
I've only had him with me for 3 weeks.He is in a wheel chair because of falls. He is up every hour at night can anyone help me find something else to interest him?

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I find playing music softly in the background and turning off the t.v. helps for my mom. I have her help fold the clothes so she feels useful, which seems to help. Doesn't matter that she puts them in the strangest of places, it gives her something to do. I also get her to do some light exercising while I am cooking, etc.

Best of luck to you.
Peace and Blessings.
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I discovered that my father loved a stack of photographs of familiar people and would spend hours looking at them and making comments when he could. He also loved magazines such as the National Geographic which I pulled apart, placed in clear sheet protectors, and placed in a notebook so he could turn pages with ease. I used a small table for these activities , tried something new frequently for him to look at, and rotated the stack of pictures.
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My Dad always loved music so we play the old songs and sing them with Him. We also make up funny rhymes to get him to do stuff. It always helped us with my grandma .... Granny I'll make you some coffee(decaf but we didnt tell her:) while you take your bath. Or say" I have some tasty dessert for you, but lets all get ready for bed first. Act like you need to do it too. It helps make them less defensive. My Dad is as nutty as a fruitcake some would say but He is the happiest person I know. He loves God and so we play old gospel hymns. It reminds him life isnt over, he has a future in Heaven. Its important that theyb have something to look forward to besides the grave.
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You may want to expand on what you are trying to interest him in and how much experience you have. 3 weeks is a short time - he is still uncomfortable. Do I assume neither of you knew each other prior to taking care of him? Are you family, friend, or ??

Since everyone is different with dementia, my mom would sleep to escape I think. Her mind seemed to come and go. The times she realized her quality of life had deminished I believe she was sad - sleep may allow them comfort in not facing it.

What 'did' he watch on TV, do you know? I found programs mom enjoyed - usually humor - America's funniest home video's - Sitcoms - singing reality shows etc. I also tried to make it 'fun' while grooming her. I'd cut her hair, style it, do her nails etc. What have you tried with him?

I experienced many elders wanting to be up at night (when my mom was in a home for a year). Little by little try to change his sleeping schedule - meals- and stay rather consistent. If there are any family pictures around you might try asking him questions about the people he knows and places he's gone etc. I guess try to create a bond.
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Check with the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. They have a loan program for both books and equipment (for audio books or screen enlargers)
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My Mom also only wants to sleep. She has dementia and her mind comes and goes. She has lost interest in the audio tapes for the blind. Her aide has to wake her in the morning and she gives her a hard time as she doesn't want to get up. Sometimes she is eating breakfast at 1:00 in the afternoon. She also fights the aide when she wants to bathe her. I hate it when I am there and hear her yelling at the aide. I don;t know what to talk about anymore when I am with her. It is getting more and more difficult. Just have faith I say to myself and have patience!
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My Dad is almost blind but my Grandma wasnt so we wrote things in a notebook. A picture of herself with a note, My name is Lydia. I was born on.... these are my 4 children... I am staying with my grand daughtert Yvonne..When she would start asking questions or get that lost book I would say, Read your notes Grandma. She'd read and say, "oh, ok and giggle. they love simple puzzles for kids and rolling things on the table back andforth. My Dad played basketball so we get the trash basket close and say, Throw your napkin in the basket. It makes Him feel good when He makes a shot.LOL
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