
This industry is burning a lot of wonderful care providers out. I know many of you started as I did, an unpaid care provider to a member of your family.

How can we represent ourselves in a way that makes families realize we are worth something more than minimum wage?

Just a question looking for other paid care professionals opinions.

Have a fabulous day!

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It's no different than childcare workers, teachers, etc. If you raise the wage then it's the consumer who then pays for the increase. Where else would the money to pay them come from? Even if the government subsidized their wages, this just means a tax increase (where else does the govt get money?) so we all pay for it, some people paying for something from which they will never benefit.

Right now there is a labor shortage, which is forcing up the hourly wage in many places. But again, the consumer (the sick, elderly, etc.) are the ones who pay for it, many who then can't afford it.

Unionize. Support political change.

I think an underlying issue is that more attention needs to be placed, and more understanding needs to rise, about the situations in which many of us found ourselves.    And a national upswell in demands for action might be needed as well.   The old "squeaky wheel gets the grease" may have to come into play.

Have you read anything about governmental entities at the national level focusing on this?    It's still a challenge.   This article addresses various issues, which I think all factor into higher levels of cognizance and action on aging in America:

I heartily agree that there needs to be change, but I do think there needs to be strong supporters at both local, state and national level.  However, given the current political environment, I'm not confident that will happen.

And there also need to be strong supporters, with power to get things accomplished and be committed to doing so.

That doesn't preclude action locally though; starting that kind of movement can end up expanding and eventually reaching up to the national level.

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