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I read an article from USA Today the other day and it stated "STD is on the raise, according to CDC." I guess people are not socially distancing themselves. With nothing to do, people will be people! 🤔


I have heard of similar stories. I know a man, an attorney who only goes into his office and his home. He didn’t come into contact with many people at all. He always took precautions and he got it too.

It is scary. We can’t live in an enclosed bubble but we have to amp up precautions as much as possible.

My hands are so dry from washing them. I have always been a germ freak and washed my hands often and now I feel like I am experiencing severe OCD with my hand washing!

Be careful everyone. Just found out my sisters husband has Covid and she’s getting tested as well. The scary part is they are super careful


Will keep you, your mom and all of NY in my thoughts and prayers.

Update on my Mom's condition and situation at her nursing home: We are at Day 12 and are so thankful that, even with all her health issues, she has been mostly asymptomatic. There have been 21 cases in her wing and both a husband and wife passed away within a week of each other. It's like a punch in the gut.

I am in upstate New York and agree with Joel that Cuomo not only put so many seniors lives in danger with his March 25th directive, he is not being truthful about the actual number of nursing home deaths. According to the State's site, they show approximately 7,000 nursing home deaths. In fact, it is probably closer to 17,000. They decided not to count a nursing home resident who died from COVID in a hospital as a nursing home death. Every other State around us does so when Cuomo touts his "low" numbers, it is just smoke and mirrors. This is a letter my husband recently sent to the Editor of our paper:

"NYS Dept. of Health may be Underreporting Nursing Home Deaths by over 10,000

Why does NYS report its total COVID deaths as about 26,000 when many reputable sources (Johns Hopkins, CDC, Worldometers, NYTimes) report between 33,000 and 34,000 deaths?

And why do all of NY’s bordering states report adult care facility (nursing home/assisted living) deaths as 50-76% of their respective total COVID deaths, while NY reports only about 15%? If you assume NY is really at the lower end of the neighboring state range of 50%, actual adult care facility deaths could be about 17,000. That’s approx. 10,000 more than NY’s reported number of 6,722 ACF deaths.

NY is not including people in their nursing home death tally if they contracted COVID in the nursing home but then died elsewhere. Why not? Could it be that the Governor is using some sleight of hand to make it look better than it really is? Dr. Howard Zucker, you have been asked for several months to shed more light on actual adult care facility deaths. How do you expect us to take your public service announcements seriously when you can’t even give us the real facts?"

It's been over 100 days since one of our local news stations asked Zucker for the real numbers and still no response.


I am so sorry for all you are struggling with. I pray for a fast and complete recovery for you.

This vaccine can’t come soon enough! Will most people take it?

Who is going to get the vaccine first? Elderly? Healthcare workers?

Take care.

Alva, it is the people who are selfish, ignorant and deniers. The people who do not care for others.

You are slightly older than my mother and younger than my grandmother. I personally perferred to try to stay safe to protect them since they have conditions.

I have covid due to selfish a$$holes who knowing came into my home either positive or exposed by their kid who tested positived, exposed someone and none of them had the common sense to warn others.

The best part is I "forced" everyone living in my home to be tested, paid for it. Now, the vulnerable adult's dr threatened to call APS because I forced a test and it was positive. Go figure, lol.

I am so tired of the ignorance. I am in good health but do you understand how messed up it is getting winded walking to get the mail?

Do not leave your own discussion.

Edit: My mom is a nurse who goes into elderly peoples homes to set up meds and do intakes. If I ever got my mom sick, I would be putting others in danger and I personally would not be able to live with myself if something happened.

Alva sorry but no, it’s not “us”. It’s not the folks who haven’t caught the virus and spread it. Its on the politicians who politicized this and blatantly disregard their own rules.

Well, my youngest daughter called me. She was sent home from work.

She feels awful and is going to get a Covid test.

Concerned because Covid is rising in Denver.


2,000 deaths yesterday. That's on us, to be frank, not our politicians.
We all know what we need to do.
NPR compared this a.m. the states of VT and So Dakota. Both about the same population. Both with Republican Govs. One went one way and one the other on mask mandates and etc. You can listen if you are at all interested, but long and short is that one State has about 150 new cases daily and the other about 700 daily. I will let you guess which is which.
We will soon have a 911 every day here.
Cali, sadly body type will almost certainly predict your chances IF you get covid. You can look at the body types who die. Almost always a lot of belly fat and short neck. It is just a fact of how the body works. As to what we eat and how fit we stay and how we control the natural human inclination toward fats, sweets and salts. Sadly that is on us. As a true blue liberal I am not into fat shaming as we now call it. But I am saying that how we live our lives does have consequences.
Sometimes Joel posts to us that Cuomo killed Joel's wife. Sometimes Joel tells us to get our OWN seniors out of care right NOW as his putting his wife in care resulted in her death. So I fancy somewhere within himself Joel has more sense about what happened, and what mixed responsibility is shared for the death of his dear wife; even the virus bears some responsibility, but the virus don't care. There is a good deal more death coming. Again, I say, 2,000 yesterday.
There are no devils in the works here. It is just a virus, likely one caused by man whether purposely or by accident in wet markets. There will be MANY MANY more coming. We all know what we should be doing to help protect ourselves. It is on us whether we decide to do what we can or not. And there will be consequences of our decisions to deal with.
Humanity has had, in the past, many good culls. Many. Think of plague and the middle ages. Think of the combo of WWI and Spanish Flu. Without the two of them the world would already be overrun with the likes of us. This isn't even amounting to a good cull on us; we have no natural enemies now, not even warfare that kills in any huge numbers. So this little virus will do it's best, the poor dear. But it won't make a huge difference overall on our march like lemmings to the sea. Vaccine coming already.
We are such a mixed bag, so much brilliance, so much stupidity, and on we go.
I often come to "discussion" on Forum (or as I like to call it "Below the Belt") in an effort to check on a few of us dealing with issues, who post updates here. I am not going to do discussions anymore. I much prefer questions and answers on AgingCare. This is where I always end. On Facebook I am down to 79 pals because I don't like to see very many very often very up close, hee hee. Not much of a humanist. That leaves arts, crafts and photos, books and gardens, hee hee.
NeedsHelp, Pamz, Elaine, Lealonnie, and all others dealing now with personal health issues for self and family, if I don't comment on current things you are dealing with, it isn't that I don't care, and if you PM me I will definitely respond.
All take care.Mask up. Stay safe and well. With your health you can battle anything else.

Well, I just pray and go on about my business. God will take care of the rest.

It does however hurt me that people are getting sick and dying. Some can't see their family.

Just keep praying for things to get better. That is the best we can do.

Where I am from, different organizations are giving away free boxes of food. I think that is so nice.

Joel, my heart breaks for you every time you post. There are really no words, just know that your wife mattered and what happened is inexcusable and reprehensible. And someday, Cuomo will pay. He has to answer to the ultimate authority eventually! May God have no mercy on his spoil!!

Cuomo has to go. I saw him making disgusting remarks on TV the other day. He basically said if you are obese, it’s your fault for eating cheesecake! If you have poor health, it’s because you ate cheesecake!! The governor who killed off thousands of vulnerable senior citizens has some nerve saying that!! All those people had families who loved them and who couldn’t even see them because of COVID and he killed them off! And then he writes a book touting his success bearing COVID? If he was successful, why did NYC schools shut down and why is NY headed for a statewide shut down? Why is he sounding the alarm again? What happened to his success?

Newsom aka Newcum aka Newsolini is no better. His first stay at home order did not work. His 2nd order did not work. His tier system is not working which is why 98% of the state is shut down. Meanwhile he is going to dinner parties, sending his kids to school and lawmakers are violating travel restriction in order to live it up in Hawaii this week! I cannot blame anyone who doesn’t take COVID seriously. I have said before, my family is young and healthy. my parents are high risk and my dad has cAncer now. We choose to keep living. We can’t take many risks because my county has been CLOSED since June. So there isn’t really any risk involved when I drive across the state. I can get there on a tank of gas no need to stop. No risk when we hang out with family because it’s a small circle and most work from home. All our cases are coming from the 2 poorest zip codes (most densely populated areas) and most work in the fields. So I cannot blame anyone who doesn’t take COVID seriously. Newsom doesn’t follow his own rules and nothing he has done has slowed the spread of COVID. He should have the data, he should know the science by now. But he does absolutely NOTHING to help the vulnerable population that has the most cases. If the first 2 shut downs didn’t work, why is there a third? Why not try something else for a chance? Or admit he’s a privileged idiot who is in over his head and step down? His statewide curfew is not going to slow the spread because maybe he forgot but....NOTHING is open after 10. Only retail stores and salons are open during the day. He’s had everything else closed for months. If shutdowns work, why is california doing so poorly? Mask compliance is high. Maybe people would take this more seriously if they didn’t governors and mayors and the speaker of the house constantly breaking their own rules? Its like....if COVID is that serious (don’t get me wrong, we all know for the elder it is very serious, but the survival rate for 49 and under is 99%) would the politicians and the elite be hiding out in bunkers? Instead they are still traveling all over, getting their hair done, living a life of luxury behind in their gated communities! And yet we all look at one another and blame each other for people not following the guidelines. I won’t judge anyone who militantly follows the rules and I won’t judge the people (except the politicians and experts) who don’t follow the rules.

Cuomo's behavior lately is disgusting. I doubt he would accept responsibility he would receive in a letter from you. He has earned a sizable amount from his recent book and is supposedly devoting a portion to Covid but I don't know in what capacity.
Perhaps take heart in his waning popularity. Lately he has no control of his emotions and sounds petulant to put it nicely. Most of what comes out of his mouth is lies.
I am sorry for your loss. I have an aunt who lost her 97 year old husband in March. It was not Covid but because of it she was not allowed in the hospital after a fall. She was told he was stable and then told a few hours later he had died. She now has rapidly formed serious dementia and lives with constant grief. They were married for over 70 years and always together. She wished she was with him at the end.
Covid has affected so many lives. I had not seen my mother since March as she resides in an AL facility. She endured so many periods of having to quarantine in her room. Suddenly over a week ago she developed a blood infection and now is on palliative care. The CDC guidelines were so severe and all the isolation for these seniors were very punitive. The hospital kept asking me if I knew how sick my mother was. I talked to her frequently but I hadn't seen her for months.
Perhaps you should write that letter. Someone on Cuomo's staff will read it. His smug face needs wiping off!

Our mayor recently announced that New Orleans will not have Mardi Gras next year. Most likely won’t have our music festivals either.

Our outbreak in New Orleans came shortly after our last Mardi Gras. The city is jammed with locals and tourists watching the parades.

The city will lose a significant amount of money but we can’t possibly have Mardi Gras with Covid.

Last year we weren’t aware of Covid being present here.

This year is completely different. News of Covid is everywhere!


I am sorry about what happened to your wife and the many others. That was terrible.

Stacey here, has given you some good advice.

Joel, instead of dwelling on it and placing blame on Cuomo, have you thought of sitting down and composing a letter or an email to your Govenor to tell him your thoughts and feelings? It may help you resolve feelings.

Your venting seems a little unhealthy. Have you spoken to your doctor?

What is tearing at my heart is that the death's of our loved one has become political foot ball for Andrew Cuomo and other North East governors that had make it so. I myself have lost my wife of 55years of Marriage. Cuomo is taking Credit for handling the onset of pandemic saying he saved lives in assisted living blaming the lose of lives of these seniors to our president which the fact i Cuomo sent positive patient from hospital's into these nursing facilities infecting 33.000 seniors which is documented on U2 By his action he has wrecked thousands of these poor senior families like mine. I am all alone now she was my was my life and he took her away from me !!!!!

He is a very Cruel and uncaring person and needs to apologized for what he did to all our families for his decision he made then.

The other day I got my can of Lysol spray which I had on back order from the grocery store since January. It's like winning the lottery !!!

As I posted on another thread, my three kids two take covid seriously, one, not so much. Now, Ms not so much, both children are now sick, got tested today.

My county moved to level red today, then VOILA! There is a new extreme level, purple. Red was lockdown until today. Now level purple is lockdown. Restaurants are back to take out only. Trying to keep small businesses going.

Two weeks ago we had about 100 cases, now 400. I am just fine spending time at home, as much as I can, ALONE, with Ming. Good thing she enjoys my company!

I think it is easier for those of us who are older and need more down time. I love spending time reading and doing whatever on my laptop. On the other hand, everyone needs human contact sometimes, and being alone as much as I am isn't easy or probably good for me. But, it is what it is and we all will get through it. My activities are confined to within the house pretty well now and I am hemmed in with cold and snow. Cabin fever usually hits about February but it is hitting me and others now way earlier than usual.

I must have missed something. I think it's my age. I hate missing thingsgI do watch TV. But I feel guilty about it, so that makes it OK, hee hee. Right now it is Fargo with Billy Bob Thornton doing his quiet and gentle mass killer as only he can. And Better Call Saul again, this time with the Partner, who will only watch one episode a night. This time enjoying the moral complexity of each character twice as much as the first time, when I binged it so bad I all but had toothpicks propping my eyelids open.

I have been watching the reruns of "Wagon Train" and thinking about how life was back then. Could any of us live in that era? Imagine what a contagious illness would do to those heading West. And the show also makes me thankful for what I have :)

Are we done now?

Disgustedtoo. Oh gee, you are soooo much better than me because you don't watch tv. I stand corrected. Let me bow to your altar. But you just might learn a little something from the song Mind Your Own Biscuits. It's been fun.

GingerMay, I pretty much always saw "humanity" as a VERY mixed bag. I think I cannot be considered a humanist. It is difficult to be certain. Rain today, and usually I can busy myself with garden, heck with sweeping the whole neighborhood, taking a walk, something. Today is a day with just letting the clock tick away. Books. Radio. A few letters. The good old AgingCare Forum. It is hard to be certain. Easier for those of us not worried about working, already a bit old and creaky and more ready for restful naps. It is tough. There's no questions. As to Thanksgiving, I won't miss it. Too many people, too much food, I can't even taste it with everyone talking at me. This year I will take joy in our own turkey done the slow way, the good smells, the quiet. Never much of a party girl, me, almost a bit reclusive. Yeah, I eat too much. Dry Salami last night had me burping my way thru three episodes of Fargo. As to the alcohol, I come from a family that, before my Dad came along, drank themselves to death. I always remember as a kid asking him how long our ancestors lived and him saying "You can judge by me; the rest drank themselves to death pretty early". He lived to mid 90s, wishing he had go at about 80 I think. Long story long I don't much keep alcohol in the house at times like this. Normal times, a glass or glass and 1/2 wine with supper is fine. Now, I am in all honesty if not afraid of it, at least respectful. It is so easy to self medicate ourselves out of a world that at the moment is too painful.
There's no question. This is something else again.

Oh, ya, not sure I answered the question in the title of this post, so here goes. How this virus is wrecking my life: I have more anxiety, I drink more alcohol, I work out more but excesses in other areas surely cancel the benefits, I eat too much macaroni and cheese, the place I always went for solace (church) is closed. I am sad, I am heartbroken that those without family will eat alone during the holidays because the state closed all indoor dining, I lost hope for a better tomorrow, and lost belief that humanity is kind.

OK That has been my "POINT" the entire time.

People are not following the safety guidelines. That is the reason they are still not allowing visitors in some nursing facilities.

They are afraid visitors will go into nursing facilities and not follow the safety precautions and the ones in charge will not enforce it.

Just think, If people would do their job, there could be visitors.

katskorner said'

"The comment made about swine flu is deceptive. "CDC estimates show those infections resulted in about 274,000 hospitalizations and 12,500 deaths, or a fatality rate of 0.02% among case."

While that 2009-10 swine/H1N1 flu did fit the criteria for a pandemic (which usually refers to something affecting multiple countries, but it can be widespread in just one country), the comparison doesn't really work. People don't think too much about it, because it really didn't impact so many. Those who got sick and/or died, yes, but it didn't pan out to be such a ubiquitous flu, was brought under control and so it has not made as much of an impression on people as the 1918 flu pandemic or this virus. As a result, no lockdowns were needed - it wasn't spreading unchecked through businesses, facilities, cities.

In 1918, there were no vaccines and very little in the way of treatments. It was also an H1N1 strain, but for many reasons in addition to no vaccines or treatments, it ran rampart and killed so many people all over the world (having a world war at that time certainly didn't help!)

In 2009-10, we had vaccines and treatments. While the vaccine in use was not for that strain, the "experts" do say that you get some minimal protection if you get the flu shot anyway. As katskorner says, the infection rate and death rates were much lower than it is for the previous pandemic or this one. WHO estimates deaths worldwide might have been as high as 284K. We haven't (technically) hit a year yet, but the deaths in the U.S. alone are almost that high now. NOTE: "For comparison, the WHO estimates that 250,000 to 500,000 people die of seasonal flu annually." That's worldwide. U.S. deaths from this virus have already crossed the lower threshold of worldwide est flu deaths, with no end in sight. Worldwide the number of deaths from this virus is about 1.3M so far, twice the high est of flu deaths.

For the 2 flu epidemics, yes, it seemed to hit the relatively young and healthy harder, where typical flus hit the young and old harder. For this virus, it does hit the elderly hard, esp those confined to care facilities (closer contact) and those old and younger with pre-existing conditions. It isn't fully understood, but they learn more every day. The scary thing is it does seem to be impacting more younger people, even children, as it spreads, and there are some long term lingering affects for many. That usually isn't the case for the flus.

If this virus can't be brought under control somehow, it will certainly rival the 1918 pandemic. We shouldn't forget the "swine" flu either, as there is potential for it to come back, but for now it pales in comparison.

It seems pretty clear to me from the super spreader events that aerosol transmission is a real thing, it's not just droplets from up close and personal contact.


Thank God, our mayor cancelled all of our music festivals!

New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival is a top notch festival that people attend from all over the world.

I have attended this festival from the very first one. It has grown into a huge gathering.

French Quarter festival has grown, along with VooDoo Fest and many others.

We had our big outbreak after our Mardi Gras parades, also attended by most locals and tourists from all around the world.

Naturally parades are outdoors but we have our Mardi Gras Balls. I have been. They are long events with a huge party afterwards.

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