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(((((ali)))) tough, tough time when they get that sick. I agree she needs a trip to the vet asap. Cats do hide they illnesses well so you know when they show it they are really sick. I was so thankful I got Toonie there before he was in much discomfort. I was watching Matt, my springer spaniel, and knew the tine was near. One morning I took him out for a pee and he collapsed on the driveway in his pee. I knew it was time, cleaned him up and took him to the vet. I have found the vets are very good when they know it is the end. They fit you in, Both of these times I held my furry friends while they passed. Hoping you can get some help for her soon.


I love the name, Lilah. So sweet for a sweet kitty.

Need, we had an amazing vet for 25 years, then he retired and we have been looking for a good one ever since.

Part of our problem is he was a personal friend and he spoiled us. He loved all animals and treated his patients as royalty but, being a friend he was extra attentive.

We aren't looking for that level, we just want one that actually does their job and knows how to do it.

I think that kind of professional is, unfortunately, a thing of history. It is tough in every industry to find competent help.


My older vet was not a friend of ours and he was great. He was knowledgeable and cared about the animals that he treated.

My latest vet is a friend of ours too. His girls went to school with our girls and we were always at each other’s houses. He’s also a fantastic vet. He sees my daughter’s dog. He has treated many of our fur babies.

I hope that you find a good vet soon. I know that you will keep looking. We want the best for our animals.

Ali, this sounds so much like one of my recent experiences (not Kidney failure cat, the other one).

It is SO much sadder when you don't know WHY your fur baby is dying. Our vet was comforting when he said that we didn't want to cause Sherlock unnecessary discomfort by poking to find out whatcwas irretrievably wrong.

Big (((hugs))), Ali.


Awwww…what a sweet vet.

I think that I must have sounded a bit neurotic to my vet when I said to him, I will pay any price for you to fix my cat.

He said that he would love to have been able to treat her but there wasn’t anything else that he could do. It was time for me to let go. Even though we know it’s time, it’s still so hard to lose them.

Ali, so sorry that Lilah isn't doing well. I remember when one of my cats was becoming under the weather and she would also lay down next to her water bowl. We got her to the Vet, ordered x-rays and sure enough she had a mass in her stomach. Due to her senior age of 17, surgery was not recommended. We decided to say good-bye to her that day as her quality of life just wasn't there.

One Vet told me that an ill cat has a choice to either breathe or eat, they can't do both at once. Thus the cat will choose breathing. Even drinking water was difficult :(

Let us know what the Vet says.

I can't sleep. She hasn't gotten up in the past 8 hours, but she did eat a little. First thing tomorrow, I'm putting her in the car and going to the vet. I'll go somewhere else if my usual place can't see her. Maybe I should've taken her to ER... I just wasn't sure if it was necessary. Now I can see for sure that she's declining so fast.

Soooooo I'm awake at 3 am, just feeling so bad for her, but not in any shape to take her anywhere. I wish I had pushed harder for answers in previous vet appts. It may not have changed her course, but I could have been more prepared and had meds on hand. Tonight I noticed she has more than one bulge/mass area around her midsection. They're easily noticeable when I rub my hand along her sides... how did I miss them??! They must be growing quickly.

I sat by her and stroked her softly throughout the day and evening. I keep checking on her, but there's nothing to do except sit with her and try to comfort her. She seems to appreciate it. It's going to be a long night for me, and even longer for her, I think. She isn't sleeping. She's hurting, and I'm just so so so so so very dang sad about it.

My girl is going across the rainbow bridge very soon. Please wish her godspeed and an easy transition. I've been chatting to her about it, telling her it will be soon and telling her stories about what to expect. She might run into Divo, and they can be buddies again, or she'll make new sweet friends and leave that rascal with all the other bold, feisty kitties in pet heaven.

(((((((ali)))))) accompanying any pet on their final journey here on earth is never easy. We don't want them to hurt but we don't want them to leave either - until it becomes so clear that they need to go. Get some rest if you can, eat a little, have a cup of tea or two, relax as much as you can. Look after yourself while you are looking after her.

Ahhh, Ali. I am so sorry, this is so hard. Try to rest, take care of you, too.

Ali, (((hugs)))) to Lilah and to you, too.

She’s gone. I’m devastated but so thankful to have her these past five years. Thanks for the support for me and my baby girl.

Ali, great big warm hug. I am so sorry for your loss.

One thing we know, pets just don't live long enough. We enjoy them while we are blessed with them, mourn them when they are gone and rescue another to love and be loved by when the time is right.

She and you were blessed to be brought together.


I am so sorry that Lilah is gone. Cherish your memories. She will live in your heart forever.

I know that you will grieve. It’s so hard to lose our fur babies.

(((((((((ali)))))))) Big hugs. You did right by your baby girl. She was fortunate to spend her final years with you and you were fortunate to have her, They are part of our family and I know her passing will leave a big hole in your life. I hope one day you can give a loving home to another fur baby but I also know that never fills the hole left by a lost one. Be good to you.

Ali, I am so sorry to read that Lilah has passed. Lilah was so lucky to have you for her last five years.

Ali, HUGS! You were so good to her, to provide a loving home to her after another found they just couldn't any more. In the beginnimg, you werent sure. Now you see and you did great!

I wonder if what I've experienced is normal. And if I need a new regular vet for future pets.

I'm not happy with my vet because I feel the signs of a growing stomach mass should have been evident to them. By the time she passed, Lilah looked awful with a volleyball belly, while the rest was bones.

I tried to find what was wrong with her a couple of times in the past six months and paid for labs, etc. But it was RIGHT THERE. I feel they should have been able to discern that her abdomen was tight and distended, with a few lumps in different places, while the rest of her was getting thinner.

I'm not putting any future pets or myself through subpar care again. And from what I read online, the $700 service fee today for basic euthanasia is too much. I would pay anything I could for my pets, of course. The issue is I think I have a lazy and too-expensive vet office. Appreciate any opinion you want to give.

*I've been rereading this thread today, remembering my own kitties' journeys and all of your pets, too—very sweet and funny stuff. I'm laughing a lot, thank you.

*As I went back to the bookmarked place in the thread history, I found my posts from the summer of 2021 when Divo had sores and an ER vet dx'd hyperthyroidism. And even though D had been to the regular vet many times, they never said anything about that. I answered my question here; thank you. I'm done with that vet.


If you’re not satisfied with your vet’s service, don’t hesitate to look for a different vet.

It’s important to be comfortable with the vet who is treating your animals. Veterinary care is expensive. I didn’t have insurance for my pets. Some people do choose to purchase insurance for them. I suppose that you would have to research different policies.

I didn’t keep my pets cremains either. My daughter chose to keep her dog’s cremains. I know that she paid extra for them. She will most likely do the same thing with her current dog.

I loved all of my animals but I have no desire to have their cremains. I have nothing against anyone who does want them. It’s not something that I am interested in though.

I hold their memories in my heart. I don’t need their physical ashes in my home.


l wish we could post pictures of all of our fur babies on this site.

One of the cutest photos that I have of my cat was of her sitting inside of a grocery bag looking out! It was a favorite hideaway spot for her.

I accidentally dropped the bag on the floor and she got inside and turned around inside of it. She loved hanging out in bags. So funny!

Another time, I was getting socks from a drawer and I didn’t see that she jumped inside of it. I closed the drawer and she started meowing. I had no idea where she was.

I kept following her meowing and opened the drawer and she popped out of it like a Jack in the box!

She destroyed all of the satin balls on my Christmas tree one year! Yep, in the middle of the night when we were sleeping she jumped in the tree and had a blast playing with the balls! We came downstairs to red satin thread all over our living room floor!

I would love to hear stories about your Lilah when you feel like sharing.

Cats have the cutest personalities.

Ali so sorry to hear that your sweet baby passed away.

So sorry for your loss Ali.
The better part of love is the strength and compassion to act when our pets need us most.
Goodbye Lilah, sweet cat.

Ali, I haven't been on here in a few days and just heard of your loss. I'm so, so sorry. I've been where you are a few times. Losing a great fur friend is very difficult. In some ways it's even more difficult than losing a human cause our fur friends give us that sweet, unconditional love.

As for vets. I'll tell you something that someone told me once. Those big, spacious veterinary offices that have all the gadgets and rooms for this and that and a huge staff are not always the best choice because being huge places they have huge bills to pay and therefore charge more and quite often are a lot more impersonal. When I had to have my Daniel put down I was very disappointed in the care he received. We eventually had him put down at an emergency vet hospital. But we have since found a nice vet. The place is small and old and thinly staffed but they are like family. We always stay and chat with them before we leave. When it's Henrick's time to go I'm sure they'll do us good.

Again, so sorry for your loss Ali.

It's been about a week, and the shock is wearing off. Thanks for all the kind words and support. My avatar is Lilah. My video-editor roomie took the pic with a special camera, and I'm so glad I have it. 🙏😻

Lovely pic of Lilah, ali. So good to have those memories,

I am getting the "death stare" It starts before 5 pm for her treats which I usually give her about 5:30 but I caved early tonight. Then she starts staring again wanting her computer time upstairs. If she keeps this up I will set up the computer with a cat video and let her have it early tonight all by herself. I've out stared her for now but we will see.
So much for routine!


My cat looked like your Lilah. We were blessed to have such sweet kitties.

Ali, your Lilah looks so sweet. I'm sure she's up in Heaven playing with my Daniel, Hobbes, Cleo, Libby & Gus. Plus all the other much loved felines, dogs and other creatures.

This kitty of mine is about the most interesting cat I have owned. She is very intelligent, has strange food likes and is very vocal.

The other day she ate lettuce - the leafy part. She likes sweet potatoes and other veggies like corn on the cob.

This morning I was greeted with a "song" that I hadn't heard before. it as a combination of chirps, trills and a sort of tweet/gurgle
It was very musical and the most complex I have heard from a cat.

I've given up with the laser light toy. She tracked it back to my hand and isn't interested any more. It's no good putting it away and trying later. She has a very good memory. Same problem with cat videos. There isn't that big a selection of really different ones and she is starting to lose interest. Fortunately she sleeps a lot - more than any other cat I have had.

Also fortunately she plays with toys on her own and sometimes brings them to me to throw for her to chase. It may be a bit of a challenge finding things for her to do in the condo. But she is a lovely pet and we are still developing our relationship.

So nice, Golden! Does she like catnip toys? I found that if I refreshed the catnip toys regularly -- bought new or restuffed the ones I could fill -- then that would be interesting to Lilah for a little while. Funny about the cat videos. I can't imagine my last two watching them. And the laser didn't work with them, either.

Yeah, it's nice.

She is one of those cats who are not attracted by catnip. She gets more excited by lettuce lol. She did enjoy the laser light for a while till she figured out it was me moving it then that was game over. She loves little mouse type toys and also the cat springs/coils. After I have moved I will look for some new toys for her.

Once in a while she quite likes lying on my chest and watching the cursor move while I read or post with the laptop on my knees. Its a nice cuddle for me too.

I was running a stream of water for her in the downstairs bathroom when she wanted a drink but I forgot to turn it off a few times so now I have put a small bowl there and refresh the water a couple of times a day. They like fresh water. Spoiled kitty I know! She liked to dunk her head under the stream sometimes but she can do without that.

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