Caring for Parents

  • 11 Downsizing Tips for Seniors Who Are Moving to Assisted Living

    Packing and purging personal belongings can be an emotionally challenging process, especially for older adults. Keep these tips in mind when cleaning out your parents’ house to make downsizing a smooth and positive experience for the whole family.

  • Should I Have to Take Care of My Elderly In-Laws?

    For many, being a family caregiver involves our own aging parents and our significant other’s mom and dad, too. When dealing with elderly in laws, how much care can you be expected to provide, and how much say do you have in their care decisions?

  • Caregiving Can Change Your Perspective on Your Own Future Care

    Adult children who care for their aging parents take an illuminating (and, at times, unpleasant) look into their own future. Caregivers often vow to make changes to prevent passing the burden of their future care onto their offspring.

  • How I Survived Caregiving

    This is my story about how I committed to caregiving, adapted to my role, overcame caregiver burnout, and learned to thrive despite the many hurdles and setbacks I faced.

  • How to Respond to ‘I’m Not Moving to a Nursing Home!’

    When faced with the prospect of moving to a senior living community, aging loved ones make their objections very clear to family and friends. Experts share how to respond to the most common excuses seniors use to avoid discussing assisted living.

  • Paying for Assisted Living: When Siblings Split Costs, What Is Fair?

    Most seniors can’t cover the monthly costs of assisted living on their own. How do families decide whether adult children should financially contribute to their parents' care, and, if they do, who pays how much?

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Do Parents Really Want to Live with Their Adult Children?

    It is a common belief that seniors would prefer to move in with their children as their needs grow. However, the challenges of multigenerational living make the decision to live with an adult child's family difficult for all involved.

  • Encouraging Parents to Socialize After the Move to Senior Living

    After moving to senior living, family caregivers are often surprised to find their once-social parents refusing to participate in activities and isolating themselves from other residents. Here are some ways to help ease the transition into senior housing.

  • Talking to Elderly Parents About Finances

    Financial talks with aging parents don't have to be awkward or emotional. If you’re struggling to get started, use these seven tips from financial advisors to ease into discussing money and aging with Mom and Dad.

  • Discussing Caregiving with Your Boss

    When you add the title "full-time employee" to caregiving duties, it can be overwhelming. How do you balance the care needs of an aging loved one and make sure there is a regular paycheck to help your own finances?

  • Selling Your Elderly Parent's Home When They Have Dementia

    Many adult children are faced with the prospect of selling their parents’ homes to pay for their care. This may make sense financially but can be legally complex. Here’s what a caregiver should know before trying to sell their aging parent's home.

  • How to Survive Caring for Multiple Elders at the Same Time

    Time management is never easy for family caregivers, but for those who are caring for more than one person, balancing it all can seem impossible. Use these tips to prioritize seniors’ needs, find respite care and avoid caregiver burnout.

  • The Legacy Conversation: Talking About Funeral Arrangements

    Family caregivers are responsible for handling many challenging tasks, and funeral planning is usually one of them. Talking to aging parents about death is never easy, but these tips can help you get the conversation started.

  • Celebrating Special Occasions When a Loved One Has Dementia

    When a senior has dementia, celebrating holidays, birthdays and other special occasions becomes increasingly complicated. I found that, especially on Valentine's Day, helping my parents honor their years of love and marriage did serve a purpose.

  • 5 Tips for Helping Aging Parents Without Taking Over

    Many adult children approach caring for elderly parents in a way that is perceived as overbearing instead of supportive. Use these tips to ensure you’re taking charge without taking over.

  • Assisted Living Checklist: What to Look for in Senior Housing

    To help you find the best choice in assisted living, here is a list of basic questions to ask when you are comparing assisted living communities for your elderly parents. Print a checklist for each assisted living community you visit.

  • Caregiver Tips for Enjoying Holidays With Seniors

    Learn how to adapt cherished traditions and discover ideas for new customs that will keep the holiday season festive (yet simple) for you and your aging loved one.

  • Conversation Starters: 20 Questions to Ask Your Elderly Parents

    How well do you really know your parents? Use these life review questions to help you gain new appreciation for the elders in your family, lift their spirits and preserve a bit of family history in the process.

  • Working Caregivers Are Giving Back to Parents

    Most working caregivers are caring for elderly parents who either live with them or within 10 miles of their homes. Caregivers are spending 13 days a month on errands, and 6 days providing personal services like bathing, grooming, dressing and feeding.

  • Should I stay with my parent on their first day at adult day care?

    Staying with your mom for a while the first time you drop her off at adult day care is a good idea and might help ease the transition.

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