
Okay, so my mom is taking care of my stepdad. He has dementia and Parkinson's disease. So I guess the neighbor across from us called APS and told them that my mom is hurting my stepdad. But in reality she's the one that's doing everything for him. The problem is that my stepdad would tell this neighbor that my mom is hurting him, and that she wants him dead even though he's always threatening her that he'll hurt her if she's not going to give him the key for his scooter. My mom doesn't really let him drive his scooter because there's been a couple times that he'd flip that thing over and hurt himself. Even the police officers that helped them over one time told my mom to hide the keys from him. But he'd always scream at my mom demanding the keys. He'd also fall down which causes the bruising. Now the person from APS is talking to him. What's going to happen next?

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Hopefully, the investigation will sort things out, but, it sounds like your mother may not be able to manage your stepdad's care in the home. It sounds like too much for her. It's difficult when the person with dementia is resistant to care and uncooperative. Hopefully, they will offer her some suggestions.
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This doesn't mean Mom is in trouble. APS will investigate. TG you have had the cops there to see how Dad is.
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MonicaR This sounds familiar to me. My mom would tell everyone crazy story's too. What has PAD done? They contacted you? I would try to help your Mom organize a care plan. You most definitely need Medical and financial POA, at this point if not guardianship. He needs to have a mental evaluation and physical.
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