
Today has been a rough day. My precious friend that has been in a board and care home for about 6 months died. He was 93 and fought the good fight, he has been reunited with his loved ones that have gone before. He will be sorely missed here.

The prayers are for my mom. She is in the hospital, she had a bowel obstruction that perforated, while they were doing surgery they found a mass that is colorectal cancer that has metastasized to her liver. She is in serious but stable condition and they are running tests and doing pathology before we will really know what the prognosis is.

I appreciate and covet any and all prayers for her. Whatever is meant to happen I pray she doesn't continue to suffer as she is now. Thankfully they have her on a pain pump and are keeping her fairly comfortable. They have left the surgery site open and it is very painful when she is awake, she cries out in pain. It is difficult to see any human being suffering so.

Thank you for the prayers.

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dear itrr - I am so sorry. Both for the loss of your friend and for your mother's painful and very serious condition. Of course you and she have my prayesr. May the God of all comfort wrap you both in His arms and ease your pain. I pray for a quick test results and prompt decisions by the doctors as to her treatment so that she is kept comfortable. Please keep us updated on your mum's condition. (((((((hugs)))))))

I will, thank you Golden.

You can count on me to pray for your Mother and I'll be praying for you as well.
I'm so sorry Isthisrealyreal....

Will pray.

I wouldn't call myself a person who prays but I am sending my best thoughts of kindness & support to you. I trust you will be met on this journey by people who can give the information you need & treatment that can help. 💙

I will pray for comfort and peace for you and your mom.

Prayers for you and your dear mom. And RIP to your beloved older friend.

Im sorry about the passing of your friend. May God give you strength during this difficult time. May He lay His hands upon your mom and ease her pain.

prayers for your mother and you!! very sorry to hear this. and my deepest condolences, regarding your friend. very difficult time, huggggg.

I'm so sorry for your loss ...I hope you found comfort in precious memories and good times spent together. I will pray for your mom - this is so hard both on you and her. Sending you mental strength vibes.

Prayers for you and your mom.

I pray daily for “…all whom I love and all who suffer……”. I include your mom.

Prayers for you and your mom.

Psalm 57:

Be merciful to me, Oh God. Be merciful to me.
For my soul trust in you.
And in the shadow of your wings I will take my refuge
Until these calamities have passed by.

My prayers are with your mom and you!

“Do not fear... When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior..." Isaiah 43:1-3

Praying for mercy for your Mom and peace in your hearts. xoxo

I am sorry for the loss of your friend. My prayers are with you and your Mother


Sendings hugs and prayers to you and prayers to your mom. Peace & love to both of you !

Thank you ALL for the hugs, prayers and good energy.

It is all appreciated and cherished.

God Bless you all!

I'm keeping you and your mom in my thoughts. So sorry you are going through this.

Oh, RR, I am so very sorry. I am SO sorry.
Know my heart and my thoughts are with you. I hope/I KNOW you have strength now through your faith. My brother lost the love of his life to sepsis after perforation, and his love was only in his early 30s. I have seen you speak of sepsis before, and you know the odds Mom is facing. I hope she has the best of dedicated care and all the miracles of healing that their skill and your faith can bring to her. It is terrible that you must face the death of a dear friend at the same time.
Know that this Forum is pulling for you and your Mom in every way we are able.

Prayers said. We are with you.


So very sorry that you and your mom are in such a difficult situation. Please keep us posted.

Holding you and your mom in my heart ITRR.

My husband and I are praying now.

Update: her hemoglobin is dropping, it is down to 6.9. Waiting for the doctor to place orders.

Again, thank you ALL for your support. Great big warm hug to everyone.

ITRR, Prayers for your mother. I hope she recovers quickly.

Thanks for your update, RR. Came in to look for one.

Sorry to just be seeing this now; have been embroiled in a crisis of my own the past few days.

Sending prayers for your mom that God keeps her wrapped tightly in His arms now during this scary time. Praying that her hemoglobin rises and she begins improving on a daily basis. From my mouth to God's ears, Amen.

Sending you a big hug b/c I know how hard all this truly IS

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