when mom, who is 90, has a bowl movement ,and if some bacteria gets up her she gets agressive, nasty, will not sleep has ,extra strenght.and so on. doctors are saying it is her dementia. but she only acts like that when this happenes. also when she gets a urinary infection. how to prevent this?
My mom's urologist also put her on a low dose of nitrofuratonin and a diet that helps tremendously - it takes planning and about a month to get things stabilized. warning, no chocolate, or even decaf coffee.
Good luck - we were not brought up to talk about poop - but that is how uti's happen.
2. Late detection of urinary tract infection in the elderly is highly related to the often asymptomatic presence of bacteriuria.
3. Weak Immune System.
Urinary tract infection is the most common infection in elderly people and is the most common cause of bacteremia. The pervasiveness of bacteremia is very much related with age.
Communicable diseases are common source of increased morbidity and mortality in aged patients.
4. Lack of care. Sometimes, the elderly do not know whether they are contracted with UTI unless they learn about the symptoms. Many urinary infection among the elderly went untreated or untold.
5. Not drinking enough fluids also.
6. Immobile increases the chance of developing UTI
I hope this helps.
In our experience cutting down on dairy really seems to help. You might try oatmeal in the am with just a little milk, and increase vegetables, especially tomatoes if you can. Drinking alot of fluids helps too.