
Husband has chronic cough, loss of muscle mass, shortness of breath with talking sometimes ans with exercise, quit smoking 20 yrs. ago,

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This is what I found on the internet: COPD Stages:
Stage 1:
Mild COPDMildly reduced airflow; sometimes, a chronic cough and sputum productionStage 2:
Moderate COPDWorsening airflow; shortness of breath typically brought on by exertionStage 3:
Severe COPDFurther worsening of airflow; greater shortness of breath, reduced quality of lifeStage 4:
Very Severe COPDSevere reduction in airflow; chronic respiratory failure; greatly reduced quality of life
In the latter stages of COPD, COPD symptoms such as shortness of breath can make it difficult to do even the most simple things.

I hope this helps. Your husband really should see a dr. My brother quit smoking 30+ years ago and he suffers from Interstitial Lung Disease. We live in Ca., so he is being treated by dr. at Stanford University. They told him in the beginning that he did not have a fatal form of the disease, steroids would manage it. But this spring, he is having problems and they recently did a ct scan to make sure it has not gotten worse. Results aren't in yet...allergies could be causing his flare ups since we are having a difficult season with allergies plus stress causes problems as well and he is having his share of stress with the passing of his step-son and his mil has lung cancer, she is not responding to chemo and will be moving in with him and sil. Please have your husband go the dr. asap, it could be something that is manageable!!

Thank you so very much Sharynmarie, I totally agree about the doctor but he is like a horse being pulled to water as they say, doesn't work. Will go for other thing but never addresses this, very frustrating. So I hope to find an article that will scare him into it. I'm sorry to hear about your brother and other family members, doesn't sound like he needs more stress at this time. But I can tell he is very lucky to have you as a sister. You will all be in my daily prayers and thoughts. Stay strong and try to find some time for yourself to enjoy simple beauty in any form you choose each and every day. Thank you again for your generous help, Lynda

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