
I have a nice hospital bed and table to get rid of. If you need a hospital bed and table, please contact me.



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Ann, posts like this come up all the time. For 99 percent of even the lower 48; such posts will not apply.

Advertise on your nextdoor app or Craigslist or the preinternet cork boards that some grocery stores have. if you still have a small local newspaper, take out a classified ad.

Simultaneously, contact your county’s area on aging, your local charities, to see if they want it.

We are a forum of people from all over the US and other countries.

If the hospital bed was purchased thru Medicare they are rented. Before you give it away, you need to check with the provider who delivered it to see if its still being rented. If it is, it goes back to the provider. If its now paid for, then its yours to do with what you please. If you have a facebook page, see if your Town has an online yardsale page, if so advertise there. Craigslist. Call round to nursing facilities in your area they may love to have newer equipment.

PS...Redcross may take them.

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