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🥰 more words of wisdom...

“Refuse to inherit dysfunction. Learn new ways of living instead of repeating what you lived through.”

High Blood Pressure
A patient had been seen in the ER several times for acute onset of headache.
She was told to come to the doctor's office. When I was taking her blood pressure reading, she stroked out and was taken to the ER, the doctor went with her. She did recover well in about 3 months. This was many years ago.

My dH has a high blood pressure of 167/114 , and a pulse of 111, last Thursday. It's been high for or over 2 years now.
He does not take his medication prescribed for it, or any other medication.
His Mom had a stroke when she was around 52, his brother died from a brain aneurysm at age 53.

Just wanted to share with other caregivers about when to go to the E.R., or call 911 if you are living with high blood pressure yourself or caring for someone.

Here are some of the symptoms:
If you have a high blood pressure reading and any of the symptoms below, you need emergent medical attention in an ER. (The article said to go to ER if reading is 180/120.)

Severe headache: During a spike in blood pressure, the pressure builds up within the skull. Headaches during a hypertensive crisis usually feel more severe than normal, everyday headaches. 

Confusion: High pressure in the head can also lead to a change in mental status. The confusion from a hypertensive crisis can be subtle and even build slowly over time. If you or someone you know seems a little off, this might be a medical emergency.

Stroke symptoms: Severe hypertension can lead to a stroke. Symptoms include sudden weakness or numbness (often on one side of the body), sudden confusion, trouble seeing, slurred speech, or difficulty getting words out. Regardless of your blood pressure reading, you should call 911 for any of these symptoms.

Change in consciousness: A hypertensive crisis can also change someone’s level of alertness, making them seem excessively sleepy. In severe cases, they may even pass out or have a seizure. 

Blurred vision: High blood pressure can damage the blood vessels that supply the eyes, which can then cause blurry vision. 

Chest pain: The chest pain in a hypertensive emergency is typically severe. It’s usually not related to chest movement or food intake. 

Trouble breathing: A hypertensive crisis can lead to signs and symptoms of heart failure, which can cause fluid to build up in the lungs. This can cause shortness of breath, particularly with exertion or lying flat. 

Nausea or vomiting: Nausea is sometimes the first sign of changing blood flow in the body. Even if you don’t have any pain or neurological symptoms, you should get checked out if you feel like you’re about to vomit.

Severe anxiety: Having high blood pressure can trigger feelings of anxiety. Some people may have a fast heart rate or a sense of impending doom.

Send: Perhaps good to have a home blood pressure cuff.

Yes, I have a b/p cuff and stethoscope.
The doctor put in The Summary to take b/p at home twice a day.
Return in 3 months.

I want him to have a second opinion.
Hard trying not to panic during his decline.
But what do I know...I am just the wife.

Send: You ARE the important person in this dynamic - the person who knows your DH the best. Glad that you have a home BP cuff. I do also.

🥰 wishing us all a great sunday!!

🐢 some motivational words from a turtle:
“Hey, see that thing you’ve been thinking about? I think you should just do it. Just totally go for it. You’ll be great!”

❤️ bundle of joy

🥰 more words from the same turtle...

“Life lessons:
1. Life beings on the beach.
2. Sometimes you have to dig yourself out of a hole you didn't dig.
3. You'll make it.
4. Life is better with a good friend."

❤️ bundle of joy


words from bundle of joy:

believe in the magic of xmas!

Funky night here in New Orleans. Thunderstorms and breezy. Temps have dropped. I hate humid, cold and rainy weather.

NHWM, Be grateful, we have a watch for wind chill down to -50 for Wednesday going into Thursday and Friday.



Hey, I am a southern gal. If temperatures go below 60 I get chilly!


Who remembers wearing pajamas with feet as a child? I loved mine. I wish I still had a pair when it gets chilly. They make them for adults. 😊

I think heated flooring is brilliant in really cold climates. Our weather doesn’t warrant having that here but if I lived in a freezing cold climate I would love heated floors.

I do have a fireplace! Of course, it doesn’t get used much here. It’s pretty though and the stockings are hung. 😊


My daughter is visiting a friend in Dubuque, Iowa. She called me a short while ago and said that it’s cold there right now. It’s 25 but feels like 16. She says they have high humidity like we do so it feels colder there.

In 1963, on New Year’s Eve we had a fair amount of snow in New Orleans.

My brothers and I wanted to go play in the snow. My mom thought it was too cold for us to be out in the snow.

My dad told her to bundle us up. So, she did. We were so excited to see snow I don’t think we even cared about being cold.

My dad taught us to build a snowman. It’s one of my favorite memories with my dad. When we went inside mom made hot cocoa for us to drink.

All that crappy weather is due hear on Christmas eve. This is exactly why I hate the expectation to get together this time of year.

NeedHelp, snow in New Orleans in 1963? Was that the last time? Or how often? I didn't know it could snow so far south in the US,

Every child should enjoy at least one day of waking up to a winter wonderland, learning to bundle up, build a snowman, make snow angels and have a snowball fight.

I remember the one day in my childhood, growing up in Las Vegas NV didn't offer many snow days, I am sure much like NOLO. So it is a joyous memory.

Need, I am with you, under 60° here is fridges winter weather and the locals are bundled up. (That's how we know the Snowbirds, they are wearing shorts and golf shirts. :-)

Polar, Tucson has the southern most ski resort in the USA. 90 minutes from the Mexico boarder.

Hey Gershun, how's the foot?

Are you sick of winter yet?❄️☃️🥶❄️❄️(Stay safe)

Hi Willie, Thx for asking.

I don't know how my foot is to be honest. I've been staying off of it now for almost 5 weeks. Doing my range of motion exercises. No one told me I could do these, as in doctors but I really didn't get any proper advise from the orthopedic doctor, my doctor, the emergency room doctor. So I'm winging it. It was feeling really stiff and I was getting pins and needles sensations so I felt it best to move it as much as I can carefully to get the circulation moving again.

The ER doctor said keep walking on it (with a boot) as much as you can. Don't sit on the couch for the next 6 weeks he said. The ortho doc said stay off of it for six weeks and let your pain be your guide as to when to start trying to walk on it. My doc said stay off of if for 6 to 8 weeks. I asked about range of motion exercises and he said let pain be your guide.

So, today while letting pain be my guide I put full weight on it and it hurt still. I'm frustrated as hell Willie. I've been stuck inside now for almost 5 weeks except for small jaunts in the car when hubs is available to drive me somewhere. Other than that I am in a really Grinchy mood.

We had a big winter storm here in Vancouver last night and I guess it's best to be in. They're advising everyone to stay in if you don't need to go anywhere.

My friend stumped her toe one night. It was red and swollen. Podiatrist said it was broken and put her in a boot. Told her not to walk.
Later she was told by a diff doc that exercise helps it heal.
It is confusing.
She opted for more exercise. She normally does 10K + steps per day so it was hard for her to stay off of it. It still took a good while to heal.
I sent you a link on the subject.

97yroldmom said "It still took a good while to heal"

This exactly.
We are immersed in a culture that expects people to shrug off injuries and get on with it because TV and movies (and to some extent professional sports figures with their access to tailored rehab and sports doctors) have given us unrealistic expectations, even though I was a young woman at the time it took me MONTHS to heal from my broken ankle and YEARS before it completely stopped bothering me.

So, I guess it's gonna take a while to heal. It's funny how six weeks seemed to be the magic time period I was given by everyone including the medical supply place where I got my boot. There was a man there who had suffered the exact same injury as me and he said "Six Weeks!" with a big smile on his face. Well it will be six weeks next Thursday and I'm not holding out much hope that I'll be good to go then.

I'm very depressed right now. I feel like the wind has been blown right out of my sails that's for sure. I never fractured anything before this and if someone had told me that this was what it's like I would have been a lot more careful in life. Not that this was caused by me being careless but who knows. Sigh...........

Gershun, six weeks is average, I am sure. It will get better. Will doc prescribe PT and/or OT? Take it easy on yourself.

Thx Glad, I have my follow up visit with the orthopedic doc in early January. I'm going to discuss that with her. Hopefully she is a little more forthcoming with advice for me than she was at my initial visit. Plus now I know a little more so I'll have more questions for her. When I went the first time I was hopeful and figured she knew what she was talking about. I'd like to get an MRI done on my foot too cause I believe that there may be more soft tissue damage or even possibly nerve damage which won't show up on an x-ray.

I'll give it the full six weeks first.

One neat thing happened last night. I was dreaming that I was in my old bed at the home I grew up in. I was smelling the sheets, trying to find my mom's scent and was crying and saying I miss you so much mom. Then suddenly I felt someone pulling the blanket over me. I'm sure it was my mom. I said I love you to her and she said it back. In the dream that is. I woke up feeling comforted.

Some of us thought it would be a kindness to get you through the most painful part of your healing.

The real estimated healing time is: (factoid can be googled).....
" A typical foot fracture takes 6 to 8 weeks to completely heal and may take even longer. The good news is that the pain will subside earlier than that and you'll be able to walk with a cast or orthopedic shoe while you heal."

Be sure to rest the broken foot. Keep it up.

Do you have pain anywhere else, like further up the ankle or leg?


No Send, in fact it's more like a dull achy stiffness in my foot only. If I don't do my range of motion movements it feels like its asleep which leads me to think there may be some circulatory damage? Or maybe this is normal? I've never been here before so I don't know.

I compare my fractured foot to my good foot and I notice I can't see most of my veins in the fractured foot whereas my good foot you can see all of my veins. So it must still be swollen even after 5 weeks.

Elevate your foot, still following the written advice you were given.
Ice it.
The reason for the orthopedic boot is if you must move around, you won't put weight on the fracture. Crutches help too.
I can't help but thinking if you are not happy with the boot and cannot tolerate it, (wore my boot only a few times), that you are not supporting your foot properly, like maybe wrap it with an Ace elastic bandage.
Call the main nurse helpline for more instructions specific to you, or if you have any new symptoms.
Who advised you to do range of motion exercises this early? Wish I knew more how to help you.
Everything I read is that it is common for the foot to be swelling still. Recall that your doctor said it is not an injury that will need surgery. (That's encouraging!).

Keep calling until you get the answers you need to heal. Don't feel like you are a burden. You are just someone more interested and committed to the proper healing than most patients, who are content to take pain meds and remain uninformed. imo.

Oh crap, my nose is starting to drip and there's a little something going on in my throat, I think I'm coming down with something. 🤧🤒 I'm gonna get out the neti pot and see what else I've got in the cupboard to try and ward this off.

Grab that herbal cough drop with lemon, zinc, and honey Cwillie.
Usually found at the bottom of a utility drawer in the house.

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