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cwillie...I loved Mary Tyler Moore too and have great memories of watching her on TV,laughing with my Dad.
I appreciate all she did for animals and diabetes too.

Oh, we've lost Mary Tyler Moore. I grew up and came of age watching Laura Petrie and Mary Richards :'-(

Like your new avatar, the balanced rocks-that is so zen!

bookluvr: I realize that now, after being very frustrated for some time, some time ago. Now my frustration is: PANIC!! How long do I have bf the time runs out?? One second? Fifteen seconds? A minute? An even greater frustration!

Katie: Don't you mean Hidden Fences? Or Figures?? So confusing!!

To be fair CW you do have quite a noticeable avatar at the moment!

When I go to the main forum page my avatar is all over it.... seems like I have an opinion on everything. Maybe I should get a life.

I like the poem, you've had me looking up Spanish Slugs. They grow from 80 to 120 mm long, eeeewwww.
The tiny little buggers here are bad enough, I'm glad I don't have to live where there are huge slugs. The largest species is the European keelback slug (Limax cinereoniger), which grows to 20 cm, double eeeeewwwww.

Someone mentioned slugs on Caregivers Behaving Badly thread. This borrowed little poem could be on the Gardening as Therapy thread, but I am so confused....

My garden once was green and lush.
Until on mass there came a mush
of leaf munching slimy things.
Vegetation annihilating thugs…
…an invasion of Spanish Slugs.

I’ve tried to stop them but I can’t.
They’ve decimated every plant.
In my shrubbery they dine like kings.
Sombrero wearing baronets…
…proudly clacking their castanets.

Happy you mentioned the musical performance, Ms. Madge. A friend had texted me that he enjoyed SNL but didn't mention the musical guest. It's Sturgill Simpson, a country rock artist, which isn't usually a favorite genre of mine, but he, band, and horn section did a good job.

I don't know who the musical guest is on SNL but he's got a smokin horn section backing him up

How did social gossip spread before the Internet?

There was a joke on SNL tonight that made a reference to celebrity gossip- I remember when the story first surfaced many years ago but not how it was spread - certainly wouldn't have been on the evening news

I needed laundry detergent and a treat - I nearly forgot the detergent- ha ha

7 cats appalling....

P.S. MsMadge, why did you go to the grocery store at night?

Ok, stopped at McD's for a drive thru ice cream cone. Sat a long time in the parking lot at a different market, but could not go in, so came home-from the market parking lot.
I love cats, dogs better, but no longer own either pet.
You are funny MsMadge.
Did you see how many cat avatars there are now?

And Duck, what's with that? Looking like a cat now, good for you! No worries, whoever is left after the revolution (growing in numbers as we speak) can help you revert back to a quack. Lol. Thank you for joining in Duck.

OH my, send
Was that you in the cat food aisle?
Ha ha ha

"Nothing like going grocery shopping on a Saturday night to feel like a cat lady- why do old women go the grocery store at night ?"
Shut up! I just got home from the grocery store! Lol.

Nothing like going grocery shopping on a Saturday night to feel like a cat lady- why do old women go the grocery store at night ?

I bumped into the same old woman in nearly every aisle finally ending up in the cat food section - I hope she has a cat and isn't trying to make ends meet

Yes I bought two little cans of kitten food if I see the white kitty tomorrow- there's a woman at work who wants a white cat - if I can connect the two then that will be my good deed for the year - I try to have one a year - no more no less

Trying to stay awake to finish laundry and see the opening monologue of SNL

Fitting avatars right now...

Thanks Ali, now there are 5 cats apalling!

about 19 hours ago
Be more confusing...become a cat avatar and everyone look alike!
Click on the cat avatar, download it to your photos, then post it as your avatar!
The apalled cat expression
May leave an impression
Cool cats are still here
But we're appalled.

Cwillie, there are 3 cats, and now there is you. We are identical to protest the website. But don't you think that churchmouse is just a bit cooler than mine?

Send and Gershun
I can't tell you two apart - twins separated at birth?

There's a little bitty white kitty in the front yard hiding under the pine tree- looks so cold and scared

A few years ago a little tuxedo had her litter in the flower bed - mom had just come home from the hospital so there was no way I could bring her inside

I spent three weeks taking care of her the best I could and looking for a home for her - through the grace of god I was put in touch with a rescue team associated with Warner brothers studio - seems Mickey Rooney brought a bunch of cats onto the set years ago to control rats and so...

Anyway, a woman drove miles on Mother's Day to come get them and take them to a foster home - mom and all 3 boys were healthy and foster home kept mom because she was just so sweet - I'm not a cat person but I loved that little kitty

Cw, probably a merit badge for recycling or env science.

I just had a cub scout - and his father - at my door collecting empty beer/wine/liquor bottles, I donated a box full. After they left I got thinking, 10 or 20 cents per bottle doesn't add up to very much, even if they collect hundreds. I guess going door to door in the winter builds character though?

Sorry guys, grumpy cat seems more like my personality.

You guys are cats indeed! Cool cats that are appalled. LOL

There's only two of you and I'm already confused.

It seems to me that the people that changed this format to huge are trying to boot some of us out of here. AC has been so helpful in letting people vent, ask questions, see what others do about a problem, etc. but now it is harder to follow...too big. No one from AC has replied to my comments or questions on it. I don't know what I would have done without the support of other caregivers on here. No one I know has had it this hard with a parent so the support on here made me feel less alone and more capable of handling things when I cared for my bedridden Mom 24/7. It is harder now to follow other's concerns and especially when new caregivers come on for support. I doubt they will change the format back...a vote from all of us would be nice....

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