
I read an interesting technical article last night that talked about the NPH "triad"--urinary inconvenience, gait problems and dementia.

I think it's important to know that if your loved one presents with these symptoms, getting them checked out and insisting on brain imaging can help establish what's going on.

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INCONTINENCE!! Oy, spellcheck.

Thx Barb. This is why proper testing and an informed diagnosis is important when anyone's behaviour/habits change.

I have read posters here who write "What's the point of a diagnosis?" Family assumes that the senior has a dementia when they see behavioral and other changes. In many cases they do have dementia, but there are other conditions that have the same or similar symptoms. Thus the need for evaluation and appropriate testing.

Well to be fair incontinence is definitely inconvenient .🤣

A lot of people here on the forum have expressed the opinion that there is no point in seeking a definitive diagnosis but I've always pushed back against that because the many kinds of dementia have differing challenges and timelines, plus as you have pointed out there are other conditions that can cause dementia like symptoms.

That’s true , it is important to rule out other causes of behavior change especially if it is sudden .

This is what a Woman at Church had. Her symptoms were just like someone with Dementia.

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