
Mom will be 100 in October. She was diagnosed with dementia in 2008, and now resides in memory care. She has tested positive for COVID repeatedly, but has never shown a single symptom -- no cough, no fever. She is, of course, in quarantine, so I have to visit her through a window or, weather permitting, a fence, which I do daily. Has anyone had this experience, or even heard of someone this old testing positive and showing no symptoms?

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I don't think enough is known about this virus yet to have a concept of how many elderly are asymptomatic. We are not even a year into experiencing it globally. That's a blink of an eye when it comes to conducting research and collecting accurate stats, etc. I sincerely hope she never develops symptoms.
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Lots of people are testing positive with no symptoms,, or negative with plenty of symptoms, This virus is crazy. Be glad she has no symptoms,, and most places are still not allowing visitors ,, so hang in there!
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