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Isn’t it sad? Some people have an attitude that Covid-19 is nothing more than a cold or a bug that will run it’s course, they don’t care if they infect others.

I have seen people walk in places without a mask thinking they are entitled to go without a mask.

How hard is it to put on a stinking mask? Not hard at all!

I have also seen store employees stop people at the door and tell them that they must put on a mask. Some places are giving out disposable mask.

A restaurant near me was profiled/highlighted on our local news regarding their "fabulous" reopening plan following the shutdown earlier this year. They were more than ready and all details had been tended to such that they were compliant with distancing and whatever else. They have since been cited at least twice for "egregious disregard for the law" or something like that. This makes me sad after all the positive media attention they got previously. It should not bother me as much as it does, but it's really bothering me. Meanwhile, other places are following rules to a "T" and they will get shut down (or otherwise restricted) just like the places that are currently getting cited. It's just not right. And, last night, I observed a woman march right into a grocery store with no mask. The teenager working the door looked terrified and did not confront her. She just looked mean - which also makes me sad. It was an obvious attempt to cause a stir and get attention - which also makes me sad. I have family member who does things like that - up to the point where police have been called on her. Just feeling a little down right now.

"The last pandemic was 100 years ago." Not true.

The last pandemic was in 2009, the swine flu pandemic when 66,000,000 Americans were infected per the CDC. We are around 22M with the covid. It was much more deadly in terms of 'productive years lost' because it attacked young people with many good years ahead of them as opposed to the covid which targets old people with few or no productive years ahead of them. Can't remember school closings or complete lockdowns in 2009. Maybe that's why people think the last pandemic was 100 years ago.

I hadn't heard that about the blood test Ava, that is good information to know. Our healthcare workers have so many more options for treatment now than in the beginning when there were basically none and many elders were left to die 😭. Hopefully she and everyone there will get through this.

I have not read others' comments yet, but wanted to tell you about my friend's mother. She was 93 and had been living in a nursing home for several years. The first wave of Covid-19 ran rampant through the facility and a number of patients and staff became sick, with a smaller number dying. She survived, but apparently her organs were severely damaged by the disease. She didn't see her family for five months except through the window and one distanced visit on the patio after all family had tested negative.
Well, she died last week, gasping for breath, when before Covid she had no breathing problems at all. On her death certificate, the doctor (who never actually examined her and got his information from the nursing home) said she died of Alzheimer's. No! She died from the effects of Covid. Her lungs were damaged by Covid. She couldn't breath because of Covid. She would probably be alive today if it weren't for Covid. Then later, she would probably have died from Alzheimer's.
Anyone who keeps track of the official death rate from Covid should realize that it is actually much, much higher. There is something called "excess deaths," which is the difference between what would normally be expected and what is actually happening but hasn't been officially ascribed to Covid. The death toll you are hearing and reading is only the tip of the ice burg. Nursing homes don't want to appear as hotspots, so Covid deaths are often put down to the pre-existing condition. Be careful, folks. Do EVERYTHING you can to protect your family. This virus is very, very dangerous.

In my state, the governor is closing all bars and dine-in restaurants and all school activities canceled. If the covid case numbers go up in 3 weeks the governor will be ordering a "stay at home." This is all because the bars and restaurants would not follow the protocols. Booking to full capacity...not enforcing customers to wear masks until they are seated to their tables. Larger groups of people getting together in our parks, as well as in their homes and not wearing masks or keeping socially distance. So now we are going backwards! Heavy sigh!!!

Frantic is quite accurate. I got the call last Friday that I've been dreading since March. Mom tested positive (along with 8 others in her wing). She has a number of underlying conditions so we've been holding our breath since then. After having a low grade fever on Friday, she has been asymptomatic and the doctor said he was encouraged. He also said the first 5 to 7 days are critical and things can change quickly. One thing I did learn from this is that they do a blood test as soon as someone tests positive. There is a biomarker called D-Dimer which indicates blood clotting and there has been a correlation to more severe cases if that number is high. Mom had a high number so they started her on anti-coagulants immediately. I feel like it's one step forward and two steps back and carry my phone with me wherever I go. So awful for everyone :(

Please put politics aside.

The last pandemic was 100 years ago. Nobody who lived through that remembers those days and America got through it. COVID-19 is not the flu - it's an animal virus that jumper to humans. We have learned so much about this virus in 12 months from not knowing anything to knowing how it operates, signs and symptoms, having more reliable tests (when we had nothing), treatment options that work - more people that go on ventilators are surviving, medications to help treat the worst cases, and soon vaccines that are 90% effective (more effective than vaccines for anything else).

Have there been mis-steps in public health? Yes, since we have never dealt with this virus before. Whoever was was a leader at this time was going to have difficulties since we weren't making PPE or medications or most of the stuff on your shelves in Walmart in this country for at least a decade Does everybody know the pubic health protocols to diminish transmitting this disease? Yes. Does everybody follow those protocols? NO! Why? Because we value personal choice and not every place is having the same degree of outbreak.

Why are some places "opening up" while others are "locked down"? Economics. If you lock down too tightly, nobody works so no needed products or services, no paychecks to buy those needed products and services, and fear becomes rampant. If you open up "too soon," careless people will do what they have always done.... nothing to protect themselves or others... and some innocents will get this disease.

We have had this disease in our family. I probably got it in January (no tests and I knew it was either viral bronchitis or viral pneumonia). Nephew and niece both had it; he has lung scarring and she doesn't. Sister who is a working RN has the antibodies and her hubby has a characteristic pneumonia last fall (again no test at that time available). So far, no fatalities which is consistent with statistics. My mom hasn't had it yet, bur her neighbors (also older and COPD) have had it and survived.

Harpcat, so you were wishing the gov of Oklahoma was going to die of Covid? How partisan of you. Do you have family members that don't follow the exact same protocol as you? Do you also wish the same for them?

"And the strain is constantly mutating with experimental drugs thrown at it--making the virus stronger than ever."
Cetude, that's just not true. If anything it is weaker. But believe anything you want if it justifies your position.

Trump rallies by the millions and most of them NOT wearing masks--TOO LATE!!! CoVID-19 everywhere.

Florida opened all bars and ALL of them packed beyond max capacities..and NONE are wearing masks.

Thanksgiving and Black Friday -- NO restrictions. That will be the nail in USA's coffin.

Consider these the GOOD OLD DAYS. Welcome to our doom. I miss my mom but I'm glad she died before all this mess started.

DO NOT count on the vaccine working--those with natural immunity (had it and recovered) got sick again. And the strain is constantly mutating with experimental drugs thrown at it--making the virus stronger than ever.

Someone mentioned that they hadn’t gotten the flu shot yet...please get it. mask up and go to a pharmacy early in the day and just get it.
also please get your annual mammogram!!! A very close friend of mine did and was thinking of not going. Luckily she did as she had a very aggressive form of cancer and had she waited probably wouldn’t have been able to live as long as she will now. She is undergoing her chemo now before a double mastectomy. So please don’t wait. Health care facilities are very good at protecting the patient.

I personally will be so glad when the President elect takes over with a great Covid task force and just the mere fact he respects us wearing masks and doesn’t have huge rallies of people together unmasked and spreading this virus. I will take the vaccine, but I am in some Facebook groups where people say they won’t because they don’t trust it. And this is because of lack of leadership. Sadly I live in Oklahoma where are governor is not only a known anti vaxxer but wouldn’t wear a mask. Yes he got Covid but of course it was mild (darn it) and he will not mandate masks and our numbers have us in red. He is an idiot. ok my rant.

I’m grateful we are retired with income and little worries. Making the best so it by using zoom for my yoga, church and church class and book club. Miss people, hugging and going out to eat, but we will survive. I am sad for the economy and those who lost or need jobs. I am sad for the isolated elderly. I am actually ok that my dad died this past June to be spared more isolation. It was brutal for him.

You sound like a TV election commercial. Dial it back.

Try to live like a turtle - Be comfortable in your own shell.

- Bill Copeland

Very fitting for these times of COVID-19.

Don’t be a spreader! Stay safe, everyone.

Our numbers are up in Louisiana too! I wouldn’t be surprised if the mayor and governor cal for shut downs again.

I wouldn’t want to have a child in school right now. I feel for parents during Covid. I feel for the kids too. Very frustrating for them.

On Thursday our rate was up to 21.6%, took us to orange level, from 21.3% Wednesday. No numbers released for yesterday yet, they are supposed to be updated by 4:30 daily. Now I think we will probably be moved to red once new numbers come out. Maybe that is the reason for delay? So darn political here.


Saying prayers for you and your household. Please let us know how you are.

Daughter1930, yes, a good reminder. Most of us by a long shot are getting through this. Think of the sheer numbers -- 850,000 live in my own city alone. San Francisco. And we have lost 250,000 people total in our country. Not even a sizable portion of the entire city I live in. Most are surviving. It is true that every single death diminishes us, and that there are many more vulnerable than most, but still the numbers are small compared to what they could be.

I’ve already shared that our family had Covid last summer, but thought I’d add that the age range of those having it was from 21 to 88. One 24 yr old and one 80 year old ran fever, no one else did. The 88 year old had only weeks before had an aortic valve replacement and has a good number of preexisting conditions, all pretty serious. The 80 year old has chronic gout and has had several joint replacements. One is a long term heart patient. We all said it was like having a cold and feeling tired. I reiterate that I’m not saying Covid isn’t serious, and certainly know it’s caused a tragic loss of life for too many, but I also want to say, for many it’s a sickness that’s mild enough and goes away in about a week. It’s true we don’t yet know what the long term implications may be, but if you find yourself with it, don’t assume the worst. It can be okay

Oh, NO Stacy. You have it!! Lordy. I am soooo sorry. So it is you, your "unwanted" houseguest, and who else? What symptoms are you having now. What support do you have to help with shopping? Are caregivers back in taking care of the houseguest?
What is your plan. Do you have an O2 oximetry. I think I asked this once? You must have that, because any movement down into 80s means you get transported to hospital for meds, support.
I am so sorry.

I felt like crap yesterday, the doctor came out this morning and I paid $299 apiece for everyone to get tested today. All positive. You would think you would be safe in your own home but I guess not. People suck.

Interesting research on Covid.
Having a high fever could have the same result, but don't know for how long.

Latest news? New study showing that Covid-19 affects sperm count, as in making it pretty much a goner for some men. Happening in men of all ages apparently, and that includes the very young ASYMPTOMATIC men. It is acting somewhat like measles can. Apparently the tests are showing 25% or so with vastly diminished or devastated sperm count. In the case of measles I guess this doesn't recover. More testing needed and followup needed. NPR yesterday.
Darwinian, isn't it?

I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry to hear about your cousin.

I get angry when I hear people say that Covid is not real or see people not wearing their masks. I am not sure if people just don't get it or if these people are so wrapped up in 'their rights...what they want...and have NO compassion for their fellow man...just plain selfishness!'

Hugs to you!!


Hope your cousin recovers soon. Covid can wreck havoc long afterwards. I know someone that has never recovered his sense of taste and smell after five months. He still feels ‘off’ and has no appetite to speak of.

It angers me when I hear of people not taking this illness seriously. Many of you know my elderly father died from COVID-19... though he had many underlying conditions and LBD.

However, my cousin, in her 50’s, contracted the virus. Seven weeks later she continues to have repercussions. She has missed almost 2 months of work, still battles fatigue and body aches. I understand the hardships of quarantine and isolation, but it angers me when others just “don’t want to understand” and fail to see that all people are at risk.

My county in Ky is at 26.9% and I have to go to Kroger's for supplies today. They are called red counties now. I wish I could afford to have groceries delivered but, they won't come out this far anyway. I always wear a mask and stay out of smaller stores like Dollar General. I had to take my car to the mechanics last week and the workers don't wear masks. Yet, they have a sign on the door "No mask, No service!" sigh...

At my mil and fil skilled nursing facility they’ve had several positive tests for covid. Two were workers and so far three patients. It’s been about three weeks and as of last week the patients are now out of quarantine . None of them had bad symptoms even though they are frail elderly.
also I believe in allowing your elderly parents that are still able bodied to live their own life. My mom is 89 years old and refuses to allow us to shop for her even during the pandemic. She wants to get out and understands the consequences if she gets the virus. I am not worried , she can do what she wants, it’s her life. The day is coming when she will be unable to do that anymore so I’ll let her enjoy it while she can.

gingermay - thx - so sorry about your loss of a baby and inability to become pregnant. I lost a baby in early pregnancy too but I never had trouble getting pregnant. I agree if you found your way through that you can find your way through anything. I would have found it devastating.
nhwm - thx and sorry for your pregnancy troubles too. Glad they ended on a happy note.
send thx it's the anniversaries, birthdays, special days and sometimes just a trigger of some sort, The missing never goes away, I agree with you this is the time to take real care by wearing a mask, social distancing, avoiding crowds washing hands etc. I stay in too.
shell thx. I know he is in a better place and that helps enormously and does time, but it still hurts sometimes.
ginger - the losses that we are experiencing due to covid may be bringing back past losses in our lives. Loss tends to work that way. A few times this year I went through a bad space over loss and part of it definitely was covid but some was other grief. ((((((hugs))))) I am glad you shared here.

I am sorry that you have to go through anniversary of your son passing away--I couldn't even imagine. 💗💔

They say time heals all wounds...that is not true, but what does heal is knowing he is in a better place waiting for you. Sorry for your loss.❤


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