
Because of my work schedule and family responsibilities I am unable to get my mom out as much as I would like to. Scheduling a doctor's appointment is sometimes a challenge. She is legally blind and had heart valve replacement 2 months ago and wants and needs to get out of the house, but can get out, start feeling tired and want to go home. She is alert and walks with a walker that has a seat so she can sit if she gets tired. I need someone affordable to take her out occasionally for an hour or 2 to beauty parlor or sit fit. Most places want $25 /hour or more for this service and that is more than we can afford. We do not live in a metro served area and cabs, Lyft and Uber are not appropriate. Any inexpensive resources anyone knows of?

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Most of the counties, even those that are small and rural, in my state have a transport service that provides very low cost transportation services to seniors. You have to reserve the time and you might have to wait on a return ride home, but, based on my experience those in my area have been reliable and quite professional. They are wheelchair accessible and able to assist those with mobility issues. You might try calling your Counsel on Aging, Senior Center or Social Services to find the name of one in your county. The rides inside the county were only a couple of dollars round trip.
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Have you thought about a Day Care Centre, if there is one within a reasonable distance? Many of them have a volunteer driver who can pick people up. For your mother, she might enjoy the outing even if she doesn't want to take part in the activities. Our local Day Care Centre is in a little complex with the local (very small) hospital and the medical centre, so it might even cope with the doctor's appointments.
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Are you in the US? Your Area Agency on Aging will have a list of transportation options in your area.
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