of 2k in my State. He confirmed and Medicaid started July 1st.
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I'm sure you can apply the amount she is over the limit to any NH bill. Anything that is related to costs for her care would qualify, or if she has credit card bills you can pay towards that.
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You can spend the money paying down one of her nursing home bills. You could buy her a "lift" chair if applicable, new clothes that are easier to get on and off. New shoes that are easier to get on and off, hire a hair dresser to cut wash and set her hair, etc... Just make sure to make it all about her and keep the receipts.
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Stock mom up with a few new personal items ( clothing or shoes), new chair or tv, bedding,etc. She can’t gift it, but she can use it for items she’d use. Or bills!
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I experienced the same issue 2 years ago with my elderly mother. The suggestions included here are exactly what I was told by Medicaid experts - anything to enhance your mom's quality of life and are solely focused on her needs. Besides clothing, shoes and bedding, I also purchased a mini fridge with separate freezer and a stand for it so that she did not need to bend over.
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Isthisrealyreal Oct 2022
Missgypsy, the little fridge I bought for my dad was one of the best investments I made. He loved being able to keep a few things close to hand for snacking or meals when he didn't like what was being served.

The stand idea is great. We put it on his dresser and I always worried he would spill something, cause the door to stick and pull it off opening it.
No, gifting to family members is not allowed
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Java15: You did not specify if her cemetery plot is needed for burial (unless cremation is the option), but that could be part of your spend down unless the life insurance policies that you provided to the funeral home handled that as well.
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Can the extra $$ be gifted to a grandchild......This discussion came up yesterday but no can seem to give us a definitive answer.
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Isthisrealyreal Oct 2022
No gifting to anyone is allowed. The money must be spent on her needs only or you will cause Medicaid to delay coverage because they penalize her for the gift.
Yep, there is no way around Medicaid. Your savings and income will need to be down under $3000 for one to qualify. Very frustrating for those who need 24/7 in home care and/or nursing.
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I was looking at having to spend down for my mom….does she have a cemetery plot? Funeral prepaid ? , my mom wasn’t in need of much. I was looking at buying her a nice iPad… I checked, it would have been allowed , of course she couldn’t function the iPad , but it was a way to spend it. Any furniture you could use when she passes? A bigger TV …

your county office of aged and disabilities could give you guidance..
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ConnieCaretaker Oct 2022
Purchasing a hospital bed that could be donated once she passes is a win-win situation..............seniors helping indigent seniors. Other equipment like walkers and wheel chairs could help others too. Anything the government furnishes should be donated so that tax dollars are not wasted: "What goes around, comes around, right?"
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