I,had asked,this yesterday,I can't find my question.Maybe,I did it wrong.
Mom,has dementia.Yesterday,she thought a photo of my long distance sister,was a family friend,who live far away.Then,other things.She;got much better after few hrs. Will,this happen,again soon,or no one,can really say? I,get worried,what may happen next,with mmeory.She,is sweet as pie&good health
My mother goes through periods of being baffled and confused, then she seems okay for a while. I don't know what causes this going back and forth, in and out of confusion. In my mother's case, she got bad fairly quickly, but has progressed slowly since then. It seems to be different for people. Maybe the dementias are different or different parts of the brain are affected.
I'm glad that you found the group. I hope the people here can make your trip through dementia a bit easier.
dementia care will bend your head. the more you learn the better.