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I agree but I imagine morning staff is scrambling to get folks up and dressed for breakfast

Plus hoca wanted me to have my private aides shower her and I told them I pay a higher daily rate for them to do it - as it is my overnight weekend caregiver will shower her on Sunday mornings and another one has given her showers in the afternoon if she's had a diarrhea accident

Hoca staff is constantly changing and even if they have someone who will work with her they switch them out all the time and back
In February two hoca staff dropped her in the shower at night

It's exhausting - two of their long time aides told me how tired they were last night

That seems irregular to start a shower at night. What's with that?

After pie and coffee last night, an aid at hoca came to fetch mom for a shower - mom was not having it so despite not being up for it myself I went to help figuring the aid is probably just as tired

Mom has always hated washing her hair in the shower and having water run in her eyes and ears so I tried to handle that part and keep her from scratching the aid as she tried to soap mom up - lord only knows what actually got soaped and rinsed but oh well

We got her lotioned and powdered and I took her out with a towel to dry her hair - otherwise they'd put her to bed with wet hair

Seems the beauty salon is only open once a week in the morning when I don't have a private caregiver with mom so she hasn't had a cut since before Xmas and is looking unkempt

Luckily I had my little hair trimming scissors with me and decide to trim mom's hair - as she started to doze off with her leaning forward I was having a hard time keeping the cut even especially as I thought I'd get fancy and give her some layers for a little bounce - good thing she won't notice the unevenness - ha ha

You can download 5 free articles a month from the NY times website - I peruse the headlines just to keep up with current events

Angels baseball coverage barely mentioned the Preakness, meh.
But I guess the winner was Cloud Computing and Classic Empire second.  The favorite, Always Dreaming,  faded, maybe was last.
So much for sports for me, that's it!
No live streaming of a n y t h i n g when dH is not here.
Will I be okay? I don't know....

Lol, how did you know about the hedgehog, CM?
Maybe the plastic owls belong to people who have rats?
I don't know for sure-maybe the owls are just decorative and were ON SALE at Big Lots.
What are they supposed to deter, anyway? Is it a myth?

You think he might embarrass himself, Send? Like the hedgehog who climbed off the hairbrush saying "my mistake, madam."

Why is your neighbourhood infested with plastic owls, anyway? Whose are they?

Interested in finding something to deter all those plastic owls in my neighborhood, because there is a real owl, often up a nearby tree, and I wouldn't want the little fella scared away, or for that matter, mistaking the plastic ones for real.

Don't take the NY Times but I will heartily second the thought that horses are good for inner city kids and kids of all ages for that matter. Animals can bring such joy in the darkest of times

There's a great article in the NY times on the therapeutic benefit of being around horses for inner city kids

I hear you can buy fake wasp huts to deter real ones from the yard - since I now have a collection of plastic owls which don't work I might as well get a plastic mud hut too

Actually, I re-posted it here because I was interested, and thought others would be too.
Your posts are interesting Gershun, in an ' I like it, rebellious, crazy sort of way'. You can hold your own in a conversation with the best of them, imo.
Even MsMadge had a wasp story and I liked that too.


Send, they might be wondering .............or thinking, Ah, another boring story from Gershun, meh.

Everyone will be wondering about the wasp story now, here it is on
Caregiver's Cats Behaving Badly:

about 10 hours ago
I went on holiday to Hawaii for a week. My Mom and brother were looking in on the cats every day. I kept the balcony ajar just a bit for them cause the litter box was out there. When I got back from my vacation I discovered a wasp making a hive in my cat's scratching post. I looked back and remembered that before I had left for my holiday that I would be watching t.v. and see a wasp fly into my place and then just disappear. I guess it was disappearing into the scratching post. You know those scratching posts that have a little area where cats can disappear. Well, the wasp thought that was a great place to build a hive. Yikes!! I stuck a broom handle into the hive and destroyed it. Boy, was that wasp mad. I had to keep my balcony shut cause I could see that wasp trying to get back in every day. LOL

Gershun, they may come back the next year....muwahhhha!

My is now the story of 'who moved my cheese'.
It was me, Gershun.  I referenced your story on this thread, and coulda, shoulda  woulda
answered it on that thread....but I didn't want to, Lol.

Is it on another thread? No worries.??

Hey Send, it looks like my wasp story was deleted somehow. Why? Was someone offended by it? Scratching my head.

Reading the wasp Hawaii is a great vacation. Even better the more you go.
It is peaceful there. Can someone go with you?

Rainmom, your post reminded me of my daughter in law, who couldn't touch poop, even after having a child. While potty training her son he pooped in his training pants and I came over and she was out in the drive hosing them down, rather than rinsing in toilet. Oh, she wouldn't dare put her hand in there either!

Thx Send............control freaks........ah, yes I have my stories too. :P

Yes Luckylu, heard you loud and clear.
Without going into what my dH has done, I will be silent about that.
But I want you to know I understand your frustration, literally.
It's not you, it's them.
Sometimes the only way to cope is to leave the house.

When Gershun started this thread, she said we could talk about anything, and off topic is okay too.  Actually, Gershun is pretty cool about e v e r y t h i n g
when it comes to her caregiver friends!

This may belong on the Whine Thread or the Dysfunction thread,I'm not sure but I am sure that I live with a huge control freak.Today,I go out to feed my birds and he's tied the wire around the suet feeder so much that I have to get wire cutters just to get it off so I can fill it for no reason.Then I come in the kitchen to get a bowl of food for the kittens and he's taken all the bowls I use with them and put them up high on the shelf for no reason other than he doesn't think I should use those bowls,but it's all I have and have used the last 100 days.Then he turns off the light at my desk,when I'm coming right back which only makes me want to turn on every light in the house.I wish he'd stay out of my business and tend to his.There.Rant done.Thank you.

Paying for the privilege takes the cake, doesn't it? You could teach that stuff with two hands tied behind your back, imo.
Sorry that this present time is even harder on you, and there is sadness.

{{{Hugs}}}} Yes, hugs all around!



Oh dear Send, I wasn't referring to you ((hugs)). I was speaking to mom's former case worker this morning when she stopped by to pick up some paperwork that had been forgotten and of course she asked how was my mother doing (I was at a low spot so I shed a few tears), and then of course asked how I was doing. But even my own sister has given me the PSW line, and I'd rather be a street person than take some bottom level job that is physically and mentally demanding and pays sh*t. And even worse, I would need to go back to school and pay for the privilege. (rant over)

Who is suggesting that you become employed as a PSW/CNA?
Maybe others, somewhere else? But when I said 'once a caregiver, always a caregiver', I was making reference to you helping your sister, that you have a good heart for helping others evidenced by helping in your free time.

Maybe there is a reference to you seeking a job somewhere else that I didn't see yet, but I was not commenting on job suggestions.
Whatever paid job you seek, I am sure you will do well.

Please private message me if I have offended you in any way.

cwillie....If you have to go to work,I think you would like a job maybe in a card shop,like Hallmark or maybe a Party store where they sell Party goods.Something Happy.A job where when you are off work,you are truly off,not worrying and thinking about it on your own time.Whatever you would enjoy that would help others.Just follow your sweet heart.Wherever you end up,your new employer will be lucky to have YOU.

When I mention that I need to figure out a way to earn some money why do so many people assume that I would want to be a PSW (CNA to you Americans). I flamed and burned out, why would I want to provide the same services for strangers that I couldn't continue for my own mother?

If humiliating people on t.v. stopped most of the reality t.v. shows would be out of business. CNN would have to stop reporting on Trump cause lets face it, he humiliates himself on a daily basis. :P

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention considers osteopenia and osteoporosis smoking-related illnesses. In fact, numerous studies show that smoking sabotages bones and heightens the risk of osteoporosis. The good news is that once you butt out, you’re body and bones can recuperate.

I have never smoked, but my doctor said to take calcium for osteopenia.
Another doctor prior to this had said to stop taking calcium (but I wasn't), Lol. Time for a new doctor. I will take notes.

Thank you Luckylu for that heads up on the Prolia...but very expensive.
I am going to study this.

Keeping busy Cwillie?
Out of love, can you sneak some of that stuff out of there?
When you find success, let me know.
How does one help others from hoarding, instead of humiliating them on T.V. with therapists pushing them into a breakdown?

Once a caregiver, always a caregiver.  There you are, already helping others with your free time.  You are the energizer bunny!  Must be all that great italian food you have been eating lately.  Pasta, pasta, pasta!

I've always know my Sis (and BIL too, but in a different way) had hoarding tendencies and I've said I would help when I had time on my hands, but I wasn't aware that things had spiralled down into full blown hoarding. Oh my. Yes, those things probably Could be sold, but you've had them for 20 (30?) years and still haven't done it. NO, nobody wants that crap. NO, you can't ever wear those clothes, at least not in public, they are much too dated.
I thought we could dedicate the extra bedrooms into sell, keep and toss areas, but OMG they are all full too. And so we shifted stuff from one pile to another, but nothing major leaves the house and I know that in a few weeks we will have to go through the same piles all over again.

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