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Mary welcome to our grouo. Cat is a very wise lady and I agree with her-nothing will change until you change things it is very hard but start small and goung to APS is a good start-your sisters will not change because they benefit from how things are and you Mom is confused and unable to change I would get her out of your home to start with-she might even have to be placed but since she is already mean to you-as my Mon was to me- and you are unhappy with her being there and the sibs taking all her money-it will benefit you to have her live someplace else-keep us posted and if you can read Lisa's journey-she prevailed through some unbeievable problems and came out of it with changes being made-we took the journey with her and helped her along the way.

Dearest Jeanne, I am so sorry! You sent coy on this new journey knowing he was so very loved. I just know he's looking down smiling and telling all the other angels, "dam, I'm the luckiest man ever to have lived and loved with this woman by my side!" prayers to you and the family from Doug, Jen, Beth, and me. Love ya! Lisa

Mary, by the way, if your mom has always been difficult it could be that she has a mental disorder as well as dementia. This only makes it harder to reason with them.

Mary: Hello and welcome. A couple of suggestions. You are new to Aging Care and I'm glad you asked your question here, but you can also post it so it reaches all readers on AC by going to the top of the page, clicking on Caregiver Forum (in blue banner across top of the page) and then clicking on "Ask a Question" or "Start a Discussion." Both options will get you out to the most readers.

Another suggestion would be that you start at the beginning of this "thread" that Lisa (Survived2) started and follow her journey. Most of us here took that journey with her, trying to be supportive and loving, while she and her wonderful family made changes in their lives and moved her mom out of their home. It's a very inspiring story and a very good read.

As for your question, clearly a problem exists. Your mom lives with you, she has dementia, and your sisters take most if not all of her money. Plus, your mom complains that she doesn't like living with you.

You really can't reason with a person who has dementia and you can't reason with sisters who take advantage of her. What you can do is set limits to what you will tolerate. If I were you, I would call Adult Protective Services and explain what is going on. Ask them to come to your home and interview your mom. Have them ask her about her money and her concerns that it is being stolen. Don't give your sisters any advance warning that you are calling APS and arranging for them to interview your mom.

My hope would be that APS can see your mom's confusion about where her money is going and take some steps to then interview your sisters as to what they are doing with her money.

Is your mom getting good medical care? Has a doctor diagnosed her with dementia? Have you gone to any medical appointments with her and sat in on them, getting a clear understanding of her medical issues? Or does you sister with the Medical POA keep you out of the loop?

My concern is first that your mom is being victimized by two of your sisters and second that mom and your sisters are making your life very difficult. No on can change this but you.

It's your house and you have the right to say what goes on in your home. If you are seeing abuse you should be reporting it. This may upset your sisters and maybe even mom will be upset eventually as your sisters will probably tell her unkind things about you.

It's not easy, but you have to consider taking steps or just living this life day in and day out. It won't change until something changes. If your mom truly has dementia and it surely sounds like she does, her medical issues will only get worse.

I don't know if she has always been mean to you or if this is a result of the dementia and confusion. Regardless, she needs to see a specialist who truly understands dementia. Possibly there are some drugs that can lessen her symptoms. She also needs a new POA for finances and medical.

Those are my beginning thoughts. More information from you would be helpful.


i have a mom who has dementia and sometime she can be really hateful.i have sisters who take advantage of her and her money.they run her account dry by the 15th of each month and mom wonders where all her money went.we try to explain to her but she thinks people are stealing from a way they are.she doesn't realize that they work on her sypathy and she gives it to them.she lives with me and thinks this is the worst place she ever lived.she has her own entrance and living quarters .she has forgotten how to wash clothes and cook.sometimes its very 2 sisters have power of attorney over her money and medical.there are 5 girls in the family and i have no say over anything that goes on.i don't understand how they can have all the say when she lives with me.she has a cat and it is the messest cat i ever seen.she keeps moving the cat ltter box from place to place the poor thing doesn't know where to go from one day to do you reason with her and the sisters? its getting very stressful for me.I am raising my 2 year old granddaughter .i have had her since she was do you have any suggestion on how to deal with this?

Kim; I'm on a Kindle sometimes the auto correct changes things (like Limber for your name!) Sorry : )

Jeanne I'm so sorry about your husband. Prayers and hugs to you. Hi Limber glad you're back!

Kimbee~Thank you for asking how things are going. My mom is a good as can be expected with this disease. Btwn my sis and me we are helping her with groceries, dr. appt., etc. We had a great Thanksgiving and are gearing up for Christmas.
I am happy to hear you have more help now and that your mother's dr. is checking out why her bp is low. My sis has low bp and her energy level is low because the more active she is (walking around) the lower it goes. No real answers as to why other than possibly due to diabetes nerve damage. She passed out in a store once because of it, luckily another customer was a paramedic off duty so he helped her. She just has to monitor her activity level since medication doesn't seem to work for her. She does take a steroid which helps but not all the time and she also drinks diet pepsi with caffeine which helps but again not all the time. I hope the dr. finds something to help your mother. Hugs to you and have a great weekend!!

Jeanne, I am sorry to learn about your husband passing. Many hugs and blessings to you and your family.

I just wanted to mention that Coy passed away yesterday evening. I read Jeanne's Caring Bridge update this morning. God's blessings for peace and comfort.


Missed more-riz, beanie, anon-when did u become anon?? Punch, n everybody else? Hi! Check in? Kim

Oops Sharyn, missed u, sorry, hope u r hanging in there! Bellas- welcome! I'm Using phone-hard to go back n forth on it w/o dumping message...

Hi checking in! Finally have more help in place. Got mom back to dr yesterday-her bp was 80 over 40; no wonder she feels bad n falls down. But the low bp is a new symptom, so her dr feels like something is going on n has committed to getting answers for us. Home RN will be monitoring as mom does various things at home. I hope everybody is doing well and looking forward to a calm Christmas. Sounds like our thxgivings were not the best any of us have had except maybe yours Lisa-so glad you all are healing n having peace in your home again-finally. Judy ours was more like yours. And g-friend: so proud of u making that big special dinner and pic perfect pies (I'm impressed! U who said she can't heat up Costco frozen dinners! Sorry the boys acted up n put a damper on ur special family time. Hope Christmas will be better. Cat: what is tiles? Joan, hope u r feeling better, ur/our mom quiet, n daughter getting some help. How is G's son doing? Diavalon n book, austin n everybody else, are u all still here? Miss n luv u guys. Going to make myself a big pic plan of the things I hope to get done b/w now n Christmas. And Jeanne, thx for inspiring me to work on my many paperwork n filing piles-they drive me crazy, I can't keep up! I think I may switch as much as possible to electronic, way too much stuff comes in to stay on it all- but I have made some progress lately, so Jeanne, u help us in many ways! Think often of u and Coy, hope u r both hanging in there. Hope everybody will stop by n say hi! Don't want the KAW to drift apart! Next?...Kimbee

Thank you 'jeannegibbs' sweet of you to respond to my questions :-) She was and is blessed to have had you and all the others that encouraged her to keep moving forward and 'Survived2' is blessed to have a loving husband/family that supported her. I will eventually pass all this on to my DIL whose mother is also an addict and planning on living with her daughter in a few years.

bellas, you will be very glad to know that Lisa was very successful in removing her mother from her home and disentangling her life from her. This thread has gone on for 2000+ posts because the entire story of the struggle is here -- and it has been a struggle! But Lisa, with the support of a wonderful husband and family, persisted and accomplished the objective. And several of us who encouraged her throughout the struggle have become cyber friends and the thread has expanded to include our stories, too. You might find it informative and inspiring to read the whole dang thread!

This is so similar to my DIL's situation and now, in November 2012, I am very curious if the plans worked, if the Social Worker came and if your Mom got moved out and the pills taken away? Here where I live I have been told there is a legal responsibility of the family to provide 'reasonable' accommodations and that prevents placing a loved one in a NH against their will. I don't know what to do and was hoping to hear how it worked for you. have had a very hard journey, I hope you got the relief needed.

Hi Lisa, how's that knee? Thx everybody for sharing such nice sentiments and gratitudes. I am grateful to be plugging along. Mom needing constant help ea time she goes to the bathroom-about every 2 hrs all night long. Iv had a bunch of people n agencies in n out, following up, n not following up. much to keep up with, too much. I'm feeling, well, ADDish, n wish I had a sense of OCD control instead, ahh, wishful thinking! Hubby n I managed to nap n watch some Teepa Snow DVDs over the holiday weekend-we needed both. Book honey, being up q 2 hrs all night long is crazy-making:sending Xtra hugs n bigger buckets of compassion. Lisa, pls do that big loving family a BIG favor n get the Teepa Snow "the journey of dementia" one for Christmas, if not sooner. Buy on amazon or thru her name dot org. You HAVE to see this. It was about 3 hrs worth, but some stuff I sure wish I'd known WAY earlier on in this process. I promise it worth buying. I hope everyone is doing well, I miss you friends and sisters, hugs n luv, kimbee

Hey girls! I met my great nephew for the first time tonite. He's 18 mths. I am so happy. He came straight to me and we had so much fun. After much thought my sil decided it may not be a good ideal to spring such a surprise on Mary and they told her they were coming in. She cried like a baby when she seen him. So wish our Alabama family could just pack up and move here. Miss them so much. I'm pooped. Lotsa black Friday shopping. It's been a difficult week. I tripped down the bus steps last week and twisted my leg. Thought it was ok, but now if I move my leg a certain way the pain in my knee is excruciating. So tomorrow I do nothing. May end up at er for xray by Sunday. We'll see. Hope everyone's holiday was magical.

Happy thanksgiving everyone!

Wow! I have so many blessings to be thankful for this holiday season. Sooo...

I'm thankful for my Doug Beth Jenny and Chris. I'm thankful for my big ford family and so very grateful that Mary is here and getting stronger every day! I'm grateful that our holidays will be full of love and sharing without the hate and meaness of the past couple of years.
Last but not least. I am so grateful that god thru me in the path of beautiful, loving, compassionate women who helped guide my family back to who we were. A family that for a time was shattered. You women were the glue that healed us.
Everyone hold close the ones who love you most. Such a precious thing. We fords wish you the very best thanksgiving, and so love each and everyone of you!!!! Lisa

Tonight, I am grateful for good friends, warm weather, my kids - all the good things. (And limes for my gin and tonic, which is most tasty.) We sat out by the fire with another couple tonight and talked and laughed, and when I walked home, the sky was just clear and beautfiul and filled with stars. Tomorrow, my daughter flies in. I haven't seen her beautiful face since July. Makes my heart skip a beat in anticipation. I'm thankful for that too.

Great idea Cat!! I am grateful for my job, so many still without work/losing jobs. I am grateful for my family...even though my mom is difficult, I am grateful she is able to be with us, still knows who we are, grateful for my children, that they are happy and safe, and especially grateful for my wonderful husband and friends.:=)!

I'm grateful for hospice.

Cat great for your granddaughter interships are getting harder to get-my granddaughter is working for a nonprofit and after a year she will get some money towards grad school.

Cat, it seems we really do have a lot in common. Have a good one!

Diavalon12: Hubby and I will be married 40 years this coming March. I'm grateful for that too. I forgot to mention that my Granddaughter called to tell us that she got the internship she was hoping for. It's with an accounting firm and she will begin working there Dec. 17th and continue through the tax season. She is so happy and they are going to pay her $15.00 per hour.

Cat, what a wonderful idea. I am most greatful for my family and friends. Our time together is always fun. Tomorrow will mark a mile stone for my husband and I. We started dating 40 yrs ago on the 22nd.(Thanksgiving). I only hope and pray for another 40. Yes being born in the US and having such a good life that many are missing is such a blessing. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of You!!!!!

Cat that is a great idea saying what we are grateful for each day-I am grateful my daughter and son will be able to be at the house for Thanksgiving-they both are off and have to work most holidays and I will be very gratful if the meal turns out ok. I am grateful for my friend and that he will be at my house on Fri.

I'm grateful that the boss said that I can work half day on Friday (will pretend that I work all day so that I can have the afternoon away from home). I'm also grateful that he also gave me a day off on Saturday - which is our monthly caregiver's meeting. We have a guest speaker on Stress Management. ;) I was stressing for week that I will not be able to attend the monthly meeting (missed last month's). I tell you, God is watching out for me. He must really want me to attend this meeting. The meeting was SUPPOSE to be this past Saturday, the 17th. Instead, they moved it to this Saturday, the 24th . I was SUPPOSE to work this past Saturday(17th), but the bosses switched our Saturday schedule so I was off on the 17th and was suppose to work on the 24th. Now, I'm off on the 24th - and I can attend the caregiver's breakfast, free lecture, free associating with other fellow caregivers and free lunch. I'm looking forward to it.

And Cat, I'm grateful that I'm a US citizen, too! Of course, if my people had their way, I will supposedly reject our US citizenship and embrace our heritage. I don't think so!!! You all Take care! Book

Good for you Sharynmarie. I like your attitude. It is what it is and we just need to make the best of it. I know have two turkeys in the freezer. One I bought while expecting to cook for TG and the other was on sale for 49 cents a pound and I just bought it. Duh!!!!!! No problem, I will cook them in time and freeze the left overs or the whole turkey. I have a killer recipe for Turkey Pot Pie and I love Turkey Noodle Soup. I will also check with the Food Bank tomorrow. I have 12 boxes of Turkey dressing to donate. If they need turkeys, they can have one of the two I bought. Hey, that makes me happy.

Hope everyone can have a good turkey day. Doesn't have to be on Thursday and most of all, it's just a time to be truly grateful.

Maybe we should just start posting things we are grateful for and acknowledge that no matter what is happening in our lives, we are fortunate in many ways. Sometimes I'm just grateful that I was born in the US. Didn't earn it, just happened that way. Think of all the places we could be; in Africa, Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan; the list goes on. Worst case scenario, I'll be here and safe.

Wishing you all safety and love. Cat

Our Thanksgiving will be on Friday. It may only be my mom, sis and I. Hubby is pulling a 12 hour shift that day won't be home til 8pm. I have to work Wed, Thurs, Sat., and Sun. My daughter and SIL are going to be here but because her in-laws are paying for their plane ticket out, they will be having the dinner Thursday with her hubby's family. The always rent a cabin in Arnold, Ca for Thanksgiving. I will get to see them but they not be able to eat with us Friday, there is just too much family for them to see in a short time. My son was going to come here but he has to be back at work on Friday so he won't be coming. Even if it is only 3 of us on Friday, I plan to do the works, with a 20lb. turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy,etc.!! We don't know what the next year holds as far as my mother is concerned for the holidays and I would rather make it as special as I can in present time.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone enjoy your families and friends.

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