
I haven't been visiting this website for very long. But, I can tell you that since I found it, it has been a source of great inspiration, support, & understanding. I have visited everyday since I found it! I don't know if this topic is a "discussion" or just a thank you, and thank God! I really believe that I NEED the kindness, understanding, and support I get here. I don't personally know any of you. But, I know that the advice, understanding, support, and love that everyone shares with each other here is genuine, and real. It's such a relief to be able to come here, and vent or ask questions. It's a great place to offer my own experiences, and I great place to heal wounds. Even when opinions differ, it's still a welcoming, and accepting atmosphere. I just love it, and love all of you for being so awesome to me, and to each other. CAREGIVERS ARE SUPERHEROS!!!!

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Who IS that exhausted individual??
Faster than a speeding power chair...more powerful than the strongest cleaning to leap to his/her feet at a single cry for help...It's a nurse...It's a therapist...and psychologist, pharmacist, dietician...chef, chauffeur, bookkeeper, interpreter....personal assistant, legal assistant, diplomatic emissary (did I miss any?)...sadly, in some cases - servant, scapegoat, whipping post...
We ARE quite extraordinary...the League of Extraordinary Caregivers! I think we might even deserve our own official "headquarters" complete with full service spa, five star restaurant, and professionally staffed respite unit...all supplied and funded of course by a mysterious, enormously wealthy philanthropist who wishes to remain anonymous.
Think I'll pass on the cape and spandex, but I wouldn't mind a flashy hip new superhero-gone-incognito type wardrobe....and maybe a cool shiny badge that I could flash now and then, like at the pharmacy...or the parking lot at the grocery store - "Sorry m'am/sir, I'm going to need to take that parking space...L.E.C.official business." LOL ;)
I haven't been visiting here long either, and I agree with everything calicaregiver has said. I still tend to "lurk" more than I post but this site has become my oasis in what was once a desert of despair. I only wish I'd found it five years ago...better late than never I guess! Thank you Cali for introducing this thread, and thank you EVERYONE for "being there". Together we ARE the L.E.C.!!!

We are pretty cool, aren't we? Even if we do say so ourselves. Now don't you think we need some new superhero clothes and shoes? :)

Yes, I agree. I have been here off and on about 2+ years and it is a comfort. Since my caregiving job is no longer demanding, I am happy to give support and encouragement, remembering the most difficult times. We do care:) xo

Hello Calicaregiver, i am very please to meet you caregivers are special people.

Calicaregiver I could not agree with you more!

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