
Now I'm livid, I get a call from my dad he had to have the social worker at the nursing home call me he was so upset. The director who I refer to as the idiot told my father that the attorney who has been working so hard to gain my parents trust by visiting them listening to them, the director now throw us both under the bus. I spoke to the social worker told her Ryan the idiot needs to contact the attorney and explain under what circumstances did he did to tell my father this. Now my dad is so angry wants nothing to do with the attorney I'm next once he sees my name on the guardianship paperwork. I tried playing this down " dad let me look into this and find out what's going on" Crap. Stupid idiot director, I'm so mad I'm glad I'm not there I'm on the verge of making a scene. I've come down with a chest cold the stress is making me sick, now this call breaks my heart for them to be so upset. PS posted something about 30% of caregivers die before their elder, the way I feel today ....... I wonder if I will ever get through this.....

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Go ahead with the filing for guardianship. Certainly your parents are upset, because they are suddenly forced to realize they are losing it. Some ant-anxiety meds may be in order. They will not react well to the psych exam either. Eventually they will calm down. One of the joys of dementia is that you don't know you are incompetent.

Thanks PS. the good attorney went by to see them calmed them down. I tell you the family dynamic while I'm on the phone dad's blowing up, yet outsider comes in (she is very special person, a blessing actually) explains everything and it's all good. I would say I wish I could learn what she did to fix this but I have a feeling it wouldn't matter much, since I'm the daughter the negative emotion falls to me yayyyy!

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