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sorry, but after being on this forum for a while I need to say that I get SO aggravated at people who post a desperate situation or urgent question- Everyone gives good answers.... and then NOthing! The poster never comes back in to answer even the most basic question like- "what is the problem?" There are hundreds of them, the answers go on and on and the Poster never returns.... sometimes the post turns into a conversation between members chatting about Their problem ...
I wish i knew why they never come back.

Today was a rough day getting my stuff to post. It made a difficult job even more difficult.

I have problems too. Sometimes when I try to give likes or click on the heart now I guess, it won't let me and if I send a private post and try to add a hug to it, it won't let me do that either.

So I'll use this opportunity to say hugs to you all since that seems to be my only option right now. Kind of like Oprah Winfrey but without the cars. A hug for you, and you and you....................etc.

I'm not getting the daily emails either, although I did get the last newsletter. I don't mind since I always check my newsfeed first thing every morning anyway.

There are still some problems with the site I hope they are working on:
some pages still have different sized fonts
there is no list of new articles so unless you are getting the newsletters they are impossible to find
I've noticed some of the links in the articles and guides don't work

On the positive side there has been less spam but it's hard to know if that is just serendipity.

Jinglebits, I am having this issue too. Some of the things I have checked in my email section are not coming to my email, and others are. I have notified AC, they said they refreshed my account, but still no notifications.I have also gone in several times and reset my preferences to no avail. I get to things by saving an old notification in my old saved mail....AC has not responded to my last request for help on this, so I may disappear one day if I can't get notifications...maybe that is their intent. They didn't respond to my first request either...but to the second one which did not work, and didn't respond to the 3rd request for tech help. Where can I get a job where I only need to do a third of the work sent to me?!!

Wow, all kinds of things have been happening on the AC board. And where have I been, you ask? Nowhere -- my AC email and persons I'm following don't seem to work ... I've checked my email addy etc. and things seem to be just the same. So ... sigh ...

Barb, congratulations on the new little girl!! How exciting!!

Wonderful news, Barb

Congratulations Barb!

Congratulations Grandma Barb!
It's a girl is nice!


Awesome - congratulations!!! BB. Same birth weight as my daughter.

It's a girl! 5 lbs 15 oz!

Barb, Hoping there will be a celebration soon!
May the Lord richly bless you, grandma!

Middle daughter is in labor, commenced pushing about an hour ago! Fortunately, her older sister is there with her so that we're getting quite regular updates.

Whenever there is trouble on another thread or I just don't want to stay on topic, I mosey on over here, looking for my friends.

Oh yeah, that's it. Let's all keep sharing, and caring!

A burden shared is a burden halved; that's how I've heard it, Gershun.

A burden shared is a burden ............was trying to rhythm. Can't think of a positive word that rhythms with shared. How about a burden that you share give's someone else a chance to care.

Barb, Standing by is all one can do. Your poor friend has more than enough with parkinsons. She will think about what you said. Venting is a good thing, a burden shared.....

Saw a long time friend at synagogue today; she is in her 70s and has Parkinson's. Her husband is having a knee replacement this week. And her 99 year old mother who lives in an apartment complex, and who has round the clock aides is demanding of more and more attention! Mother is banging on the furniture, making demands that the aides pay more attention to her; claims no one is caring for her, etc.

My poor friend is at her wit's end. I asked if perhaps it was time for a facility so that she wouldn't have so much responsibility (paperwork, shopping, etc.) She said quickly, "oh, my mother would be neglected there". I asked if mom's doctor was prescribing meds. The answer was yes "but I don't want to turn her into a zombie". We talked for a while about the care my mother receives in her NH, and about titrating psych meds.

I hope I gave her some ideas to chew on. She needs to take care of HER! When I said that to her, she said sadly, "yes, that's what everyone says--take care of you. But there is no one else to care for my mother".

Oy. Just venting.

Thanks cwillie, I will give it a try.

Blackhole, what you said really resonates with me. And makes me afraid as well. I don't look forward to aging into my 80s or 90s. I always thought I would want to live to 100 but now I'm not so sure.

I wish I was stronger and wiser after the death of my father. But I am even more fearful of facing more loss. I am still struggling to find a purpose after his death. Although it was hard seeing him so unhappy, in some ways he was still strong. I think he could have made it a little longer if only he wasn't so stubborn about taking his meds. I still have to do my dad's taxes this year. Its the final housekeeping item I have for him and it breaks my heart. I'm so used to doing this and that for him and now its all come down to one final tax return.

Cwillie, Yes, the canary had a lovely song.

For those of you who want something calming, go to youtube and look up your favourite bird songs. You can have fun with this and open multiple tabs and have a whole chorus going at once. My personal spring morning faves - northern cardinal, chickadee, house finch and goldfinch, american robin, nuthatch, blue jay and I added in a song sparrow even though they won't be singing until later :)

All this loss really knocks the stuffing out of us, doesn't it? Whether the loss is death of a loved one. Or "just" witnessing their capacities diminish while your free time and your peace of mind become distant memories.

This malaise and discomfort lingers with me. Long after the events were fresh. It's as if the past 5 years changed my DNA.

I had hoped to come out of this stronger and wiser. Sometimes that's true.

Other times, all I see is a planet full of people who whose deaths will probably not comply with the delusion of an upbeat, no-fuss exit.

Instead, most of them (myself included?) will intentionally or unintentionally suck the joy out of others as age increases and capacity decreases.

Visiting here.

Thank you Katie. I appreciate your kind words. I needed them.:-)

I'm so sorry for the losses you have been through in such a short time. My deepest sympathies and condolences. I think 2016 was such a difficult year. It started with a friend's aunt dying at 60 of brain cancer. Neighbor of 20 years moved a way. 2 more friends moving across the country. I don't know if it was a sign, but even the little things like the TV having to be replaced, light bulbs, smoke detectors, it just never seemed to end. And all the tragic news about this celebrity passing and this person passing. My one sibling was getting divorced. And the exclamation point was my dad's passing. 2017 is me trying to work through all my feelings of anger about why it had to be my dad? I will try to take comfort in your words because its true my dad no longer has to deal with doctors and is no longer suffering. I just wish I could come to terms with this new reality. Thank you again Katie for your support.

cdnreader, give yourself time. It has been over a year since my Mom passed away and I am still struggling with it. Sometimes I am moving along fine and it just hits me like a ton of bricks out of nowhere. In addition to my Mom, I lost my Aunt, 2 neighbors, one previous neighbor that we were still close to, and 2 close family friends all in a short time. So many changes. Sometimes when I look at the state of the World and also remember my Mom's rough last few years, I like to think she is now in a safe place where none of that can get her anymore. Please give yourself time and above all be very good to yourself, even starting with little things.
{{Hugs}}, Katie.

Thank you for this thread. I'm trying take inspiration where I can. Four and half months since my dad passed. I seem to go back and forth. I know I need to live my own life and live it well. But there are days I still cannot believe my dad has passed. It still feels so strange to know that my dad is dead and I'm alive. And that I'm no longer worried about his day to day needs. I can make choices independent of his needs. I know this is my new reality but yet I struggle to accept it. Trying to do little things too. Like going to a movie, to a paint class, leaving the house for lunch. Just something to keep me moving. I don't know when I will ever feel normal again. Accepting that I can't go backwards is tough.

well I spent Saturday night completing my online jury duty orientation, and am now trying to stay awake for the opening of SNL

oh joy tomorrow I get to work on mom's taxes

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