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Did you know, being a cat Mom, that your cats love you for so many reasons?
One reason is that you allow them to sleep either in the drawer (keeping it open a crack); on the bed; or under the bed.

MsMadge, It was last year that Bookluver said to remove the pillow, stretch flat (like a cat-every morning- chiropractor had said) and lie flat on the bed to help your back (sciatica).
I remember this now, I know this now.

O dear. Last night my hubs complemented me for turning out the lights and putting the kindle away. He is proud of the changes I am making. When I told him all the funny jokes you all were making......he said:
"Did you tell them prior to all this you were sleeping with your kindle in the bed all night?" "Tell them to behave, we need the room". Lol.

Why is it that everyone can be soooo very funny?

Stop play'n footsie's!

Move over MsMadge! Your'e hogging the drawer!

Take some stuff outta the drawer tonight please

now my sciatica is acting up and I'll need to sleep sideways

Yes well I was hoping to pay the contractor with a superfecta win on the derby yesterday but while I had the winner my other 3 picks were no where to be seen when the field turned for home

There was chocolate malted milk balls under the bed, too old to eat, and not on my new diet.

More like late to bed, early to rise makes cwillie a basket case.

CW, I'm on "lazy time" the past week -- sleeping when I want, sleeping quite a bit. It's only 4:30 here. I'll likely fall asleep for a few more hours and then... I don't know. I'm enjoying this week a LOT! Feels like I did set a burden down. Now if I can just keep from picking it back up...

Have a great day. "Early to bed, early to rise" and all that. 🌝

I just learned that Xanadu was the name of Kublai Khan's summer capital in China. I knew it wasn't only the name of a gloriously cheesy 1980's movie, but I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't know the origin of the place/name.

Good morning everyone, or are you all still planning to turn in for the night? I've been reading for a couple of hours and then decided I might as well get up and start my day, the robins have.

I watched some recap of the muddy derby run. Always Dreaming is a beautiful, dark, young, muscular horse. (Aren't they all? Except for the dark part, I think he was darkest in color).

I'm watching Marco Polo series on Netflix. I like it because of the costumes and I don't mind as much when there is creative license taken with 13th century history as, say, 18th century lol. It's not like we know much about what was really going on back then. It's a great show, very aesthetically interesting. The men's hair style from that era is so strange -- shaved to look like a bald spot, then braided on the sides. Just goes to show that anything and everything has been or will be in fashion at one time or another in human history.

That just made me think about the tribal women who wear rings around their necks to extend them a long way up, or wear plates in their lips to expand them. Whatever your particular culture says is attractive...  So subjective, isn't it?  Still, I wouldn't mind losing a little of this belly I have lol.  I'm not going to go live in a place where they binge feed the girls on whole milk to make them fat and then they're considered more attractive, 

"Late night human cultural musings with AliBoBali..."   Back to Marco Polo.  :) 

Send, old poo isn't as bad as new poo.............right?

Gershun, MsMadge won't be kicking anyone but herself tonight so she won't bother you. She must have passed out when she got an estimate from a contractor today.
Just folded my laundry tonight, the drawer is very crowded. Even the kindle has no room. Putting all electronics under the bed.

My dog died many years ago, how did that get under the bed? I am sure it's not chocolate! eeeewwww!

Ms Madge and I are getting along okay in the drawer Send but here are a few requests: 1) Please, put your vibrator somewhere else. It goes off during the night and scares the bejesus out of me. Nearly pooped my pants.

2) I think you have a melted chocolate bar in here or ..............:P

3) Look into the drawer during the night and say hi. In fact, crawl in if you like. I think we still have some room.

Yeah, once you see a horse crash like that, right in front of you, in person on the track, it is never the same. Never thought of that, watching the video after the race! I enjoyed the paddock areas and the close up view of the horses when I used to go, not for many years now.
Tomorrow is some kind of worldwide running event for people. Lol.

Sendhelp, I also choose Thunder Snow because of his/her name. I usually don't watch the race but I watch the rerun as long as no horse got hurt... seen too many in the past that are still ingrain in my brain :(

Thunder Snow got spooked by something, and didn't want any part of running in the mud. Hope it's nothing else.

Thanks everyone for your well wishes and advice.

Kettle black, this is the pot black visiting, sorry you were bored. I get it, but you are on respite, and only you can define what you want and need. To figure that out, go sit in a Starbucks, order Cocoa, and log into AC from there. Bring home a scone for Sunday's breakfast?

Have not gone to the doctor yet. Once I figure out how to spell the new M.D.'s specialty, I will get back to you. It may come under the heading alternative treatments.
Did you and MsMadge get along ok in the drawer with everyone? Who was that snoring? Lol.
It almost sounds more fun to take treats to the MC residents than stay home this afternoon. Nah, I changed my mind because of my diet.
Bone broth anyone?
Golden was right, turn out the lights early-no self-will run rampant when one is trying to be well.

Cannot believe how many foods are white!  Clam chowder soup is even white!
But potatoes (white) are a nightshade plant, and can cause pain in sensitive people.

Two days now without major pain episodes so I am feeling better somewhat.
At the moment the race went off, the decision to drive hubs in the beautiful weather was made, going out at the last minute. Bright sun, billowy clouds, few sprinkles, resting now. He was on time, but barely. Ha ha. Success to me is fun (the races) and being responsible too. He was so lost when I had so much downtime. It is scary to have to consider this may be it-the time when the caregiver is put out to pasture and needs a caregiver instead.  Just shoot me instead.
Not that I need or want the caregiver role, but hubs needs me for now.

My horse pulled up at the gate, is under vet observation. I don't think he even ran the race. I don't mind never, or almost never winning on betting. I just chose him by the name, Thunder Snow. I didn't bet. Dh liked Patch, everyone's emotional favorite because it lost an eye last year. Mostly, in a field that large, I was hoping there were no injuries. Found out later that my horse was flown in from Dubai with several others. Technically, I feel too many horses in the mud is a dangerous ride, the owners are just greedy for the prize money, and I would never run my thoroughbred with that many horses. The betting is one thing, but the prize money was more like two million. I could be wrong.
But the sport has some downsides. Even so, I think they are beautiful animals, and should be treated humanely.

Bummer you have to get out and drive Send...
Yes,Always Dreaming Won.My dH and I placed bets before the race and he bet on Classic Empire to win.I bet on Gervin,the family affair horse.Good thing we didn't put any real money down.

Driving Hubs.

Always Dreaming
143 Kentucky Derby Winner

Send, probably time to revisit and maybe get an updated diagnosis. I finally made my mammogram appt. They've been sending me reminders in the mail every month. Both my Mom and Dad had cancer so I need to go every year. I don't actually find it as painful as some women do so I don't know why I constantly put it off.

CWillie, sorry you are bored. I guess that's one thing caregiving has going for it, you never have time for boredom. What did you enjoy doing once upon a time? Do you remember back that far? LOL

Good morning, Kindle out of the drawer.
Thinking this through, gerd and fibromyalgia were diagnosed by symptoms only, 20+ years ago. No upper g.i., and one 15 minute visit: dx. by pressure points.

send - proper sleep is soooo important. to our general well being and especially with CFS/FM. I really believe there is a connection between your good sleep and reduced pain. Reduce light and noise before bedtime. Well done, keep it up.

cw - time to develop a hobby - photography, join an online writing group, start a blog, take a course (there are some great freebies like Coursera), study to become a personal trainer, volunteer - the possibilities are endless and you have lots of talents.

It's 10:30 a.m. and I am bored out of my frigging mind.
Go out into the cold for some fresh air? Meh.
Go to the store? I did the whole town yesterday, but I guess I could do the rounds again....
Phone a friend? Hm, where ARE all my friends? Lots of calls and emails the first few days after the move, but now silence; back to the status quo.
Go to see mom? That's always a good way to kill and hour but I know she always sleeps all morning. (of course now she also seems to sleep all afternoon, if I had to live there I would too)

The Kindle is going back in the drawer.
Goodnight dear friends.
Ambient noise? How about a trumpet race call?

Sorry Gershun,
I have a tendency to stretch my legs out sideways while I sleep :)

Also, Send, some ambient noise would be nice to block out others snoring.

Yeah, I've been. It was mandatory for anorexics if you wanted to be in the program. Can't say I'm a big fan..........but having said that I would never say to someone, don't try it. Whatever helps, Right?

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